Tuesday, January 18, 2011

hari happy!

yay! smlm n hari ni (so far) im in a happy mode. alhamdulillah everything yg kat office dh di settle sepantas kilatnya. then smlm, i chat dgn anis (a good friend) n we talk so much about my wedding. owh, sungguh terharu bile anis pun excited on the deco mcm saye. seriously, sume pun nk kan wedding yg cantik2 kan. kalo bole sefairy tale yg bole (sile jgn prejudice, fairy tale xtertumpu hanya pada candy color itu saje je ye. name pun fairy tale, so kalo fairy tale kau glam, glam la. kalo fairy tale kau dark, dark la) but ape pun, sume org msti ade fairy tale mereka sendiri. n of cz i had mine. bile berjalan melompat2 dari satu blog to another, jumpe deco2 yg sgt sweet n lovely, one thing i had in mind "how i wish i could have it on my wedding day". too bad my only limitation is on my budget. the things n such is too expensive utk budget saye yg ngam2 choi ni. imagine, at least 1k for only 30 centerpieces? wht about another 70? so, nk kne tambah duit la? *spank head*

ohh, lupe nk announce officially kan, utk wedding kami nnt, kenduri me n azam akan di combine! wohooo.. so, byk cost bole save di situ. bapak2 ibu2 sume ok. n i really stress this to them, that im on a budget. this is my wedding, so im gonna use my own budget. alhamdulillah, mereka mengerti. dlm perit ade rase bangga. alahai susah nya hampir sume dibahu saya. harus la saya berkerja lebih kuat lagi. deep down inside, i pray to God. tolong la permudahkan urusan hamba-Mu ini. insyallah.. *wahhh.. saya bermukaddimah!*

Reason 1
ok, sambung cerita happy.. so, as i chat with anis, kami berdiskusi mengenai  lokasi n dekorasi. btw, anis ni seorg interior designer yg bertauliah. sebelum ni, i did raise this issue to kaklin n cuzie elya. diorg must help me to do the diy thingy especially on the centerpieces. of cz, u cant expect me to be there early in the morning  to set up centerpieces. so, i need some hand. alhamdulillah, anis delighted to share me her expertise yg psti nya sgt creative tu. nak2 pulak our taste is almost the same. she can read my mind n i can read hers. wohoo!! xsabarnye nk berchat, bercerita n berdiskusi dgn lebih pjg lebar lg.

As i go further with anis, rase nye lebih byk lg yg possible. al maklum, kakitangan dh bertambah. kitorg borak2 pjg kut2 byk lagi bende lain yg made possible to diy hari tu kan. n actually yes! nnt nk discuss dgn die on the guest registration tables (cz nnt akan ade 2) , guest book, photo booth n anything yg possible. siap ade discuss cane nk buat mini pelamin sendiri lagi. haaa... jgn main2. so, tu ade la antara sebab musabab apasal la smlm happy gile. rupe2 nye sbb dh nmpk hope di situ. yay!!

So, angan2 nk buat mcm ni. i mean the table n the signage. tp xde la nk buat sebijik mcm ni cz of cz, i have my own personal theme.

centrepiece yg ala2 mcm ni

photo booth camni. comel kan??

source : google
Reason 2
Ptg smlm lepas blk keje, i terus ajak azam gi section 7. saje nk check check check it out hall. gatal la kate kan.. n nasib baik jgak azam tgh dlm nada stabil walaupun byk sgt halangan melanda. masuk2 entrance i dh mentioned to azam, "start dr sini kite dh bole start deco!" jawap nye, "lu ingat lu kawin dgn dato' ke?" owh.. tersentap jap dgr. alarm call tu.. suh jgn angan tinggi2 sgt. pijak dibumi yg nyata. mase kitorg gi tu xde sape2 pun. to be honest dat was my first time pegi tpt tu. sebelum ni tgk dari google je. tu pun ximpress langsung. tp, bile dh ade kt tpt tu sendiri, serta merta slogan sony terucap2 dikepala. yupp, this is made.believe. i can picture everythng yg dh di plan right in front of my eyes. cant wait to confirm my booking. so far, i've got the date. cume nk hantar surat n proceed with the deposit. alahai.. cpt la azam settle kan on ur side. dh xsanggup dikecewakan hanya kerna mslh hall lg. nway, by hook or by crook, ptg ni nk hntr gak surat tu. actually sume pun dh siap tp msti la dpt bersetujuan dr kedua2 belah pihak. my side, settled. azam's, if according tu plan hari tu bole je but respect la kan. double check on the pricing kut2 ade second thought.

So, spjg perjalanan pulang, me n azam tersengih2. cant believe we already there. its sooo close n pstu kitorg kawin. omg, dh nk masuk 7thn rupenye. rase mcm baru ari tu knal, gado nangis2 siap tumbuk2. tehehehe.. n skrg dh nk kawin. best3.. =P

Reason 3
mlm td secara xsengaja terimbau nostalgia lame ketika menonton cerita Putera tahun 1995. lakonan Joe dari kumpulan Wings n erma fatimah. fuhhh, Joe mase tu ade ciri2 lelaki pilihan kut. tehehe.. sbb kan cite tu i masih tersengih2 diwaktu pagi. weee... seronok nye!

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