Thursday, January 6, 2011

reception on friday nite. ok ke?

aiyark.. kalo pk pasal preps rase mcm lajunye mase berlalu. tp kalo pk psl nk cuti cz tiap2 pagi bgn gi kje asik terfikir, alamak, bile nk hari ahad ni, lambat plak hari tu rasenye berlalu. hurm.. ape pun, yg penting perlu didahulukan. on previous post i did mentioned psl halls kan. hurm.. skrg baru ku sedar, its not a small matter tau. dalam ati ni asik ckp sendiri je "kalo kau xdpt hall within this month, confirm kau kawin dpn rumah je". unless terterime surat wasiat daripada seorg org kaya yg purposely pick random ppl to accept his will which even in my wildest dream pun susah nk jadi, bole la kite petik je mane2 hotel n hall kan. tp for skrg ni, no money no talk.

on my wedding day aka my special day, mmg rase mcm sume pun nk gune duit sendiri. dulu time blom kje ade gak rase cam nk buat surat mintak sponsorship dgn mak, abah, su.. tp skrg dh tuka plak. bkn sbb malu tp sbb xtau nape rase lagi puas kalo sume pun dihandle sendiri. but of cz, mak abah nk gak contribute. n harus diingatkan yg aku ni still ade mak bapak lagi. alhamdullillah.. nak2 plak mak abah ku mmg cool n supportive. 

so, ckp psl dewan, mmg skrg ni dewan mbsa je yg available on 23rd december n according to my dad, date tu mmg tgh hold hanye utk saye buat sementare waktu ni. *haih.. nasib abah ade cable mbsa* but to hold lame2, tu lemak sgt name nye. cable xcable. so, saye asik di push oleh abah utk decide. tidakkk!! susah kot. byk bende nk kne consider. kate xnk buat majlis mlm. tp mak kate xpe, ari sabtu kite bole buat small kenduri kt rumah sbg tanda kesyukuran. hurm.. still xpuas ati. celaru sesgt2 ni.

the pros to hold reception on hari jumaat malam:
1. since nikah dh buat siang tu, so no need la nk buat mlm berinai cz majlis sanding pun dh dilangsung kan terus.

2. in terms of guest, memandangkan hari cuti sekolah, mungkin longgar for my cuzens especially side my mom cz diorg xyah tggu anak2 diorg blk skola. kalo bab kje plak, most aunties n uncles on mak's side mcm flexible. (tp xla smpai nk buat ari rabu tu pun kire flexible) furthermore, im sure they will attend my nikah session so instead of blk rumah n then the next day dtg blk, might as well stay terus.

3. side abah plak, hurm.. some of them bole but some of them mayb kne consider. tgk pade institusi kekeluargaan yg agak erat, mungkin it wont b too berat. in fact wan is the only org tua left in the family. i mean byk anak2 sedare yg dh berumur2 tu anggap die mcm mak sendiri cz their mom (or wan's sibling) dh ramai yg passed away.

4. its cuti skola n ujung thn what.. abis kan la annual leave tu terus dh alang2 tu. hehehe..

the cons to hold reception on hari jumaat malam:
1. owh, how i dont like it to be on waktu mlm. time yg tide. kalo yg mane dtg jauh tu, pkul bape plak diorg nk smpai. do i have to wait for them. pkul bape plak nnt nk abis? hurm.. tp, since its actually started dari pagi mayb some close friends n families will definitely stay. so, instead of having after party, kite buat ala-ala pre party dulu. huhu..

2. ade ke org yg interested nk dtg? based on my experience kje kt convention centre, those wedding yg buat friday nite seems like having no problem. same je tgk kalo buat hari2 biase tu pun. tp tu laa.. mlm beb, nnt event tu msti kejap je. i mean, expecting guests to settle by 8.30pm (kalau settle 8.30pm. kalo 9pm xsettle2? dh gamble..) the bride n groom to arrive on 8.45pm. mkn start 9pm. 9.30pm renjis. 10pm sesi bergambar + kalo yg nk mkn lg mkn. 11pm blk.. hurm.. tu je ke??

3. kalo guest i degil mcmane? sesat ke.. nnt smpai pkul 9.30pm plak mcmane? sobs..

so, disini, kecenderungan nye masih belum dpt dilihat. need some help, fast.. do drop something in my comment. pls pls.. pretty pls.. 


LisaLisut said...

i suka idea berangan ade org kaya bg wasiat tu.hahah i sll pk cmtu jugakkkkkkkkk;p

once bakal mak mertua i penah joking kata,wedding malam2 kesian kat org tua2 yg rabun.tak nmpk pengantinnye..jauh..hehehe..

its ok je babe buat malam.yg penting u suka jugak :)

fira. said...

whoaa.. berpandangan jauh la future M.I.L u. hahaha.. tu antara bende penting utk diconsider tu. hurm.. terima kasih.. terima kasih..