Friday, November 26, 2010

I need a serious make over!

this entry is actually posted due to my super extremely boringness while waiting for a function to end. fyi, im working in a convention centre n its a big guilt if i just left this place if there's still a function on. (tp kekadang aku langgar gak)

so, mengadap la daku dihadapan skrin pc ini. mencari dan terus mencari sesuatu yg berkenan dihati. well actually.. bln ni mmg plan nk tuka few things. nk make over bilik, almari n rambut skali. bilik saya owh well, SGT la organize. well, im not the type yg slalu terperuk kt dlm bilik. kadang2 dlm satu hari cume masuk bilik utk tuka baju je. hehehe.. tp rase nye, by 2011, i need to change that attitude. nk lebih duduk dlm bilik plak cz xlame lg im not gonna have MY own room lg. 

currently, my room is paint in blue. tp xpyh la sampai nk cat semule. rasenye cukup dgn sekadar menukar concept. i've no specific concept in mind but looking forward to sleep in a new, cool, cosy room.. anything that makes me sleep easily will do. hari tu kt ou ade msk this 1girlish room. azam kate "u nk ke letak bende2 ni sume dlm bilik u?" mase tu he's referring to some cute horsy cushions n i said "why not! i kan pompuan" hurm.. i take that as a challenge. yes, i still want to sleep with cute, soft colored cushions around me. n as for other things, i'll keep it simple n minimal. so, i google through to find some inspirations. got my eyes lock for this room :

the color n the stripes really attract me. kalo bole nk ade bench mcm tu jgak kt bilik. heee.. bestnye.. bole duduk2!

ni pun best jgak. rase mcm kakak2 which i sometimes hate to be kakak2. just cantik mate memandang. tp utk saye mengigal (term family saye utk org yg gile2, xbole duduk diam, ala2 nk clumsy) tu sudah pasti mustahil. so mungkin bole simpan je inspirasi ni bile rase dh sedia nk jd kakak2 kelak. jumpe jgak mcm2 lg style lain. but xattracted sgt. esok kje ptg so pg tu nk ajak azam beli brg. where to? tesco kut. bkn ikea for sure. im a cheapskate skit. well, mmg patut la utk org bergaji rendah dan ber-taste bsr utk jd begitu kn. heee..


Make Over Almari

ckp pasal make over almari, tu tandanya saya nk shopping baju lg. hehehe.. memandangkan sekarang ni musim Y.E.S, xmungkin la kalo xtergoda drpd nk beli baju2 idaman sebelum ni. nk kate dh ade yg berkenan dihati tu xla. but i extremely need a new pair of pants. terpandang beberapa blogshop yg jual tapered pants. owh, kelihatan sgt awesome lah! price range dkt blogesphere starts from RM44 to RM65. hurm.. nk beli ke tidak. nk beli ke tidak. rasenye tunggu dulu sbb kite kne survey kt physical shop jugak kan (kn dh ckp yg saye ni cheapskate) hari tu ade gi uptown sec24, shah alam. well, not bad gak kt situ. yg penting kne pandai cari. buat ape nk abis kn duit kt something yg lebih kurang same but the different cume ade logo mng n yg beli kt uptown. too bad dlm mase tedekat ni xde bazaar2 yg awesome. kalo nk tggu ade mmg dh abis la duit saye. hehehe.. xsbr lg nk belanja kan duit saye (owh, how i wish it'll never finish) so, antara yg saye paling suke adalah seperti yang :




dan bermacam2 lagiiiii!!!

**kalo minat jugak can just visit the website seperti yg telah diwatermark di gambar2 sekian**


Make Over Rambut
adalah yg saye paling takuuut!!! but i seriously need it actually. dh mule boring dgn gaya rambut skrg. according to kak lin i have to start keeping my hair long supaye nk kawin nnt senang nk dandan. hehehe.. so, i wont cut my hair short anymore. since im soooo jenis yg cepat rimas, i need a hair style yg langsung xmessy. ikat adalah jalan yg paling cepat n senang. tp xmo la ikat2 lg. adakah rebonding jln penyelesaiannye? kite lihat nnt.

gtg, the functions over!!!

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