Tuesday, January 8, 2013

working mom

still xabis lagi cerita pasal anak.. yupp, masih obsess dgn dian. i guess i'll obsess dgn dian smpai bile2 kut. everytime sebut name die, msti akan terpandang2 muke die. 

being a working mom is not so hard. to be specific, to me sbb i daily send dian to my mom's house. nope, bkn my mom yg jage dian. its kak umi. she's my mom's maid. tp kt rumah mak dh xde bende byk nk buat so die jadi mak asuhan dian plak. overall, i mmg suke kak umi jaga dian. die yg jaga my niece mimi sebelum ni. she's indonesian but she dont speak indo. unlike most bibik2 yg sukar memahami n difahami, kak umi sgt modern dan bijak. i trust her. nk tinggal pesan pun senang. xmemandai2. pendek kate she have a malaysian mind so, thats why i trust her to look after dian while im at work.

another plus point knp i choose to send dian at my mak's place, of course its my mak's place.drpd hntr rumah org, baik hntr rumah mak sendiri tp, bkn mak sendiri pon yg jaga sgt. mak have her own business so she cant take care of dian all the time. mak just monitor je kak umi n sometimes mak buat kje nenek2 spatutnye buat mcm tdo kan dian, mandi kan dian stuff like that.

minggu petama tinggal kan dian dgn kak umi n mak, i mmg rajin call mak. tanye susu cukup ke x, dian buat ape, berak x, bole tdo x, nangis x.. mujur mak layan je call i yg hampir sejam skali tu. hehehe.. 10 markah untuk mak. n pada minggu pertama i tggl kan dian dgn kak umi n mak, dian minum susu up to 7 bottles of 3oz each daily! mase tu i sgt takut xbole catch up utk top up susu dian semasa i berkerja. but alhamdulillah, satu hari 5-6 bottles of 3oz each berjaya diperah while im at the office.

seperkara abt being a working mom : my breastpumps are my bestfriends. love both of them so much. they are my soul! mati hokey kalo breastpump xde. 1. sbb i need to clear my precious boobs when dian is not around or when she refuse to drink her favorite milk. 2. sbb pk dian nnt nk minum ape kalo bkn susu aku. hahaha.. dian dh pandai tolak fm. msti sbb rase. so nk xnk, bekalan susu badan harus la diteruskan sbb kalo x, sape nk jawap kalo minah tu nangis.

i must give credits to both of my bp. alhamdulillah, i made the right choice buying both of them. hubby must be real happy too. sbb segala duit yg dibelanja then, dpt menjimatkan duitnya skrg since we dont need to buy fm for dian anymore..

meet my first life saver..

TT si manual pump hebat..

biar pun xsefamous atau se-high tech sesetengah manual bp seperti avent atau medela harmony, my Tommee Tippee manual breastpump works very well on me. n owh, its cheap too!! with less than rm100, i dpt byk bnde dgn TT manual bp ni. totally berbaloi i beli. 

since i xjumpe byk review psl bp ni, so i refer pada international review saje. ade yg xsuke sbb katenye corongnye besar sgt so it dont fit their boobs. but to me, it fits perfectly je.. no problemas.. parts pun sgt mudah dipasang n dibasuh. its just that the corong are made of rubber so bile nk tanggal kan dr boobs tu rase sedikit pedih cause rubber melekat pada kulit. but alah bisa tegal biasa. skrg dh xrase ape dh. ape yg penting, kebolehan nye mengepam dan plus point diberi kerana ia sgt efficient n langsung tidak memenatkan.

TT manual bp ni i akan pakai pada setiap pagi. dian dh kurang skit minum bile waktu mlm. so by the time waktu pagi, boobs i dh kepenuhan so TT manual bp sedia membantu. i pon dh jd kan routine utk prepare the bp every night. thanks to this purchase jgak la dian skrg gune tommee tippee closer to nature bottles as her daily bottle. alhamdulillah budak kecik tu xbyk songeh n menerima botol TT seadanya. so every morning, pam, cabut botol from BP, tutup gune puting, n ready to serve..

ok, thats it about my manual breastpump. skrg mari share ttg buah ati i yg lagi satu ni plak..

meet gondol si spectra dew 300

i rase sgt berbangga membeli si gondol sbb hari2 die la penyabung nyawa utk bekal kan susu to dian while im at the office. my pumping routine biase nye 2kali sehari. dlm 11am-1pm (tgk bile free. i normally skip my lunch meal) and 4pm-5pm before balik. i sgt2 suke menggunakan si gondol ni sbb i bole pam 2boobs at one time. trust me, pam 2boobs skali sgt menjimatkan mase. production pon bagus. best!

keberatan nye tidak begitu memberi ape2 effect to me. hari2 i pergi kerja berhantar berambil. just letak kt seat blkg n bwk naik opis. xde ape yg menyusahkan langsung. bunyik pun senyap + part utk dibasuh pun sedikit. me likey! fortunately hari tu i managed to get myself a "longchamp" bag yg sgt practical n bole dilenjan n.. its nice too!

this is the things i carry everyday. my bp bag, my cooler bag n my je t'aime tumbler. dlm tumbler tu isi air horlicks yg mak buat sbg milk booster.

overall, im a happy working mom. seronok sgt mase hari tu bwk dian gi check up 2bulan n found out that she's now 6.3kg. start dian 1bulan, i mmg kasi die exclusive breast milk. alhamdulillah.. rezeki. insyallah kalo diizinkan i nk bf dian smpai dian 2thn. seronok tgk achievement anak when she only drinks our susu. the best feeling, indeed.

ops, mase pam dh tibe.. till next time ya'lls!

XO <-- berangan konon aku ni kim kardashian

dian on her two months young birthday..


cha said...

i baca pun u mcm happy je tak mengeluh langsung. i terharu u sanggup skip lunch sebab nak pump. good job u :)

Munn Jaafar said...

alhamdulillah. sy baru je buat entry pasal pening memikir breastpump mana yg sesuai. tp situasi bekerja nmpaknya lain...hehe

*minta nasihat jga :)

~ NANA ~ said...

uiks boleh tahan berat si dian ni...mesti byk menyusu ni kn?

good job mommy!

LisaLisut said...

pergh..full bottle TT tu u pump..terer la fira.. huhu..tembam gila si dian ni..huhu..hannah kurus keding je,dlu la.skrg dia dh makan naik dah bdn skit hehe..