salam jumaat!
skrg ni sedikit free sbb tgh tggu org siap kan report utk saya. kalo kerja tergendala, SILA JGN SALAH KAN IBU MENGANDUNG.
baik lah, hari ni i ni review 2movie yg i just watched back-2-back last monday. *hihi.. xsangka dh jumaat kan? kalo everyweek ade 4hari weekend n 3hari kerja kan best*
last monday i purposely took a day off alang2 selasa tu mmg cuti labor day. husband n i were just at our room mostly doing nothing. until the clock is ticking to 6pm, n we started to bored. *dh nk maghrib baru nk kate boring*.
husband suggested to watch movie so watch movie it is.. malas sungguh rasenye nk menempuh nkve. ape tah lagi diwaktu ptg. tiket wayang di OU pun masih blom pasti. so we decided to watch movies at the only cinema n shah alam n yes, its our first time too.
actually, i xkemaruk sgt nk tgk movie. but husband yg kemain byk btol cerita yg die nk tgk. sudahnye, kitorg tgk the avengers n berani punya budak back-2-back.
The Avengers
kepada sesape yg kate cite ni xbest, oiiiiiiii... tolong la pgi skolah blk. hehehe.. to me, cerita ni complete! hero nye hemsem, kuat, klako, pandai, berani.. hish! mmg xsia2 la die tunggu scarlett johanson free utk jd natasha romanoff. *korg pun tau kan spatutnye cite ni keluar last year tp sbb director ke sape tah nk jgak si scarlett ni blakon dlm cite ni so diorg tggu*.
the cast combination, marvelous i tell u! i love the fact that its funny too.. *faveret saya dlm panggung mmg gelak*. n yes, the action mmg superb. cerita nye pun menarik. musuh yg berasal dari asgard iaitu adik kepada thor *comel kan, dlm byk2 villain, loki dari thor yg die pilih* dtg muncul nk menakluki dunia. loki plak dh la comel. bodoh2 alang. i suke la! seriously, husband n i dont mind tgk lagi cite ni..
even dh smpai rumah pun we were laughing n talking n repeating the scripts n gelak byk2.. yupp.. thats how much we love the movie.
ok2, cite byk pun xgune sbb cite ni lagi best dari ape yg i cite.
selepas lebih 2jam durasi cerita ni, kitorg sambung tgk cite berani punye budak. tiket die, kitorg dh beli siap2 skali dgn avengers tadi..
Berani Punya Budak
untuk cerita ni plak, siapa yg kate cerita ni best, sila la pergi skola blk. hahahahahaha.. sbb cerita ni terlalu mengarut. i know, sometimes mengarut can be a joke but pls la.. yg dlm cerita ni mmg i n azam xbole terima. mmg sejak azali im not a fan of afdlin shauki's movies. i like his acting but not his idea in directing. he's funny, indeed.. tp kalo dibuat2, erkkkk... maaf kan saya, saya xsuke.
to me cerita ni terlalu byk action. action2 pun bkn la tahap ong bak ke, karate kid ke ape. biase la street fight. pstu die punye ngomelan panjang *sbb konon2 diorg mcm alih bahasa thai ke malay* yg xrelated tu i xfaham.. diorg ingat kelakar ke bile tetibe cerita pasal bende yg xberkait?
azam kata afdlin sendiri admit yg cerita ni cerita paling mengarut yg die pnah buat. its totally mengarut so now we know that he's right. tp i rase xpayah la sampai nk hasil kan produk yg merepek kn. xmemasal mendapat kritikan xbertauliah mcm i.
i mmg jenis xtdo dlm panggung. but less that half an hour of the movie, laki aku kt sebelah dh berdengkur. about 45mins later, we just cant stand n we go back. there goes our money on a couple seat tp kitorg xduduk smpai movie habis pun. if u guys teringin skali pun nk tgk, bazir kan saje duit dirumah dgn mem-purchase astro first. untung2 kalo bosan bole tukar channel. or kalo xheran tp xcaye i kate cite ni xbest, tggu je la raya. insyallah keudara.
suami dh smpai. blk dulu yek... selamat jalan!
avengers memang terbaik dari ladang lahhh
sep sket pighaaaa. i sukeee giler avengers. i tgk 3d. mantoppp. nk g beli dvd pulak. nk tgk lagi dan lagi. hehe
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