Ok, so done with Bali. kalo ikut kan macam nk selit lagi satu entry to share on the memories and more n more n more of photos. but nahhh.. dah ran out of words dah.
skrg nk share pasal last october trip ke langkawi plak. xsangka, gedebak gedebuk, 2 trip aku n family pgi tahun ni by aeroplane. maklum la.. dh beranak pinak ni bkn senang nk berangkut-angkutan pgi berjalan. byk la arrangement kne buat. byk nk kne fikir. kalo kite solo or dgn husband je senang. but maybe ini lah yg dikata kan rezeki. sebab anak jgak la gigih ushar flight tix kut2 ade offer.
rase nye somewhere around august kut aku beli tix flight to langkawi ni. itu pon sbb impulse purchase bile tgk MAS offer harga yg super cheap. tp mase dh dekat hari nk fly tu, aku diuji dgn kebodohan tahap dewa paling power kat langit. apasal aku bengap sgt aku pon xtau. nk cite detail mcm xkoser. so skip je la eh.. terus cite psl hari kejadian.
we were flown to langkawi by malindo air (via subang airport). first time naik kapatebang yg kipas nye kat luar. lupe plak name kapatebang tu. focker kut. malas plak nk gugel. paham2 la ye. its rather small but rasenye once u're inside the plane, xde ape pon yg membezakan kapatebang tu dgn boeing. more or less the same (except for the size) and alhamdulillah, it was a smooth 1 hour flight and we safely landed at langkawi somewhere around 3pm. mase sampai, bumi langkawi dibasahi hujan rintik2. pihak malindo air ade sedia kan payung utk setiap passenger di tepi tangga.
earlier arrangement has been made on the car rental. i contacted en. mohd which the number was found through my search at mudah.my. criteria kereta yg nk disewa di langkawi; jimat minyak, murah and yg xpernah dinaiki or dipandu. hahaha.. so we rented a mitsubishi mirage for our whole 4days and 3nites stays at langkawi for RM260 (rasenye). cheap kan? ok, so en. mohd dh tggu kitorg kt airport hari tu. touched down je, husband call en. mohd and kitorg deal utk tggu di marry brown. he parked the car somewhere there n bile dpt kereta mmg dlm keadaan bersih and memuaskan hati. husband n i batak sedikit dgn interior kete tu yg sleek. ok, berhenti menjakun n let the journey begin!
1st mission isi minyak. read about how we're not suppose to fill full tank of fuel into the rented car. so we did that. isi rm30 je. lepas tu, bergantung harap n nyawa kat waze utk carik hotel.
fyi, kami stay di 2hotel yg berbeza semasa di langkawi. 1st night, kami stay di the Ocean Residence yg terletak di Kuah. the 2nd n 3rd nite kami stay di De Baron yg also terletak di Kuah. motif perpindahan, sbb nk rasa hotel best satu mlm n sbb xnak membazir bayar memahal kt hotel tp end up marayau berjalan2.
my verdict
the ocean residence mmg osem!
walaupun jalan nak ke hotel ni ssh nk jumpe (sbb nak masuk ke hotel ni xde jalan tar pon ok. lalu la semak samun siap bole bertembung dgn biawak melintas) even guna waze pon die bole kate "u've reached ur destination" tp mane wey, xnmpk langsung btg hidung hotel nye, tp kesudahan nya nasib baik memuaskan. since aku xjumpe byk review pasal hotel ni so meh la aku cite skit pasal the ocean residence ni for your further info.
to get to the hotel mmg a little bit tricky. from airport it will takes about 20-30mins drive. just head to pekan kuah and the hotel is somewhere along the way. the landmark : almost bertentangan dgn jabatan imigresen langkawi ke bangunan kerajaan ape tah. jabatan tu will be on ur left hand side kalo dr arah airport nk ke jeti kuah. so kalo rase dh lepas petronas n nmpk ade satu bangunan jabatan kerajaan, bwk la slow down n focus on ur right. nnt akan nampak mcm ade satu bangunan yg dh siap tp kosong n ade sign board hotel kecikkk je kat situ. then masuk la lorong yg disediakan. setakat ni, tu je la yg bole dibantu kalo nk disuruh bagi direction utk sampai ke hotel. selain dr tu, xdapek den nk nolong.
dari jalan besar mmg xkan nampak langsung rupe hotel tu. jalan turap pon xdak. so sape nk sangka jln tu menuju ke hotel kan? aku pon memule ingat lorong utk smpai ke bengkel repair boat ke ape. smpai la ketibaan ke kawasan hotel baru la kitorg impress. hotel ni berkonsep kan resort kut. xde pon bangunan tinggi. but the rooms come in many choices. ade yg jenis bangunan 2tingkat, ade yg jenis cabin n kitorg duduk kat yg jenis longhouse.

from our room's balcony
the longhouse
reason pilih longhouse sbb die ade direct access to the pool. harga still affordable n kepuasan melihat wajah excited anak nk swimming tu mmg priceless. over all, i am satisfied with the room. byk plug points, interior pon cantik cume little too sempit. kire mcm kalo anak 3 org tu mmg ssh ar. nk tdo lantai pon ssh kut. sbb bilik mmg ngam2 katil n some other furnitures. but to us yg anak satu ni, ok sajork..
lps check in, kitorg keluar carik mkn n nak carik pelampung utk dian kekdahnye. mkn kt kenny rogers yg dekat jetty kuah tu. we made a mistake when we spent too much time on looking out for foods and dian's float. pusing kuah je dh brape lame. pdhal mase tu bole gunakan utk swimming kt pool. to parents yg baru nk carik float utk anak setibanya di langkawi, bare in mind, di kuah xla terdapat byk kedai2 yg menggantung pelampung. bile tanye locals pon dorg kate pelampung kt cenang byk la kak. last2 kitorg jumpe pelampung yg kitorg nak kat kedai runcit. lps dh beli baru nampak kedai lain jual pelampung. hawau gak la rase sbb mase lalu xnmpk. dh beli baru nk sepah2. ok, dh knp nak jd kan pelampung sbg issue nih??? hehehe.. sorry2.
sampai balik ke ocean residence around 6 something. dh dekat nak maghrib. but i told husband to just take dian for a quick dip. kesian. bkn ke tujuan utama stay di ocean residence utk mandi manda sepuas2 nya? so berendam la kjap. mmg puas hati tgk sinar diwajah dian. she was so happy! from our room, bole dgr azan from the nearest mosque.
stay kami di ocean residence xde include breakfast. makanan yg kitorg tapau smlm pon ade lg + jajan2 so we just had that for breakfast. bangun awal pagi ni. xsabar ni swimming. tp hujan rintik2 la plak. haihhh.. syahdu je duduk kat balcony. husband ajak jalan carik kuih2 or nasi lemak. xjauh dari hotel tu mmg ade stall yg jual bende2 tu. husband je beli nasik lemak. aku xberminat nak beli kuih muih die sbb byk lalat. memule ingat mcm nk breakfast kt hotel je sbb tpt breakfast die cool! tp xpela, simpan je duit. perut dh kenyang ade hati nk buang2 duit lagi. so balik dari quick food hunting, kami balik ke bilik utk swimming! (anak aku punye la xsabo dgn baju tdo jgak die gi celup kaki kat tangga swimming pool. *facepalm*)
puas mandi manda kitorg checkout n carik mkn tghari. yg ni aku dh siap2 google dari shah alam lagi. husband n i bkn jenis yg adventurous when it comes to foods. we eat what we familiar with saje. tu yg smpai langkawi pon mkn kenny rogers dgn kfc lg. but kali ni aku dh aim kedai thai food ni. google je wan thai restaurant mesti org akan recommend. so we managed to get to the restaurant with the help of waze. ramai org weyyy.. sib baik kitorg dpt tempat. dh la langkawi mase tu panas melenting2. nk bukak mata lintas jalan pon susah.
my verdict about the food at wan thai? errr.. bole la. nk kate sedap sgt tu xla. bole la. tomyam pedas. pulut mangga layan. lain2 biase je. dian la sian skit sbb aku order tomyam ingat bole lepas piawaian pedas dia. tp xble. service lambat skit. mayb sbb ramai org. harga utk kitorg 3beranak mkn hari tu cecah RM90 lebih la jgak.
kenyang perut, kami gi hotel seterusnya. de baron resort. sbb amik hotel ni, sbb kononnye bistro die ade chicken chop sedap yg direkemen di gugel. pstu bole seaview n price wise, mmg reasonable. before sampai langkawi lagi aku dh email hotel mintak bilik yg seaview. so they said ok. sampai sana tup2 dpt bilik parking view. ok, since aku ni dh berbadan 2 dan meningkat dewasa, cerewet aku ni jadi len maciam skit. xde nk tolerate2. aku mintak ko kate ok tp ko xbg, aku insist, tuntut! aku tunjuk segala bukti. smpai dpt bilik seaview. by the time, laki aku dgn dian dh flat dh. letih sbb panas + kenyang. sorry ye, xde gambo bilik sbb bilik xsemenggah mane. cume spacious tu ye la. kalo nk menari kuda kepang dgn dian, bole lerr.
View frm our room yg menjadi 'pojaan' sgt tu.
so kitorg rest smpai ptg dlm pukul 5. lps tu kitorg keluar jln + carik mkn. Ptg tu aku plan nk gi underwater world bwk dian. Beli tiket siap2 kt groupon since ade offer mase tu. Alaaa.. dpt la jimat 2-3ringgit. Dian indeed anjoyed watching all the animals inside. Aku n husband as a parent pon seronok la tgk reaction dian. Xkelip mata die tgk fish. Siap introduce 'hi, ni iyan' almost at all fish tanks. Spent abt 1hour kat situ.
Settle at underwater world, aku ajak husband jln2 kt pantai cenang. Gado gak la kitorg laki bini sbb tatau mane nk parking. Niat nk mkn kt pantai cenang pon terbantut sbb husband nk buang air tp tatau kt mane. Hahaha.. xselesa la membuang kt tempat xtau ni. Last2 kitorg parking kt parking lot langkasuka inn kalo xsilap. Kt situ ade yellow cab cafe gak. Ingat nk dok mkn je la kt yellow cab tu. Tp situ mcm ade bar so mcm xsesuai plak rasenye. Last2 kitorg straight blk kuah. Mkn ape mlm tu aku xingat. Hahaha.. but jln2 tepi pantai ptg tu buat kitorg rase xpuas. Adhoc plan kan.
Next day we had breakfast at hotel n terus keluar nk naik cable car. Breakfast at de baron resort was ok. Situ ramai org tp dorg xtop up mknan. Tah pape. Choice pon xbyk tp since its not even a hotel with many stars rating so aku pon mmg tak expect byk. Perjalanan nk ke area cable car (kat gunung mat cincang xsilap) makan masa 45 minit ke 1jam la jgak. Abeh la lintas airport sume. Since kitorg gerak awal pagi so xla ramai org sgt. Kedai kt oriental village tu pon xbyk yg dh bukak. Ingat nk naik cable car je. Tp husband konon nk kasi anak sonok, die suh beli tiket pakej cable car, ape dorm tah dgn duck tour. Harga dlm rm110 utk sorg dewasa. Kanak2, byr utk cable car je. Half price kut. Duck tour, f.o.c.
Letih gak la beratur nk smpai cable car tu. End up kne share satu cable car dgn family anak satu yg lain. Xbole nk gile2 dlm tu. Sib baik org tu keluar kt 1st station. While us, terus jalan straight ke station kedua which yg paling atas skali. Honestly, aku suke experince naik cable car tu. Tinggiiiiii... narrowwwwww... nervous tp syok. Sampai puncak, xde bende sgt. Kitorg duduk mkn sandwich n minum air mahal jap pstu br la tgk permandangan. Aku rase aku dgn husband ni bkn jenis layan permandangan alam sekitar sgt la. Kjap je pstu kitorg boring n nk turun. Hahaha..
ni tgh tunggu turn nak masuk dorm ape tah. kt dalam tu die ade tayang mcm video. mase kitorg masuk die tayang video kengkonon kite naik roller coaster. rase sgt real walaupun kite remain seated sbb srkrin die tu 360 degree. tu yg feel mcm naik roller coaster bebetul. sib baik xmuntah. kalo xmalu sekampung.
Turun bwh jam dh pukul12. Duduk la.mkn eskem jap sbb cuaca panas gile time tu. Pstu tunggu turn nk naik duck tour. Duck tour tu senanye mcm xyah naik pon xpe. Setakat jalan pusing marina je macammm.. err xpela.. at least dian merasa naik boat. By the timw pon dian dh flat sgt. Ngantok. Jgn kan dian, mak ayah dian pon dh letih sgt mase tu. Nk singgah mkn pon xterdaya rasenye. Last2 kitorg tapau n mkn kt bilik hotel je.
time ni dian dah pancit abes dah. sib baik xmeragam.
Ptg, kitorg keluar semula nk ke pantai cenang. Kali ni mmg target nk mandi. Siap bwk towel, baju salin siap. Baju aku xde la. Baju husband dgn dian je. Sbb aku nk tgk dorg dr jauh je. Dok bentang towel main pasir. It was fun seriously. Dian suke sgt main ombak.
Lps sunset, kitorg blk. Ingat kn nk mkn chicken chop kt restaurant de baron yg pemes tu. Tap tap tapiiii.. restaurant nye tutup under construction!!! Dayummmm mennnn.. end up mkn tomyam lg dekat2 hotel tu. Hampehhhh.. kembong perut aku mkn tomyam je. (Ape la mslh aku laki bini. Asal jalan je mslh mkn. Pukul kan satu kali pls..)

ni je pon dh bape hengget. xingat nombor tp mahal la for sure. mkn mcd lg pueh..
Ok la.. terus ke last day. Settle breakfast kitorg terus keluar carik ceklet. Aktiviti beli ceklet, husband leave it all to me. Siap die drop je aku kt salah satu kedai haji ismail group. Die dgn dian tggu dlm kete. Lantok laaa.. so aku pon turun gi borong ceklet n souvenir utk family. Siap shopping kitorg ke dataran lang n blk semula hotel utk packing.
Beranak gak la bag kitorg. Aku mmg dh standby bwk bag yg bole lipat2 sbb dh expect bag pegi dgn bag blk xkan sama pnye. Flight pukul2. So kitorg lunch kt airport. Mkn marrybrown.
bye2 langkawi.. bye..!!!
Flight blk kitorg was a little bit bumpy. Sampai dian pon nervous agaknye n mintak2 tolong kt aku sbb takut. Utk balik, dian dpt seat sendiri. Overall kitorg puas hati dgn hospitality MAS. Cuma journey nye saje xbrape smooth. Mayb its not the plane or the pilot. But the weather so tu yg seram skit tu. Yet, we're thankful sbb berjaya land dgn selamat. Sbb selamat la ni yg skrg dpt share experience ke langkawi tu.
Aku harap korg dpt baca entry ni smpai la skrg. Sbb entry ni mcm pjg xhengat punye. Aku malas nk separate2 kan. Langkawi je pon. Stakat nk share mane tempat aku pgi ade gambo sekerat dua. Ini pon aku dh perap entry ni kt draft sejak bile. Phewwww abeh pon akhir nye..
So aftr this, kalo aku update pon mayb psl adik dian. Entering my 31st week now!