Wednesday, January 19, 2011

jiwa kacau

haih.. smlm baru je buat entry pasal hari happy. skrg ni jiwa kacau plak. yg pelik2 la si fira ni. hurm. well, hati ni jd xsenang bile pk kan pasal hall. like i did mentioned on the previous entry, that day by hook or by crook, i must send the letter to the management of the hall. n yes, i did that. so far, the management have given me a good response as well as a prompt service. they are real fast so its like im expecting the reply like every half an hour. tp ape kan daya, hari ni public holiday thaipusam. sudah pasti la diorg cuti. hoih.. ade jgak cube sedap kn hati agar bertenang lah sedikit. tp xtenang jgak. ade ke patut bole nervous. cipan btol perasaan ni. aiyark!!! tolong!!!

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