Monday, November 3, 2014

family trip - bali 2014 (part 3)

Hi everyone..

Happy weekend n happy november. Pejam celik pejam celik dh nk habis tahun 2014. Its been an amazing year kan. Ok la, nak sambung psl bali yg xberkesudahan tu. Here we go.....

On my previous post, i stopped at day 2 when we were in bali. So now let me continue with what had happened and places we went on day 3.

Day 3 was very tiring for us. Most of us were exhausted yg xdpt dibendung. On the day before, kami pulang ke hotel lebih kurang pkul 9/10 mlm kut. Bare in mind that malaysian time n bali's are not much different cume beza nya timing matahari terbit n terbenam di bali lebih cpt. Contoh, waktu subuh di bali lebih kurang pkul 5. The early 5am. Maghrib pulak dlm pkul 6. The early 6pm. Tu la jgak sbb knp kami missed sunset di jimbaran. Sudah la travel jauh, macet sane sini. Amat menduga jiwa.

So, on the 3rd day masing2 lemau. Xcukup tdo. Xcukup mkn pon ye. Alhamdulillah the kids were both being very nice n manageable. Kalo ade yg buat prangai cranky mmg ade yg kne tggl duduk dgn patung gajah kt hotel.

Since the excitement were mostly gone due to the tiredness and body ache, what happened on day 3 aku mcm lupe2 ayam sikit. Lps belek2 gallery br ingat. On day 3 ni kami byk pgi tempat2 iconic bali. Antara nya tasik di bedugul n tanah lot.

Distance dr kuta ke bedugul rase nye mcm 2-3jam perjalanan. Penat bak anggg.. mayb sbb location bedugul yg terletak ditanah tinggi so of course la tempat tu the very the sejuk (but not la very sgt). Basically bedugul has just got that temple on the lake. Nothing much. So cume sightseeing,  bergambor n just "enjoy" the scenery. Its a nice place, cuma aku je bkn jenis org yg menikmati keindahan sgt. Cume sudahnye keras xtau nk buat ape je. Luckily mase kitorg jln2 di taman kt area temple tu kitorg nmpk ade tempat org bela haiwan2 exotic. Bayar skit pstu bole amik gambo dgn haiwan2 die. Memandangkan kami pelancong, guessed why not give it a shot. Dian pon seronok tgk mcm2 haiwan ade. Ade burung helang, burung hantu, kelawar, iguana, ular, burung kakak tua, haaa.. haiwan2 mcm tu.

Lps sightseeing, windu bwk kitorg mkn. Of all the bali restaurant we went, rase nye restaurant kt bedugul makanan die plg acceptable skali. So aku bantai pulun mkn satay ikan dgn goreng pisang die. Goreng pisang bali mmg sedap. Tu je yg layak dipuji. Yg lain, xyah heran pon xpe. Err thats what i think abt the food la. Later, windu bwk kitorg pgi ladang strawberry plak. Neither i or azam gile kan strawberry. So acara memetik strawberry hanya la sekadar mengisi masa lapang. Ohhh btw, aftr lunch td, windu ade drop by kt satu masjid besar di bedugul (they said bedugul is where most muslim in bali live) tp nk naik ke masjid kne panjat tangga semacam di batu caves. So kami batal kan hasrat. Utk trip kali ni, kami allergic tangga skit. So places with crazy numbers of anak tangga was a major no no.

Next, kami menuju ke arah bandar semula (bedugul was a bit to the ceruk2 bali), this time kitorg nk try catch sunset di tanah lot. Tanah lot was a fun place to be. Got to admit, i looove the market area. Tp aku xshopping byk pon. Konon2 nk shopping "sakan" kt krishna. So kami straight saje ke pinggir pantai. That evening, air laut surut. Aku dgn azam sgt gigih angkut stroller meredah batu-batuan tanpa hala tuju. Hasil di tanah lot cume gambo2 sbg kenang kenangan.

Aftr tanah lot, its dinner time. Kali ni mkn mknan yg familiar skit kt tekak masing2. Windu bwk kitorg ke wong solo as promised. Xpayah order pape sbb sume windu dh arranged as it was part of our package, remember? So kami mkn ayam bakar with some sotong goreng tepung and sayur. I enjoyed the food. Kenyang jgak la. But azam mmg bkn fan wong solo. Its too dry to his liking so die masih bersedih. Dian siap melabur2 di wong solo. So semua aktiviti cucian dibuat di wong solo. Wong solo bali yg terletak dikuta ni convenient skit. Its the very the muslim friendly. Ade mussola.

Lps wong solo, kami ke krishna. Kemain krishna siap ade bas2 lagi dtg bwk rombongan agaknye. Tp rupenye shopping di krishna xbest sgt!!!! Waaaa.. menyesal xbeli brg kt tirta empul or tanah lot td. Kt sana market dorg lg byk brg artsy fartsy yg lawa n harga bole tawar. Kalo krishna harga dh fixed n aku rase pilihan pon xbyk. Eh btw lupe nk ckp. Kt tanah lot td, aku sempat rembat telekung bali utk mak n mak mertua aku. Telekung bali fancy2. Printed kauuu.. mcm menyesal xbeli yg tie die utk diri sndiri. Harga nya aku lupe tp xla mahal. So sbb kn agak duka cita dgn hasil penemuan di krishna, aku xbeli brg byk. Sedih sgt. Esok dh la dh nk blk. Ole2 utk keluarga pon xbrape beli lg. Sobssss..

Selesai di krishna kami pulang semula ke hotel. Masing2 dh kepenatan. N husband of course kelaparan. So kitorg order mknan through the room service. Aku pon xmo kalah nk order gak mknan kasi puas perut. Azam konon rindu mknan mesia so he ordered nasi lemak. Tp as i expected, bkn bole same pon nasi lemak mesia dgn nasi lemak bali. So husband masih hampa. End up burger aku jgak yg sedap die mkn.

That night aku mule packing ape2 yg patut. Esok nk blk dh. Tp jln xabis ni. Betapa punye besar daaa bali ni. Mcm2 tempat kne pgi. Tu po we've skipped a few. So the last part of this trip akan menyusul kemudian. Insyallah bile free n in mood, aku sambung celoteh psl trip to bali ni ye.. tata..

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