Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh My Mimi!

It was Tuesday nite, Aliff give me this one super suspend call about mimi. katenye mimi masuk hospital. n i was like wht?? nasib baik mase tu mmg dh nk blk n azam pun dh smpai. so i made my moves faster than ever. nasib jugak she was admitted to DEMC which is only few blocks away from my place. honestly mase tu, rase cam nk marah je for everything that went wrong. marah azam cz xlock kereta cpt2. marah aliff sbb bagi direction yg sukar difahami. n bile dh msk hospital cuak n nervousnye bile dgr suare baby nangis. was it mimi? sounds like mimi.. but tgk2, it wasnt mimi. as soon as she saw me, she like wants to jump to me which rasenye before this xde pun die mcm tu. as always i asked things like how does it happened? how did they found out..

This is wht i've been told
Seperti biasa pukul 6pm mak n kak umi will tercongok dpn tv tgk cerite cinta dan anugerah lakonan cowok dari malaysia Ashraff Sinclair on tv9. n mimi pun seperti biase dgn lagak gayanye akan kehulur n kehilir utk menggirangkan hatinye yg masih comel tu. according to mak, die main mcm biase n tejatuh mcm biase. but to their surprise, she accidently bit her own tongue. at first ingat xde pape cz she cried n stop n start playing mcm biase. sampai la die tdo n bgn smule n xhenti2 nangis. so my sister n abg ipar pun terus bwk die ke klinik nik ishak. pstu, doctor tu pun dgn segera mengeluarkan surat bertulis utk membenarkan mimi mendapatkan rawatan pakar kat hospital. bersyukur sgt2 nye bile nmpk mimi still happy2 n joy2. mase tu betapa aku xnk nye dgr mimi nangis cz i dont even want mimi to feel any pain. i'd do anything to make her happy. n she does look happy mlm tu. walaupun hakikatnye she looks so sick that night.

*told u she looks sick. she'll cry everytime she sees kaklin cz nk susu. but doctor kate she cant drink anything*

*n this boy slalu je buat mimi senyum2. hehe.. ade pape ni..*

so dlm pukul 11pm lebih mcm tu, mimi masuk dlm ward baiduri room 309. well, the new DEMC mmg cantik lah.. dari dulu, lift 1, sempit.. skrg dh better. in fact way better dari SMC . Impressive.. hihihi.. berbalik pada cerita mimi. masuk2 dlm ward die dilekakan bermain remote tv yg mengeluarkan bunyi. hihihi.. she's so cute! 

until the doctor came n the room started to filled with tense. poor mimi.. she know nothing. sedih + takut sgt time tu. so i try to avoid thinking crap by staying in the room tgk showdown instead to follow mak n kak lin n abg faiz to wait for mimi at the OT. but naluri mak cik mithali kan, by 12something i went down to the 2nd floor n there i am with mak n abg faiz waiting for mimi. the clock is ticking n it show something almost 1am. i saw mimi's doctor came out of the OT. in less than a minute, mimi pun keluar. poor baby, die nangis je. muke pun nmpk sakit. tah ape la die rase time tu.

Day 2
Bgn je tdo pkul 7lebih pagi, mak n i rushed to DEMC with kak umi n ariff. sampai2 ward, mimi yg comel2 tgh nk mkn. weee... comel nye die. happy je. according to pak long budak ni mcm tpu je. mcm xsakit pun. hihihi.. lega sgt tgk die. mase doctor datang pun die siap bole lambai2 lagi doctor tu. but end up nangis mase nk check blood pressure n temperature die. so, soalan demi soalan diajukan pada doctor tu. 

bape stiches kene 
how long is the luke 
 5cm & very deep (mimi nye lidah pun tah baru bape cm)
sume doctors dlm ot tekejut tgk mimi punye lidah cz its actually nearly putus. (OMG)

but lucky sumenye ok. tgk angin n mood mimi hari tu sgt best. sempat main ba chak lg dgn kak syaira n syaneem yg dtg menziarah. (thank you!!)

*xdpt control air liur sampai basah baju. tp xpe mimi, i know it hurts. i love u*

dgr je doctor ckp mimi dh ok n boleh blk tghari tu jgak, sume org happy sgt. lega xterhingga!

The next following day
mlm tu, dpt la kite sume tdo dgn hati yg tenang. so as expected, pg tu msti dgr suare mimi as my alarm call. n tgk2 betul. but unlike always, this time mimi nangis cz mak abah die gi kje. biase ditepuk2 nye muke ku suruh bgn. tp xpe, cz she's my baby, i pun bgn dgn penuh sabar to cool her down. to my surprise, she look worse than the day before. mayb cz she cant adapt the uncomfortable feeling inside her mouth yet. kesian.. so on that day, i dont make her cry at all. not even once.. 

*kesian baby mimi*

n this is more pics of mimi during the incident...

*mimi n daddy*

*she's one happy kid*

*this is mimi exactly the noon before 'things' happened. happy happy joy joy*

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