sesi menunggu suami seperti biase dipenuhi dgn acara mengupdate blog. errr... mintak2 sempat habis mengarang by the time suami sampai.
since its monday, harus la i share my activity during weekend yg ohsem kan? tell u what, weekend i mmg ohsem sgt!!!!! bertuah anak dlm perut. mak abah never spent that lot in one shot tau?! but alhamdulillah, we slowly starting to complete one by one of brg DD. n shopping for baby adalah ultimate FUN!
well, kami xshopping di mall2 besar. i xfavor shops like mothercare, mum's care or wtv. we just shop at carrefour and tesco and gedung harian n those kodi2 shops. bak kata my aunty, "we're not cheapskate, we're just wise n we dont need those expensive price tag to make us look good. we wear our confidence". ewah2.. so last sunday, after sibuk mengemas bilik berpantang bersama mak n adik2 *which was fun tooo!!!* azam ajak jln carik almari DD.
i've been eyeing for this one wardrobe at carrefour since the other day yg kitorg beli breastpump tu. harga? 79.90 je. spatutnye kami beli di carrefour shah alam on saturday. tp last2, pulang dgn tgn kosong sbb carrefour shah alam xde almari tu. sgt hampa. i dont talk to azam almost half an hour sbb frustrated punye pasal. hehehe.. but since i have a wonderful husband, kami ke carrefour subang semula utk dpt kan almari idaman malaya on the next day. n guess what, pnye la bertuah si DD, she's not just have 1 wardrobe, but 2!!! (see DD, told u we love u)
tat tadaaaa...
ini bukan almari idaman qolbu. pembelian little almari ini adalah tidak dirancang. we placed it at my mom's house. so brg2 DD mase berpantang nnt bole diletakkan dalam ni.
ini pembelian yg dirancang. i think it'll be nicer in pink. tp since letak nye dibilik rumah hubby, hubby has to make the choice then. love it sbb ade tempat utk letak baju lipat n baju gantung. survey jual kt tpt lain, carrefour subang jgak jual dgn harga murah.
as u know, kalo beli almari2 mcm ni dh tentu lah memerlukan skill DIY yg tinggi kan. seriously, i dont think azam have that skill. hahaha.. reason : die tu gelojoh. xnk follow instruction. sib baik la aku ni muke buku (bukan facebook) so i follow the steps one by one. completing the first almari was easy sbb adik i sorg tu mmg terer part2 memasang2 benda ni menghulurkan tangan.. so azam just buat n i jd mandor.. hehehe..
*sampai berbaju pagoda je suami ai uols*
completing the 2nd almari was a bit tough. bkn sbb susah ape. the lubang2 yg diorg buat pun mcm xfit n xcukup dlm n such so we kinda have to try harder utk screwing, attaching, etc. rase nye kitorg start buat ni dari pukul 10pm. siap dlm pukul 1am. hahaha.. lame xlame la kan. dgn si azam nye yg buat sorg sambil tgk tv maka there goes 3hours utk seketul almari. errr.. actually i can hardly tolerate kalo buat slow2 so i did the screwing here n there too. tp azam bising n suruh i relax2 so i do something else. hehehe.. yela2, kasi can org laki buat kje org laki. (but seriously, i do enjoy assembling stuff too. ala2 main lego kan kan kan?)
while azam was busy assembling parts by parts, i also busy-ing myself by sorting out DD's stuff for i dont know how many times.
there are some of DD's clothes. ade lagi se-bag kat rumah mak. so lepas lipat2, baru la dgn gembira masuk kan dlm almari!
anyway, the almaris were not the only thing that we purchased on that day.. since kami btol2 serious nk bershopping utk DD, maka few more items being stuffed into the trolley.. =P
specially for DD, we bought her own starfish laundry basket and miscellaneous basket kut2 nnt nk buat letak ape2 barang die.
n then, we also bought some cloth pegs, mini hangers, bath support, bed set and some baju, mittens and booties. diaper rash cream, minyak yu yee tu kitorg beli kat bukit jelutong. hehehe.. tu pon sbb we're actually heading to my very good friend's house in kayangan heights, she was somewhere when we're done shopping, so it made us mingling at bukit jelutong area sampai jumpa kedai jual brg baby called MyLife. ingat nk kill some times je la kat kedai tu. tp rupe2 nye, kami juga meng-kill some amount of money. dangggg..

azam always wanted to buy a kelambu for his daughter. being a protective dad i can see. he is considering all the comfort and safety of DD unlike me yg lebih teruja membeli baju, baju dan baju. well, DD must be looking cute, thats what i thought. mujur punya suami yg vice versa. so he take care on the part. fair n square. at MyLife, kitorg beli minyak yu yee, diaper rash cream, rubber changing mat utk rumah (takut mase change baby tu ter-srettttt plak kan), head and back support (azam was the one who wanted it of course) and 4pcs of receiving blanket (not in picture). kelambu? kami dh amik tp rupenye org tu xscan pon n we only noticed bile dh sampai rumah.
overall, we are pretty satisfied with the purchases that we did. well, mak jugak tidak pulang dgn tgn kosong semasa membeli belah. managed to get myself few pairs of socks and undies. the abah, dpt eskem chocotop je. kikiki.. insyallah, the clothes will be sent to my house by this week for laundry. i pun tgh in the midst of collecting things for my pantang needs. yupp, sebulan lebih je lagi. got to start packing our hospital bag soon. can u imagine how excited i am right now? dh la terpinggir sebab geng sume dh ade baby. its ok DD, we'll make a good team soon. hehehe..
last but not least, items like toiletries and diapers je la tggl nk kne beli (shopping spot, dh target kt tesco je). bath tub, bole pakai mimi punye. tggl cuci kasi kilat or like new, then bole pasang bath support tu. i pon nk collect2 my oversize shirt je utk pakai during pantang nnt. insyallah, will purchase the sterilizer, warmer n such soon. more nursing bra to be added, set pantang dah ready, makcik tukang urut mase pantang pon dh dikenal pasti (all thanks to yati) and basically, thats all.
im just counting down the days saje. am so excited to sleep with our baby by our side nnt. cant wait to make her wear all the cute rompers i've bought for her. cant wait to sing her lullaby n of cz, cant wait to have her in my arms *she's been kicking hard while im writing this*.
to daughter, thanks for behaving well in my belly for this straight 8months. sorry i complain to abah sometimes that u're kicking me hard. i know u didnt mean to. u just need some space cause u're one active baby arent u? about the complains, im just being manja-ish with ur abah. hope u understand. i can bare with u. no worries. u're behaving very well. thanks for not making my night sleep miserable. so far, i only had 2% of disturbed sleep which thats not even your fault. its just my body. thank you, thank you, thank you for all the cooperation.
will see u in a bit sweetheart!
ps. i took 2 days to complete this entry. so, mind the intro yg dh dikarang smlm. sowi..