Thursday, September 6, 2012

of my feelings and the breast pump..

salam jumaat! 

today most of my job dah siap. knowing that its friday, i cant stop having this weekend smile on my face. yesterday have been good. of course la sbb dpt tambah brg keperluan bile dh jadi mak nnt. syukur.. dlm pada pening, dlm pada pending, dpt gak bergerak and settle kan sikit2. yela, bak kate org, sikit sikit lama2 jadi bukit. aku plak expect bende sikit2 nu haaa terus jadi gunung everest. *sigh*.

yesterday was my check up day. alhamdulillah, DD been doing fine. she's in the right position, the right weight, uri sume in place so doctor said the possibilities for the baby to change her position adalah minimum. she's short of space. sorry DD, perut mak dah cukup besar rase nye ni. if u need to expand more, do stretch it out. but not too much yea? hehehe.. so, as long as i can still feel her kicks at the upper side of my stomach, im happy enough. cume sometimes die suke geletek2 kat the lower side n it hurts instead of geli. errr.. sakit itu keterlaluan, not comfortable to be exact.

but anyway, to be honest, i cant wait to see her little face. i just cant wait to smell her skin. grrrr.. i just cant wait! pasal brg yg xterbeli lagi tu, insyallah it'll be completed soon. cash flow xmengizinkan utk complete kan semua in 1 shot. but alhamdulillah, kalo DD ter-keluar awal, i think she has enough baju to wear. (but still no diapers, how?)

ok. chill..

mentally, i think im ready to be a mommy. a "mak" to DD. husband n i have been calling her real name constantly. when we talk about her, kitorg panggil nama die. ohhh, rase sgt bersedia utk menjadi ibu dan bapa. husband pon sgt care about me now. he really particular about my movements. but seriously, i can still jump n even dance to those nsync's songs.  but of course, husband risau kalau DD keluar ala2 yoyo kalau i berjoget2. so, dpt buat 2-3steps pon dh kire bagus. 

insyallah due date DD will be on the 5th of november. ohhh september, tolong laju skit bole? xsabar nk october. i rase mcm i akan bersalin in october. pray hard kalo bole bersalin mase hari raya haji. sambil dgr takbir, phewwww... tenang nye rase. but bak kate husband, kite hanya mampu merancang, tp tuhan yang menentukan kan. i just hope that semuanya akan selamat n i dipanjangkan umur. ni nk jd trainer ni. dh semangat nk besar kan n didik DD supaya jadi manusia yg solehah dan berguna.

so, sekadar itu la perasaan saya skrg. indah, sgt indah. syukur i xde masalah during pregnancy. these 2days, i dpt tdo yg nyenyak. mayb sbb dh jumpe the right bantal. xde masalah sengal2 pinggang ke ape, loya2 ape tah lagi, selera normal2 saje, cume kaki je dh bengkak skit (kut). i xrase but org lain yg notice. hehehe.. agaknye, org lain yg monitor kaki aku kut. since i dont feel anythng so i rase biase je. alhamdulillah, thats my part mase pregnancy ni. 

anyway, i have another good news to share. errr... its good for me but i still want to share. smlm i took a day leave. lepas check up kami laki bini bersarapan di subang *jauh ko smpai sarapan kat subang*. husband xbrape sihat so i just layan kan. hehehe.. i layan tp tetap die yg kne drive. done breakfast, kami round carrefour. n guess what? we've found the best wardrobe for DD!!!! n its affordable too! harus pgi beli weekend ni. (errr.. almari yg dipentingkan. sabun mandi sume nnt mcmane?)

from subang, kami straight ke OBW shah alam. as promised, azam bwk jgak i gi beli breastpump.. phewwww... finally.. in case DD xreti sedut ke ape nnt, xla i risau sgt. pam je.. 

ini lah si gondol dan kawan2 nye. im surprised with the size tp lps dh test power dan bunyi nye smlm, rase dh ok dh.. bertambah2 semangat nk exclusive BF DD. 

of all shops yg jual spectra dew 300, i rase OBW yg paling murah. asal nye ingat nk beli yg xpackage. tp bile kakak tu ckp kalo nk yg double pump, lebih berbaloi beli yg package, azam n i started to change our mind. total harga w/o package is rm370. kalo nk beli second tube, kne tambah rm70. so, ade la lebih kurang rm440. kalo beli package pon harga nya baru rm430. so, might as well i beli yg package. hehehe.. dpt drying rack, blanket, washable breast pad, n storage bottle. so, berbaloi la kan.. terase seperti membuat pembelian bijak. cara pemasangan, kacang putih je. mcm main lego! 

selain BP ni, i tambah beli brush utk botol2 susu DD nnt. hehehe.. mmg geram kat brush die pon. luckily dikedai jual brush yg sedondon dgn botol. sesampai kt rumah tgk2 parcel dr ayu pon sampai. i kirim die beli kan i peristaltic teats kt IBEX tempoh hari. so smlm, complete la brg keperluan botol susu utk anak saya..

happy? yg xterhingga. alhamdulillah, DD masih ber-rezeki. btol bagai dikata. no matter what, rezeki anak itu ade. syukur nye kami rase. cube utk tidak berlebih2 lepas ni. tp kadang2 kalo suami dh offer, aku laju jgak kate ye. dh blk rumah baru la fikir dua tiga kali. all i can do is to give all my gratitude to Allah, the almighty, the creator for all these bless He pour in front of me. for all the test that he made me through, syukur.. syukur from the deepest of my heart.

n syukur esok weekend juga!  have a wonderful weekend everyone!


LisaLisut said...

comelnya botol Momma tuuu. I pulak nk cr botol NUK or MAM lps ni.sbb Hannah minum pakai avent tu meleleh2.laju sgt kot. Medela pye botol ok cuma mahal.huhu

i tot u nk beli avent pump hehe. i tgh pk nk beli manual avent pump sbb katanya lg meriah pump susu dr elektrik.huhu. i tension tgk pam swing.pdhal susu sndri yg xbyk.swing yg disalahkan haha

tetibe rindu saat ade baby dlm perut(pdhal dlu merungut letih la berat la cptla kuar haha)/kan best if bole keluar masuk baby mcm kangaroo pouch tu haha

Syima Syaz said...

so u beli double ke tak?bunyi si gondol ni senyap je kan...i like!!

lisa:pagi tadi i try pump guna avent manual, tak keluar setitik pun..ok...susu makin kurang..=,(

fira. said...

lisa : hahaha.. suke2 kau je nk pocket cam kangaroo.. i ni takut xcukup botol. skrg i just ade 2botol ni n satu botol avent. yg avent u pnye tu mmg dh slow flow ke? i tgk avent xsilap paling kcik pon for 2m+ n tu pun puting die ade 2holes. xsuke NUK sbb xcantik. MAM cantik gak. hehehe.. aku suke nengok yg cantik je. teghuk nooo...

syima : so i dpt la yg double jgak. tu ade tube lagi satu tu. sbb tu kakak tu suggest kalo nk buat jd double pump, might as well amik yg package. die kate kalo beli loose rugi. i pon tgh xde lagi rack2 bagai. so its a good deal for me.. =)

Unknown said...

Ehem! Ayat seperti Dr Ayu instead of dr (dari) Ayu. Berangan kau nak title Dr. Gitu tau