Friday, April 22, 2011

weekend highlights

designer : appointment set!
olla b2b dearies!! hehe.. tergood mood plak. mayb sbb dh free. cume nk tggu the meeting je at 8pm. oleh maka yg demikian ntah pkul bape la i dpt blk ni nnt. but anyway, im just the very the happy cz smlm the designer dh confirmkan the time n date for our meeting! perasaan : teruja!

so, tomorrow it is.. me n my entourage are going to see him at his house. hikhik.. siap bwk entourage kau.. actually bukan entourage ape. its just my sister-in-laws. i dont know why but i really want their involvement in this. nak2 plak bakal kakak2 ipar saye sume stylista2 belaka. =)

excited ade, nervous ade, suke gembire ade, takut ade.. mcm2 plak feeling ni. excited cz finally im working on my baju nikah. huhuhu.. baju nikah wey!! baju nikah!! nervous sbb i takut if the baju nikah wont turn out good *mintak simpang mintak jauh*. suke gembire sbb mcm xcaye je. "ya Allah, bakal merasa jgak kau ye zafira. kau ingat lagi kau dulu kecik2 selekeh mcmane? kau ingat lg dulu kau sekolah duit belanje bape posen je? n skrg kau nk tempah baju nikah kau dgn designer dh? tahniah la fira eh.. merasa gak kau. berkat titik peluh sendiri." takut sebab skali tetibe org tu kate, "kau ni kan, budget ciput ade hati nk buat dgn aku. sgt xclass la kau ni!" 


tp, akan i gagahi jgak semate2 utk mengadakan hari yg paling bermakna dlm hidup i ini. =P tp serious i tatau ape nk ckp dgn designer tu nnt. mcmane nk explain ape yg i nk? i ni dh la kalo gugup ayat putar2 lebih putar lagi dari bahase sanskrit mahupun urdhu. harap kau bertahan la ye designer. nk bawak pic as reference mcm xbagus je. kalo chef la, mahu di maki huma nye org yg cobe nk ngajar die masak *top chefs of cz*. i xtau designer mcmane plak. i hope he really can get what i mean. insyallah.. but to be honest kalo bole bawak reference pun i xjumpe lg baju yg sebijik mcm yg i nk. well, kalo stakat suh copy 100% baik suh tailor je buat. n i also hope this designer can come out with fresh design. exclusively n the first of it kind for me. *fira, kau ni mmg perasan yg kau ni anak menteri kan. dh la budget kau duit gaji sendiri yg taik2 gigi tu je. ade hati..*

but anyway, we'll see.. hopefully it'll turn out good. and kalo everything went well, i dgn xsegan silu akan share hasil nye dgn geng2 sume. jgn bimbang jgn takut. i xreview bende mahal cz senanye i pun xmampu. ape yg i tunjuk sume budget2 pekerja am saje. so insyallah kite semua bole afford. 

ngeee.. xsabar nk tgk die sketch baju saye nnt!!!

to the expo
no more eye-ing on "things" lg lps ni. dh xperlu berleher angsa lagi kalo ke pameran/expo/karnival pengantin. hakikatnya vendor2 sume i dh settle kan except for one thing. CATERER. kalo ikut pade checklist i bulan ni, to confirm caterer is part of the item. so far cume survey2 mcm tu je. no inquiry made yet. nk tanye tp takut the maks n the abahs  plak mcmane cz this is suppose to be on them. so, i try kaw tim dgn my FSIL utk ajak the FPIL to the expo this weekend. actually mereka are sooo not into this expo2 thingy (i rase la). but i just nk stress kan yg actually byk benefit yg kite dpt kalo kite dpt book caterer kat expo2 ni. 1. sbb the harga can sometime b cheaper than their normal price. 2. kekadang diorg ni byk offer special gifts mase2 mcm ni. byk freebies. 3. harga booking yg rendah. of which kalo normal diorg akan mintak beberapa percent of payment utk secure kan date while mase expo ni bayar bape ratus je dulu dh bole secure date. so with this little prayer i have in heart n finger cross, semoga mereka nk la hendaknye ke expo ni esok lepas jumpe designer tu sekali gus mencapai sesuatu dan melengkapkan checklist saye.. =D


Super Ummi said...

hmm.. hujung minggu kita pun mcm2 nak buat... Jom g ekspo.. =)

fira. said...

miss sunshine : weekend i boring je. last2 xpgi mane2 pun.. =(