ever since the cincin, i rase sgt terharu knowing that azam yg beli kan utk i. mmg its not mahal mane or thats the most expensive thing he ever bought for me, but i dont know why i tetibe jadi sentimental sgt. mungkin sbb its a wedding ring which soon to be put on my finger oleh die. a man of my life.
before this i ade ckp yg i nk belikan die cincin jgak. tp tatau knp satu dua hari ni i rase mcm xnk plak. i rase mcm nk beli kan die satu jam yg yg plg habis i bole afford utk die bole simpan smpai bile2. imagine this, by the time azam dh semakin tua, who knows die dpt jd dato' ke tan sri where he can always buy new watches like from rolex or tag heuer or chopard or whatever yet die akan bukak satu kotak yg contain jam yg paling mahal which is the one i bought for him for our wedding day. hehe.. jgn la geli. smlm i cite kat azam kitorg nyaris menangis keesakkan tau *ya rite, skrg i yg geli*
so, i dh fikir masak2.. during my sis' trip to uk tgh bln ni nnt, i just nk kirim suruh die belikan jam je. i dont care if he dont likes it but im sure he'll still like it knowing that i beli tu dgn hati yg sgt sincere.. yes, jam is already part of the list of hantaran for him but mase tu i ingat asal nk beli je. tp skrg i rase i nk beli btol2 punye. dgn sepenuh kasih syg. ahakz.. kirim anything for me? nmpk gayenye xla. xpe, dulu kan org tersayang.
hmm, kalau kita kat tempat fira.. mesti terharu jugak... Semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat..
beshnya !!!!! sweet dear. !!!! xsabar nk tgk hehehe :p
miss sunshine : thanks dear.. i pun nk ckp semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat kepada diri i jgak. huhuhu.. xla.. to u too.. *hugs*
nora : ngeee.. xla sweet mane. biase je. tu je yg mampu. *padahal belom beli pun lagi*
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