Tuesday, May 31, 2011

hello june!!

pejam celik pejam celik, dh june rupenye kite ni kan. laju btol mase berjalan. to all june's brides, amacam? nervous x? nervous x? msti excited kan? hihihi.. kalo i pun excited jgak kut. atau lebih teruk mungkin dh xmau pgi kje langsung.. hehehe.. ngade2. mcm la awak sorg je yg nk kawin. 

i actually sgt look forward utk june since i sgt2 tension di bulan may. hopefully bala di bulan may cumalah kebetulan dan bukanlah suratan. hahaha.. kalo ikut plan asal, pada bulan june ni btol la tinggal 6bulan je lagi until our wedding day. insyaallah, the date will remain unchanged. tolong la doakan saya ye.. smlm smpat jugak i tanye azam, "u nk kite kawin cepat ke lambat?" to my surprise mamat tu jawab die nk kawin pada date yg slame ni kita plan. halamak, sentimental jgak rupenye abg bouncer aku tu. kut la i expect die jawab "awal" cz dh gatal sgt or "xkisah" cz mamat tu kadang2 hati kering jgak. 

lega bile the majority xde mslh dgn date tu. however, kalo bole xnk la ade yg senget benget plak kan dgn date tu. insyaallah, semoga allah tunjuk kan nur n hidayahnye. *type smbil muke glowing* memandangkan hari2 i dibulan may sume nye pudar2 n even sometimes gelap gelita, maka checklist i dibulan tersebut pun agak kesepian sedikit. mujur la semua pun cume kerja2 mencarik2 dan men-survey2 so semua pun bole dibuat hanya dihujung jari sahaja.

  • confirm tailor/designer for nikah out

absolutely done. in fact dari bulan lepas pun. actually yg ni cm pelik skit. skit susah nk dicontrol. i've paid about 70% of the amount walaupun baju tu masih jauh lagi nk siap. i dont know if its really necessary for me to pay even the designer did mentioned that its suppose to be 50/50 and that another 50% is to be paid once baju dh siap. but anyway, i dont want to argue much on this. he have his reason on this jgak. i tgk kt blog die pun mmg baju2 latest die sgt2 comel n sweet. ckp byk pun xgune. at the end of the day mmg kne bayar full. lgpun die mmg xmahal pun. mungkin ape yg die collect tu is the cost. my philosophy, everything will turn out good n beautiful if u're happy. hehehe.. ni la cara i nk sedap kan hati. 

  • scout khemah for function @home

this one i scout2 gitu je. the rest i'll leave it to mak. maybe i nk amik skali dgn caterer. btw, caterer i dh jumpe the best candidate. PR pun bagus. rasa, blom try lg. location, shah alam (weehoo!). harga, reasonable n die pun bole buat hall deco! if only caterer ni di approve oleh para2 ibu bapa then everythng should be all ok. n owh, kalo ok jgak i nk mintak die buat kt rumah jgak la for the nikah. =)

  • scout honeymoon destination

done! rase mcm dh jumpe je destinasi pilihan. yet there are no action taken. well, biase la. baru survey kan. nk decide kne tggu good offer. shite, i missed AA offer hari tu. isk...

  • scout dulang hantaran

on going. so far blom jumpe lagi yg btol2 berkenan dihati. insyaallah sabtu ni nk smbung pencarian n mungkin beli terus. who knows!?

  • scout doorgift

on going jgak. dh jumpe potential supplier yg ada aneka barang2 comel kcik2 buat bg kat org ni. tp xdecide lg ape nk bg. telur sudah pasti. n officially me n azam has decided yg doorgift kitorg akan bagi separately. so, xpayah la nk sedondon sgt. =)

btw, saje nk share experience mase gi promosi kerja kahwin kat pusat kraftangan hari tu. as i mentioned, pgi sane pun nk carik caterer kan. so ade la 7-8 caterer yg kitorg jumpe. dlm 7-8caterer tu mcm2 jenis i jumpe dgn PR masing2. ada yg over confident, ade yg ok2, ade yg mcm nk xnk layan. but of cz sakit hati dgn yg mcm xsuke nk senyum, malas2 nk bgn amik flyers, tunjuk flyers tu pun ikut mate die. i mean, die nk tunjuk kt i so rotate la kasi i bole bace. ni die yg bole bace nk buat ape! mcm2 ragam kan. so far yg i berkenan sgt ni PR die ok. tu pun kitorg communicate through emails je. insyallah kalo everything ok n has been approved, nk kne jumpe n discuss btol2.

Monday, May 30, 2011

dah seminggu dah..

dah seminggu dah mimi pergi UK. dgrnye siap dh addicted mkn chocolate belgium lagi. sobs.. sumpah rindu kt die. diorg blk on 6th June. maknanye isnin dpn la. gile xsabar nk tunggu diorg blk. mmg confirm i akan apply leave to make sure i bole amik mimi kat airport. mimi khayra.. pulang la kepangkuan cik fi. cik fi rindu pada mu. 

lg2 time emosi terganggu mcm skrg, lg la rindu kt budak kenit merangkap flower girl aku sorg ni. wuuu..



Sunday, May 29, 2011

promosi kerja kahwin 2011

dh la.. malas nk cite lg pasal date. date ape2 pun la janji dpt kahwin dgn azam. huhuhu.. insyallah, jodoh semua ditgn tuhan kan. 

so, ni nk share cerite smlm i gi promosi kerja kahwin kat pusat kraftangan, jalan conlay. honestly, this is by far the most convenient wedding expo i dgn azam pnah pgi. despite location die yg skit jauh but i dgn azam xstruggle too much. mungkin jgak sbb dh naik kereta baru so semua pun xterase sgt. 

kitorg bertolak dlm pkul 9.30am. hahaha.. awal kan. konon sbb xtau jalan so we decided to start early. gps pun telah disetting maka perjalanan pun bermula. tup2 pkul 10.15am kitorg dh smpai. laaa.. xlame langsung perjalanan. quite impress dgn the whole venue. well, before this mmg pnah pgi pusat kraftangan tu n i mmg tau tpt tu cantik. untuk promosi kerja kahwin ni diorg ade rasenye 3 marquee tent. ok la, positioning one booth and another pun xcramp, luas, xsesak langsung. 

the first tent yg kitorg masuk was tent yg ada byk jual kain2 yg of cz batik. hurm.. blom interested lg tp, as soon as kitorg smpai area yg byk cake, i dh start excited dh. semua cake cantik2. impress sgt ok. ada la jgak tanya harga n guess what, rm1.4k n for promotion bole dpt RM1.2k. gilak ape? blom pape dh ribu2? haih.. xpela, cake free ape caterer nk bagi aku ambik je. to those yg ade budget berlipat2 lebihnye, bole la pakai cake yg super cantik tu. lucky u! natijahnye, i cume mampu beli cheese tart dgn apam polka comel ni je. 10pcs, RM3.50. rase.. hurm.. biase la. besar kan lawa je.

jln2 ade jgak tu terlalu booth kakak buat henna on the spot. dlm hati teringin gak. mujur jgak azam approve. dh siap tanye sume ni. tp last2 xbuat pun. dh blk baru rase menyesal. aku ni mmg xtetap pendirian. sekejap nk sekejap xnk. konon takut kne ejek la kalo org nmpk. terserlah plak kegatalan aku nk kahwin nnt kan. hihihi.. org gatal mmg mcm ni. malu tapi mahu.

as our main reason pgi promosi ni is utk carik caterer so kitorg smpai la tent yg ade caterer2. alahai, xbyk sgt pun. ade la dlm 6-9caterer semuanye. malangnye, diorg sume jauh2 la. sume nk main area rawang, batu caves, selayang. aduhai.. xpela, flyers sume dh collect. quotation sume dh dpt. promosi kerja kahwin pun smpai 6hb. pape i'll get the parents to call or pgi je sendiri nnt.

tp, dlm byk2 kejadian yg jadi smlm, ade satu ni kelakar sgt. nk tau x, xpasal2 i bole terjatuh menyembah bumi kt promosi kerja kahwin tu. omg, klaka gile kut. xmalu pun. klaka je rase. i was wearing my favorite n only wedges yg tinggal. keluar dari marquee tent tu i dh rase mcm jln tu xrata. so i pun cube la balance. ke kanan ke kiri jgak la nk mencube tu. agak2 give up i pun menjatuhkan saja la diri i. hahaha.. yg best, azam langsung xprasan. die menonong je tgk kek lapis sarawak. nasib baik die xprasan, kalo xabis smpai skrg kne bahan. 

haih, susah nk menaip kalo smbil ketawa. mujur jgak i jatuh tu cume melutut. maklum la, jatuh yg dh diexpect. dlm hati tu agak bangga la dgn tindakan sendiri. motif bg mengelakkan aib kalo i mulut bising2 nnt ramai pulak org prasan. biar jatuh org xprasan pastu kite cpt2 bgn kan? hahaha.. as usual kalo i jatuh or terpele'ot i akan salah kan azam sbb xpegang i. smlm, i marah jgak tp lepas tu manjang gelak. xtau la sape yg prasan i jatuh. 

maka dgn itu, i dpt la jgak souvenir terbaik dari pusat kraftangan iaitu, kasut favorite tobek..

n seluar jeans koyak..

smpai hari ni masih terasa sakit kt lutut. nasib baik xluka cume calar2 skit. hahaha.. macam2 la. nway, i mmg recommend kt siape2 yg still tgh mencari or membuat persiapan. tukang buat pelamin pun byk yg best smlm2. i je yg xpandang sgt. =)

wedding date - to be revised =(

badi malang may still blom habis lagi rupenye. baru ingat last week i was problem free but nmpk gaye ujung2 bulan ni pun ade lagi masalahnye. mmg btol bagai dikata, jadi org bertunang ni mmg byk dugaan. they should be more specific especially on may. hahaha.. itu utk i je kut.

so, yesterday i received this shocking news. my date on 23rd december mcm going to be a no-no saje. i was like sgt2 dissapointed. hati i crushed mcm ape tah i pun xtau. proposed that the solemnization to be moved earlier. but xmungkin la november. awal november raya haji. 11/11 adalah hot date yg aku xfancy. n lepas tu adik aku spm. awal bulan december 3minggu berturut2 cuzen aku dh chop. so nmpk gaye mungkin kne postponed atau i kawin bln october. dua2 pun i xsuke. but knowing that this is org tua punye request, i terus rase yg i have no say on this matter. mmg indeed this is my day. but kalo org tua xhappy smpai bile2 pun kite xkan happy jgak kan. *sigh*

officially, i bukan saje diattack monday blues but may blues as well. mood sgt2 la susah hati. hal ni pun i xbole nk turn to azam sgt cz i tau die pun lebih kurang je dgn i. we're not happy. lagi2 bile terkenang kan vendor2 yg dh dibooked. hopefully semua bole selesai ASAP. i want the exact date to be decided by this week. i dh redha je skrg walaupun deep down inside i still hope that we can just stick to this date. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

things i like..

entry kali ni is rather plain. i just nk gather some pictures of inspirations n reference. =)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

bersedia utk weekend?

salam jumaat!! jeez.. rase mcm baru hari tu post satu entry on hari jumaat jgak. masa sungguh pantas n tuntas meninggalkan kite.

nway, its the end of the month. alhamdulillah, gaji pun dh masuk. segala persiapan kne diteruskan. fyi, kitorg skrg sedang in quest of searching the right caterer. takat browse2 internet je xpuas la. i mean, all the packages mcm xngam dgn ape yg kitorg nk. dh la plak caterer2 ni mcm xrajin bukak email je. isk..

so, weekend ni jadual sang fira dan sang azam agak tight untuk kesana kemari. sabtu, kenduris to attend. ahad plak i dh plan dgn azam utk ke jln conlay utk ke promosi kerja kahwin anjuran Kraftangan Malaysia.

[here] for more info

so far, i xjumpe lg the list of vendors yg akan participate. i cume tau ade 2 je name besar yg akan ada kt sana. but according to the press release, there will be around 105 of perunding perkhidmatan and 146 usahawan. nk bace full article kat [sini]. so harap2 dlm ramai2 ni ade la potential caterer bole dijumpai. potential for me n azam utk lost di KL lebih2 lg bersama kereta baru adalah agak besar, as always. tp xpe, i dgn azam mmg dh ready mind, body n soul dgn harapan kami akan jumpe ape yg kami nk carik. *plan utk merembat gps FFIL pun dh dibuat*

selain drpd ni, ade jgak wedding exhibition lain around the corner. kalo nk tggu yg kt PICC tu lame lagi but coming soon jgak adalah pameran raja sehari at plaza alam sentral, shah alam. mcm yg the previous one, kalo kt plaza alam sentral punye expo xberapa nk besar n xbyk choice. but ape2 pun WP i pun ade amik booth kt situ. to those yg rase nk try [suri weddings], bole la ye ke plaza alam sentral jun ni. for me n azam, this expo xde ape sgt. plus, kitorg pun tggl carik caterer je n kt expo ni mcm xde caterer je dlm list die.

[here] for more info

so, amacam, tight kan weekend i kali ni? now, i just pray n hope for the best. mudah2an Allah lancar kan semua plan n perjalanan. abg azam saya pun dh lebih serious dlm hal ni. kalo before this die yg sibuk bising kt i yg i ni menggelupuh sgt, skrg tgk2 die pun same join i. hahaha.. tp i xtau knp i somehow actually suke this feelings. =P

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

byk nye nk fikir

haaaa... amik kau. konon before this xtau ape nk buat kan bulan ni? so, since bln ni pun dh nk abis, maka segala atok nenek pencarian kne la disambung semula. suddenly i dh xtau mcmane nk gerak lg dh. asik2 tgk benda yg same je. alahai... tolong la saya..

antara benda yg nk kne disettlekan SEGERA :

1. Caterer - baru lepas discussion dgn abah azam n die kate kalo ade mane2 caterer yg ok, book je. nmpk nye die pun dh kecuak-an tu. katenye sbb takut nnt by our date caterer dh xavailable. well of cz ade belambak caterer. but bare in mind, yg available utk kite xsemestinya yg terbaik. i ade dpt tips katenye its better kalo kite dpt jd org awal yg book dgn that particular caterer cz in one day they might take more than one place so yg awal2 tu la yg akan dpt chafing dish yg class n sbg nya. also kalo bole i nk carik caterer kt shah alam gak supaye senang die nk deliver nnt. usj ke, kg. melayu subang ke, sg. buloh ke is still considerable.

2. Hall - another thing is to find time utk jumpe dgn PIC utk hall. yes, abah azam pun ade tanye pasal ni jgak. percaya x, die dh siap kan the guest list! jeez... gile advance FFIL aku ni. sebelum i je yg terpaksa jd tukang menjawab, its better kalo kite dpt clear kan everything once n for all. 

3. Hantaran from UK - this is good. kaklin kate she dont mind to buy me anything from UK as hantaran. tp dgn syarat nnt die blk i kne byr blk. well, of cz la kan. die suruh i choose anything that i like n she'll get it for me. since kaklin yg akan byr dulu, i xtau brape budget die n i pun xmo la order yg mahal2. been checking out here n there but yeah, i asik tgk bnde yg same je n yet i cant make up my mind. =(

4. Baju Azam - finally, azam setuju nk pakai suit on our wedding day. hahaha.. its always been my no. 1 choice but i xnk decide kan utk die. i xnk la nmpk obvious sgt yg this wedding is all bout me. mmg semua org pun tau, lelaki xamik port sgt but hey, that doesnt mean yg diorg pun xde teringin ape2. tp xpela.. smlm pun die dh mentioned this to his mom. mak die kate "xpanas ke tghari2 pakai suit?", well aunty.. hall kami kan ade aircond. ngeeee.. now that she hv seen the point so, yeah.. it has been approved! maka.. ade chan la aku pakai baju pink kak suri ni..

rasenye i tamak sgt kut sbb tu la carik2 xjumpe. kjap carik caterer kjap carik baju kjap carik hantaran. anyway, kalo uols ade suggestion bg la eh.. i know korg baik.. kan kan kan.. =P especially part caterer.. despite byk bnde kne buat, i also need to hear some review from u. mcm yg kite tau, caterer adalah antara potential wedding crasher terbesar dlm weddings. yikes!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

hall decorations

suddenly i have this call to do hall inspection by next month. seriously dari awal booking hari tu i dgn my entourage xgi lagi hall tu, jumpe PIC n discuss further on our time, what else to rent, what else do we get to rent n all that.

terase takut jgak bile langsung xdpt discuss secara bersemuka dgn that PIC. selama ni we just communicated through phone calls n emails. *bare with me as i skrg dh masuk zone cuak. ape2 pun i akan carik point utk cube cuak. well, i have 7more months to cuak. yikes!*

basically hall pelamin mmg dh settle. tgh dlm proses utk complete kan payment. insyallah, semua akan berjalan lancar kalau ikut kan my plan. however, my pelamin package just include all those pelamin thingy + walkways n baju n make up n all that stuff.

tgk la gambar hall i yg i jumpe kt google ni. aiyark.. togel je. rata je. dh la melaut. wuuuu.. dh mule risau lg. xkan nk dibiar dinding hall bogel mcm ni. 

if only i bole transform my hall jd mcm ni..

tgk smbil gigit kuku.. cantiknye abg arjuna oii.. i dh tanye diorg whats the price n fyi, its no way u can get this for below than 10k. hamboi.. nk hulur 1k pun tgn i dh menggigil, ni kan 10k. sigh. 

there is another option n this could cost me less. in fact it is cheaper than the wall deco diatas. 

source : [here]

the one yg kat atas tu is by my WP as well. have yet to discuss with them. yg bwh plak by [kamalinda caterers]. kalo ikut nafsu serakah aku ni alamat meletup2 la lagi budget aku. tolong la esok ujan turun duit. kasi la aku chance.. =(

ok la, si fira kalo melalut mmg mengarut. tah ape la die epek2 kan ni. well, cume nk note angan kahwin aku je. slmt tdo semua kawan2 b2b. semoga mimpi indah.

nota mimpi : ade ke mlm kelmarin i mimpi i kahwin with my current body figure n teramat la upset with myself. tertekan xdpt kurus kan badan. adakah ini amaran.. *padahal skrg ni tgh ade plan nk msk maggi lepas post entry* subhanalah..

Monday, May 23, 2011

the WVH

happy tuesday, darla's! =) as usual, tuesday has always been my favorite day of the week. fortunately there are no big pressure at office. typical work loads n will try my best to complete it on time. hahaha.. skrg masih sempat menaip satu entry. biarkan lah.. there are things i'd like to share. my happy feeling.

=) despite hari merah sedunia, hari ni i call azam he doesnt sounds boring anymore. i knew this day will come. alhamdulillah, penantian dh berakhir. azam has finally got a car he can confidently count on. im so happy, i cant stop smiling. azam pun happy sgt2. i know. he laughed on every single word i say. he's so excited to show me his new big car, he straight came to my office and take me around. hehehe.. bau kereta baru, plastic blom bukak. n yes, im glad he's happy.

if only gaji keluar hari ni, i mmg guaranty ajak die keluar jln kl, pusing2 tgk movie. malangnya esok baru keluar. xpela.. itu xpenting. yg penting semua dh selamat n... i dh drive kereta baru azam! one word, awesome! mmg lepas ni i akan merengek2 pd azam mintak nk drive kereta dia. i rase sgt tough dan megah in my fiance's car. uhhh.. i feel like a nigga! (??)

so, thats it. my short entry for today. xsabar rase nk blk plak cz azam promised to fetch me later. i nk blk awal. gotta finish all my work fast. to azam, wait for me!!!

time is running out

its an entry about my wedding ticker. seriously, its getting scarier. korg2 pnah xrase ape yg i rase? before this mase ticker tunjuk 7-8bln lg ade until my wedding day, i ok je xrase ape. tp skrg bile bulan dh menunjukkan number 6 dan seterusnye akan lebih berkurang i rase sangat nervous plak. no, this is serious men.. xlame lg aku nk kawin!

lps ni i kne btol2 manage my financial. no more main2. movie pun kne puasa byk ni.cite la fast n furious ke, pirates of the carribean ke, i mmg xkan layan. sedih kan? gile ikat perut aku nk kawin ni. bertahan la bag trf ku syg. jgn rosak2. xde duit nk ganti baru. kasut mayb i will have to buy one since satu tu dh patah. imagine wedges bole patah. hish.. time2 gini la kaki aku nk mengganas. mujur hampir semua part yg involve vendor i dh settle kan. tiap2 bulan i mmg akan tabung kan sejumlah besar gaji utk diagih2 kan pada vendor2 bile smpai masenye nnt.

discussion dgn vendors pun is about to be made very soon. insyallah before raya i nk gi jumpe kakak pelamin dgn en. dewan. after raya plak nk kne jumpe abg2 OV n OP begitu juga dgn cik decorator n en. designer. apart from that kne carik barang hantaran n stuff utk dikerjakan seperti dulang hantaran, bunga pahar, door gift n etc.

xpela, ape2 pun insyallah semua akan berjalan lancar. i'll try my best n pray the hardest. again, this feeling sgt scary. bukan ke i patut rase excited? hurm.. is this actually normal? 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

7 months until our wedding day!

until we officially be mr. and mrs. azam..

hehehe.. amacam? cun xgambar diatas? buruk, i know. of all 400++ pictures i cume berjaya edit 12 je. gosh.. sape kate kje edit senang. dh la cume jd 12 n xberape nk lawa plak tu. dh pagi baru i realized, apsal la i xedit sume in the same tone. ni ade yg merah la, ade yg kelabu la. 

hurm.. sebenarnye, i have to admit that the selected pictures adalah sgt limited. ini disebabkan cuzen i yg lebih cenderung ke arah stop motion video berbanding still picture. but anyway, stop motion sgt bagus. its like another option utk kite yg xmampu nk buat pre-wed video. roughly i've seen the storyline. sebagai pelakon i rase terharu. im glad i took masscomm mase study dulu. xsangka boleh dibanggakan idea i. hahaha.. i bangga dgn diri sendiri cz everytime i tgk the rough stop motion video i gelak sorg2. 

nway, baru la i tau betapa susahnye posing amik gambar ni. nasib jugak my cuzzie tu cenderung ke stop motion cz every single picture snapped adalah diambil tanpa kite tau. its like xde la org tu nk kire "1, 2, 3" n kite pun penat standby senyum. we just be in character or ourselves (in my case im a gf yg dibawa picnic oleh bf die, i love taking picture [lah sgt] n my bf surprise me)

sweet kan? biase la. i mmg sweet2 je. =P but azam? sweet? haih.. xaku yg stand by sume. but im glad he gives me his cooperation walaupun hakikatnye die sgt playful smpai rase nk smack down je. aksi2 smack down pun ade but i xtau cane nk edit. insyallah bile my cuzzie dh siap kan the stop motion video i'll share.

btw, i pun nk share about my props jgak. honestly bile i bgn pagi smlm im more excited on setting up the place rather than nk amik2 gambar.

these are some of my props.

believe it or not, sume bende diatas cost me less than rm20. yupp, thats including the cakes. hahaha.. the cakes, sgt instant ok. i dgn my another cuzen elya, kitorg main tipu. we actually didnt bake the cakes. we want to but i sgt malas. end up we drive to the shop beli butter, kek butter dlm plastic RM3.60 tu n cupcakes yg mcm jual kt org roti naik motor tu sepuluh, RM2.60. smpai rumah, buat icing, transfer cup cupcakes n deco! hehe.. sorry la, i main tipu. actually xla sweet sgt kan. tu pun i budget nk beli kek pisang but rupenye kek pisang lg mahal. =P

then i have the honey jars. tu adik i dpt dr kenduri sape tah. its so small yet very cute. how i wish it is bigger but xpela. so since mereka kcik so i used all of it. sume pun i ikat cap die guna tisu paper =P n another layer of tulle. tampal my date on it sticker n siap! the flowers beli kt seri muda pagi tu. setangkai RM1.20 n i just bought 2tangkai. pasu, pasu mak. =P books, mostly by sophie kinsella n marian keyes, my sister's favorite menjadikan buku2 itu juga hasil pinjaman tanpa izin i dgn my sister yg tgh berseronok2 di UK. the camera, nikon yg sgt classic. gune kodak tu. my adik beli tp xgune so i tolong gune kan. 

so, here are the rest of the photos yg i dh edit. more to come but mungkin lmbt. n mungkin jgak yg lain xakan dipublish. cukup2 la yg skrg ni. u guys in fact have seen it all now. 

conclusion : we enjoyed this session very much. thanks to imin, my cuzen as the photographer. it all went very smooth n full with laughter. i know that i can always believe in imin even tho die slalu ckp yg die xbrape terer. but hey cuzen, just check out those pictures! im so happy with the outcome. non of us are professional but im so satisfied. in fact i wish i can do more after this. =) credit juge kpd my cuzie cum besties, elya. she support me all the way. dari menyediaan props hingga ke hari shooting tu sendiri. sgt baik menyediakan tisu. owh, kalo xde elya pun i mati. adik2 yg sedia membantu. TQVM. korg jd budak suruhan angkat2 barang. sorry la gua marah2 korg. mau xmarah, korg gua angkut tp nk angkat barang skit. huhuhu..

so, thats it ladies. habis satu chapter. my DIY pre-wed photos. lepas ni kne stand by utk wedding photoshoot plak. yikes!

im such a good actor

hahaha.. tajuk.. mane xnye.. i menjiwai watak i utk my prewed photoshoot td sepenuh hati tau. all thanks tu cuzen imin, azam n supporters yg sudi memberi kerjasama. ye karenah saye ni mmg ala2 hindustan bak kate azam. but hey, cpt sumpah yg kau xsuke experience td! (kata fira kpd azam)

finally the photoshoot berlangsung secara aman damai kat taman section 10 shah alam. memule kitorg dh gi dh tasik section 4 but end up kate situ mcm ade group of student tgh melakukan sesi ape tah xtau. so, sgt la xprivasi. we end up ke tmn sec10 td. 

so dearies, memandangkan gambar i pun diamik oleh adik2 study uitm je lg n xkhatam pun lagi hal2 camera2 ni, so i pun xnk presure byk2 n just enjoy the shoot. edit pun i edit sendiri. but maybe more coming soon from cuzzie kut. =) mlm td pun i tdo lmbt utk siap kan props. seriously i nk share dgn u girls psl my props. psl my photos tu later2 la eh..

i think im gonna share my favorite photo first while i edit2 lg gambar yg lain. ni pun masih rehat2. kitorg gerak about 10am td. start about 11am n finish around 1pm. hehehe.. sepintas kilat kan. tu pun sbb kami xbyk idea. =(

so, enjoy this first ya.. there are more photos to come. hehehe.. sorry, i xreti main teaser2 but i do have a surprise. hihihi.. apekah?? nnt i bgtau eh..

entry on props are coming up next.. hope u enjoy ur weekend too!! 


Friday, May 20, 2011

majlis khatam - perlu ke?

finally, teringat pun nk blog pasal ni. selalu bile discuss dgn mak i asyik ckp dlm hati "psni nk blog pasal ni la" tp.. haram.. so, alang2 dh teringat ni i blog la kjap. pstu gua nk terus blk rumah. al-maklum, kucing dh xde.. *smpai ati aku gelar boss aku kucing. dato tu. tp xpe, kucing comel. pussy2 puss2*

so, camni situation die, mak i ni suke kalo bercakap psl wedding i tu yg megah2 je. well, i faham.. as mak, of cz die nk yg terbaik utk anak die. lg2 pulak bile die gune script kesian die tu "lepas ni mak dh xde anak pompuan dh* shish.. gile buat drama plak mak aku ni. so nk xnk terpaksa la melayan. 

katenye, nk buat majlis khatam skali. siapa yg kne khatam? dh tentu la i xkan neighbour plak. actually, i dh khatam dh. tp mase tu xde pun buat majlis ke ape. serious segan kut nk ngaji dpn makcik2 marhabban. dh la makcik2 marhabban tu kawan2 baik wan (nenek) i plak tu. kalo jumpe msti kne stock cium2 pipi, gurau2 pukul. lagi2 nek mon. asik mintak i sakat die je. lagi la nk suruh i ngaji dpn die? confirm kalo ade error kne bahan.

however, i respect kehendak mak. ye la, mak mane yg xnk tgk anak die khatam dgn sepersalinan cantik, mengaji lagi. msti la nnt sejuk perut die. dh la i ngaji syahdu. *perasan*. i pun xtau la majlis khatam mase nk kahwin ni perlu atau x. i rase actually xperlu kut. its kinda defeat the purpose a lil bit. hurm.. entah la.. its just my POV. yg penting i tau yg i dh habis sebut sepatah2 ayat dlm kitab suci tu. insyallah, i nk fahamkan pulak ayat2 tu. 

dari sudut duniawi plak, i terfikir yg the timing just not right utk berkhatam. well, i nikah mlm jumaat. so of cz i kne khatam pagi jumaat. im on budget remember. kalo nk buat khatam ni mcm dh kne create another majlis la plak. i know mak wouldnt mind to spend. but xpela mak. mak simpan je duit mak tu. takat spend kat bende main2 ni baik mak sponsor fira honeymoon lg bagus. ops, dont get me wrong.. i bkn ckp khatam ni main2 or xwajip but i believe ini sume custom kite org melayu je. *ye2 je aku ni. xbuat research dh mandai2* so kwn2, pls correct me if im wrong.  i cume rase yg membaca al-quran tu mmg dh termaktub dlm rukun iman. kalo xbaca n faham mcmane nk percaya kan? kite sepatutnye khatam kan al-quran sebanyak2 yg kite boleh and if kite dah selesai baca, alhamdulillah, semoga Allah memberkati kite. pulut2 kuning sume ni.. hurm.. dont quite like concept.

but what to do, sume org ada fahaman yg berbeza. of cz i xelaborate pjg lebar mcm perenggan diatas pada mak. kang nnt msti pjg hujah2 nye. i cume ckp pada mak perihal duniawinya saja. syukur mak faham. to b honest, i antara dua jgak. xnk buat sbb i rase xperlu n xnk buat sbb i takuuuuuut. =P

ladies, feel free to drop your thoughts on this. i ni bkn pandai sgt bab2 agama ni. but actually i would love to learn n understand more about this. hihihi.. dh nk kawin kan. nnt dh ade anak xkan la nk membodohkan diri jgak. i want to be a good wife, good mom n of cz a good muslim. insyallah, i'll try..

Thursday, May 19, 2011

suatu pagi jumaat

Ya Allah, cepatnye dh jumaat semula. ingat lagi last week. time ni i tgh susah hati mengenang masalah dh selesai ke blom. syukur, semua dh selamat. kereta je xdpt2 lg. mungkin kne sabar lg? haih.. kalo xnk sabar abis tu nk buat ape? merempan? no no no..

0700 Hour - 20/05/2011
pagi ni i bgn awal sgt. 7am tu kire awal bg i.. *haih, psni nk kne training bgn subuh* maybe sbb knowing that i want to have enough time main dgn mimi, mata n body automatic bgn sndiri. lps mndi je i terus pggl mimi main kt bilik i. alahai, kalo dgr die jerit memang annoying sgt. mcm nk cili2 je mulut die. but, xkan tegarnye makcik mithali nk cili mulut princess die kan. 

mimi, kaklin n abg faiz will fly to uk pkul 3pm ni. obviously i xdpt nk hntr diorg gi airport. mujur jgak aku xhntr, kalo xmau banjir pulak klia tu. i doakan diorg selamat pergi n selamat blk. hopefully they enjoy their trip n have a wonderful journey. katenye akan ke belgium jgak. well, have fun all of u!

last pic with mimi.. bye2 syg, see u in 2weeks.. =(

0745 Hour - 20/05/2011
nway, besides having my final hours with mimi this morning, i sempat online tgk video tg. zawyah kawin hari tu. kebetulan OV mereka same dgn OV i. congratz en. Lukman, your profile is getting better now. alhamdulillah, im happy for u n proud of u too.. =)

again, i xtau mcmane nk share but u guys can check it out [here] *kalo nk ajar saya mcmane nk upload pun ok.. =) *. i somehow found that the couple is sooo sweet despite their ages. pendek kate mmg ngam sgt. sambil tu sempat lg pk how lucky their sons are. dpt mak tiri siti nurhaliza. bapak tiri, org kaya sabah. just hope that they are also happy with them too. insyallah..

aww... they are super sweet.. padan kan kan..
source : mstar

2115-0005 Hours - 19/05/2011-20/05/2011
blk kje smlm azam fetched me n kitorg straight pgi dating kat al-rafi sec13. azam had his nasi beriani n i only had my roti boom. mkn skit je.. the rest azam yg habis kan. kinda distracted with the movie x-men they were playing on the tv. lepas habis mkn i ajak azam gi carik brg kt kdai stationery near by our house. n guess what ya'll, i dh start DIY-ing my preweds props!

actually i buat yg simple2 je. something yg mungkin bole pakai lagi mase our big day nnt. so basically, im pretty ready with the preweds weekend ni. insyallah, kalo xde ape2 halangan. =)

nota sains : 5tars (Nik Erwan Roseli, Hatta Dolmat, Rizman Ruzaini, Zery Zamry n Hazwani Othman) will be having their Raya Fashion Show on this 26th May @ KL Tower. Im sure its gonna be a blast! they are inviting all of us to preview their collections. how i wish i bole pgi to give support to my dear designer. nway, nk merasa gak baju raya designer kan (cite mcm la poket kau xtetas lagi) but nway, u might not know. tgk la mcm baju nikah i.. bongkak xnk bertanye smpai konon ingat la mahal beriban mintak service designer2 ni. rupenya xpun. so, my bad disitu. mujur dapat hidayah dan petunjuk. hihi.. however event ni will be happening at 2.30pm n on thursday. kalo la convec ni bapak aku punye, confirm aku gi wehh.. tp malangnya tidak. xpela, all the best to them. to those yg xde buat ape tu, dipersilakan pergi.. for more info, can check out their [fb] =)

of bunga dulang hantaran - fresh flowers vs. artificial flowers

haaa... akhirnya jumpa jgak topic for me to blog about. haih.. gile sangap hari ni kat office. nk kate xde kje not really. pagi2 td dh warm up kje dgn mengomen blog2 kawan2. pang pung pang pung, type punye type rupenye dh hampir siap pun kerja utk hari ni. name pun melayu.. die kalo yg ujung2 tu msti die hold dulu. mcm yg i buat skrg. =P *sebenarnye i je kut yg mcm tu. mandai je blame melayu. sorry! *

hahaha.. jauh plak membebel. so, hari ni i just nk share something about my bunga for dulang hantaran. as we can see on my timeline, by june dh kne start collecting stuffs. fyi, i xde nye nk hire org buatkan utk i. semuanya sendirian berhad. nk kate berseni tu, oh.. tidak. but minat tu maybe yes.. biase la, fira kan mengade2. kalo bkn sbb brg hantaran utk dikerjakan, mungkin i akan botak sebab dh xtau ape lg nk dibuat nk menyampaikan ke bulan 12 nnt.

mcm mase tunang hari tu, i dgn mak la yg gigih mendeco. mak mmg terer bab2 gubahan. tah cemane die pintal tetibe jadi bunge plak riben tu. mujur menurun jgak ilmu tu kt anak second die ni. mcm tau2 je kite on budget. tah mane tah gamba2 hantaran tu. nnt i free i belek2 la kat rumah tu mane i simpan all the pics.

to be honest, i xde any specific theme lagi untuk my dulang hantaran. yela, setengah org buat butterflies la, birds la, cages la, ular la, reban la.. hahaha.. but i prefer something simpler. n nway, i dh lame aim lavender. tp blom nk jumpe lagi la org buat hantaran guna lavender. hurm.. owh, ckp pasal bunga.. i senanye prefer lagi bunga mati (artificial). kalo gune bunga hidup nnt mati sayang la *padahal ckp je la kalo guna bunga hidup 1week before nikah baru bole kerjakan. me, sabar? bak langit dgn bumi*

xdinafikan bunga hidup mmg akan membuat dulang hantaran tu menjadi tersngat la lawa. it has its own aura yg membuat semua org terpaku melihat nye. but i believe kalo yg buat tu arma atau kerjakahwin la. kalo fira yg buat masih blom tentu. nway, just look at this beautiful works by kerjakahwin

yg ni plak hantaran fresh flowers by arma

ok2, mmg cantik tiada tandingan. tu la impak kalo hantaran gune fresh flowers. lg2 kalo yg meriah2 tu. setakat yg sekuntum dua tu belum pasti la impak ximpak nye. but nway, back to me yg confirm xakan gune fresh flowers, confirm xterdaya nk upah kerjakahwin mahupun arma utk buat dulang2 hantaran i. maka artificial flowers je yg akan membantu menjadi penyelamat hiasan dulang hantaran i nnt.

haah, mmg aritificial flowers murah, xde seri, monyok je rupe. xgrand pun. tp jgn putus asa.. usaha tangga kejayaan. insyallah kalo kne pada gaye gune artificial pun bole menyerlah. org kan semakin maju. teknologi pun dh semakin moden. kalo rajin usaha msti bole jumpe artificial flower yg nmpk real mcm fresh flowers. =)

just check out the images yg i jumpe kt google ni. lawa je.. gune artificial flowers jgak. convincing je.. xde pun nk jelir2 lidah kate buruk. pokok nya, tgk jugak siapa yg buat and siapa yg tengok. *bole jadi cantik kat mate i tp xcantik kat mata u all. cantik tu subjektif remember?*

jeez... btol2 inspiring gambar2 di atas. especially the last one by jemari kreatif tu. mcm xcaye je tu buat gune artificial flowers. but according tu empunye/tukang buatnye sendiri, it is artificial flowers. hurm.. kalo la i bole buat mcm tu. blk office ni mmg for sure nk tunjuk kat mak. 

selain bunga, dulang or alas dulang pun main peranan jgak. so, dulang n alas dulang mcmane kah yg i suke..? nnt la i share kemudian. nk siap kan kje! thanks for reading. i love u all! =P

ps. wedding i nnt mesti confirm meriah cz i have a wonderful family to lite it up for me. it'll be grand in my own way. i dont need anyone to judge how grand my wedding is. its my day, not theirs.. L

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

mimpi kelmarin + invitation card update

bersiaran secara langsung dari pc office ku yg super sweet... *jeez, nothing feels as good as typing on my own keyboard* so, i'll have meeting at 2pm, boss's out, meeting tools - done, so now.. blogging without fear. hehehe..

haaa... smlm lupe nk share mimpi kelmarin i. omg, mimpi tu.. erk.. nk kate scary not really. buat kali keduanya dlm tahun ni i mimpi i kawin dgn azam lagi. hahaha.. i xsure if i ade blog psl my previous mimpi. but that was pretty sad. i mimpi i kawin dgn azam tercepat dari date. so xde pelamin, xde hantaran just nikah. dgn sedih menangis2 i tanye azam knp. nmpk gaye mimpi kelmarin die up skit. still xde pelamin n it was quite last minute. inai pun cuzzie i yg lukis. make up huhuhu.. mule2 i rase dlm mimpi tu cuzie i jgak yg make up kan tp pstu muke cuzie i berubah jadi muke aim. hahaha.. mmg mengarut mimpi aku. the nikah went well. tp lps tu kitorg xsanding. kitorg mkn je kat restaurant fancy. this time around dh xnangis lg. sume org happy. but yeah, the introduction was abit scary.

hehehe.. agaknye mimpi ni pun ade step by step kan. gasak ko la. 

cite pasal invitation card. guess what, my BIL, abg faiz dh mintak tolong kawan die yg buat diorg punye invitation card utk design i punye plak. well, i dh ade list of vendors dh utk buat my invitation card. but if abg faiz bole dpt harga kawan2 dgn kawan die that would be even better. about the quality, siapa xnk invitation card die awesome beriben emas, bercover keras. but if only money are meant for me to throw than xpela kalo nk buat mcm tu. 

remember i sebok sgt ckp nk buat card one piece? rase nye i changed my mind now. bukan ape, one piece and then nk buat 2designs one for me n one for azam.. hurm.. i bet the price xde la akan jadi sebagus mane. nak2 plak i dh terpandang satu design card yg cantik yet xpnah tgk die real2 n just nmpk through my imagination je. rasenye mcm nk call membe abg faiz tu skrg jgak. 

well, i was thinking of stripes. me n azam's theme, light pink n soft blue.. alaaa... mcm baby2 tu. huhuhu..

sbb ngade2, i nk card tu lipat byk2 mcm kt atas ni plak. hihihi.. kpd yg confuse, i ni mmg agak over. kalo yg simple, nk simple sgt. kalo nk kemain2 mmg akan kemain sgt. bare with me ye.. baru la name alang2 menyeluk pekasam.. =P

so, the stipes will be something like the picture above. but in our color ye.. xde la meriah sgt seperti gambar diatas.

more less, two tones mcm kt atas ni. hihihi.. serious teringin nk buat invitation card ade katun2 owls mcm kat atas tu. but lupe kan je la fira. longgar gigi2 nenek2 azam gelak kalo tgk nnt. martabat nk kne jage. *sigh*

kaklin. abg faiz n mimi will fly to UK this friday. i dont know if the design of the card will be ready before they are leaving. kalo x, jawapnye teman kne la tunggu smpai mike blk.. haih.. menci btol la tunggu2 ni. tunggu ni mcm ade xde je dlm kamus org excited mcm i ni. but hello, like i have any other choice. huhuhu...


holiday kali ni... haaa... baru la puas hati kan. kalo kje ko sebok sgt nk cuti. dh cuti ko komplen bosan plak. ngeeee..

serious bosan sgt cuti ni. tah knp time cuti ni la plak langsung xjumpe azam. kalo x, naik jemu tgk muke die hari2. tp pape pun mmg hutang tdo i selame ni terbayar.

nway, maafkan kehiatus-an i ye.. tgk chatbox i kt sebelah --> nmpk sgt si lisa tu kesangapan dikala cuti. huhuhu.. sorry la babe, i cuti ni lappy i pun cuti. xdpt nk update pape bg tatapan u. i ni dh la kureng nk minat layan blog gune lappy org. i aktif di fb pun gune phone je. sib baik la ade BIL yg terer I.T. dh pun format lappy usang i ni. xsabar nk update pnye psl, lappy i skrg ni actually sgt la virgin. microsoft office pun xde tau. layan la type blog gune explorer. explorer pon explorer la.

so, ni nk share skit aktiviti i spjg xbekerja ni. kalo ikut kan mmg dok umah membongkang je. nk keluar xde duit. kalo nk tau, bln ni i dh broke sgt. ingat problem i last week? alhamdulillah dh settle pun. syukur sgt2.. tp dh settle2 tu pun, there goes my saving utk bg my sister utk kirim die beli pape mase die gi uk nnt. sobs.. sedih nye.. sia2 je bosan2 msk website house of fraser, harvey nicole, selfridges &co, yada yada yada.. haih.. kalo dikenang mmg sedih. tp xpela. mungkin xde rezeki uk kut nk rase duit i. but anyway, janji dh settle kan hal hari tu. skrg kite tunggu je la sampai kete baru azam keluar ye... i pun excited ni. kasi intai skit kete die cemane..

haaa.. tu dia lampu kete.. nnt dh kuar baru kite tunjuk kete ape eh? tp, xkisah la kete ape kan. yg penting tayar ade 4, stereng ade satu, bole duduk2, xkena hujan. hurm.. tunggu dan lihat je la. *nk teka ke? sape dpt teka die dpt.. erm.. dpt naik kete ni round shah alam! hehe..*

sementare tu, hari ahad hari tu dpn umah i ade neighbour dpn rumah ni buat kenduri kawin. alang2 dh die bentang canopy dpn rumah, i dgn my parents pun discuss la psl hal canopy kitorg plak. insyallah mak will do her part dlm hal calling mengcalling ni. nk call skrg mcm awal sgt. tp takat nk survey2 tu ok la kut. nnt kite refer kat mak blk eh..

owh, lg satu.. hari tu alia.a [of a flaw pallete life] ade tanye i kt fb pasal pre-wedding photoshoot. isk.. actually programme tu terpakse di postponed dek kerana ke-broke-an i. tp yg tu i xkire.. i nk usahakan jgak smpai die settle minggu ni jgak! xkire! gile la nk beli props pun xde duit. gile sengkek aku ni. sabo je la. tu pun dh abis kne maki dgn azam sbb dulukan duit i psl hal kete tu. tp lantak kau la azam. janji aku dh xrase serba salah lagi.. =P

Friday, May 13, 2011

oh my blog..

HIIIIII!!! (dgn nada yg paling happy) apa khabar semua? harap2 sihat2 belaka.. hehe.. seronok sgt rase nye bile dpt bukak account blogger. serious mati kutu *actually xsgt* bile blogger ade problem. its been a tough week n i langsung xde mood utk buat kje. asal settle 2-3 ayat je i bukak fb. cube nasib bukak blogger, xberjaya. hampa.. =(

but now that its ok, mari la i melepaskan gian!!

pejam celik dh weekend semula. rase cpt sgt kan. n mujur la die cpt so that all the worst thing happened to me pun cpt berlalu. alhamdulillah, as i always believe, He will never leave my side. insyallah everything will later turn out good.

however, i mmg xde mood minggu ni. all i want to do is to be alone, talk seriously, smpai ramai jgak yg tegur n remind me to smile. xsangka plak yg its actually reflected on my face. takat mengeluh tu lagi la jgn ckp. but its ok. i tau yg i only have to be myself. am not gonna pretend like nothing happen. yes, mmg org2 yg tegur xtau what is going on. im not gonna tell neither. so, lantak kan je la.

btw, just nak share.. mlm smlm i xtau ape mslh i. n smlm adalah hari beramah mesra dgn vendors. hahaha.. release skit kut tension. mcm klakar kan. but at least i have something to feel relieved on. mule2 i text designer. well, ade terbaca something yg scary about designers yg xbalas email or reply sms apatah lagi call. gosh, thats scary man. so i purposely text mine to make sure that everythings gonna be alrite. alhamdulillah, according to him everything went well. i tanye if die dh beli kain n die even ckp yg baju i dh 40% n meletupz. haaaa... meletupz tau uols... hati siapa xexcited kalo designer uols ckp baju uols tu meletupz. lgpun, baru last month i mintak die buat, dah 40%. maka i pun bgtau la die, kalo siap awal bgtau je la.. xpayah tunggu september baru nk 1st fitting. hahaha.. bunyik cam excited lebih kan. btw, pedulik la. i am excited what.

so, lega dgr khabar dari designer. keep it up nik! next, i try follow up dgn my official decorator utk my nikah day. hurm... she's been in a hiatus for a very long time. it makes me quite nervous since her fb wall pun quite full with comments yg sedang mencari2 die. tp xpe, i still tried my luck. alhamdulillah jgak she replied. rase nye die pun dh getting better since die ade update skit blog die. ok la, i xnervous lagi. but i feel so sorry kat siapa2 yg still xdpt carik die tu. mungkin date mereka dah semakin hampir unlike me yg masih ade 7months lagi. xpela, kite same2 doakan yg baik2 n teruskan mencube. insyallah die xkan knp2 dgn kite semua.

so, thats it girls.. lega btol menaip dipagi hari. im sure ade those of u yg akan bercuti panjang. i pun akan jugak. insyallah.. i just need rest. pre-wed photoshoot.. insyallah.. anything i'll just update. wish everyone of u a happy weekend n enjoy ur holidays!! =)

my wedding progress : in process of collecting quotations for the invitations cards. =)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

a new day - time to move on

first of all, i'd like to thank all friends yg memberi kata2 mukadimah n semangat pade i on the last entry. ok, i xnk grieving lagi. i tetap positive yg bende ni akan settle. i even dh pledge to myself yg bnde ni akan settle on so n so date. but then i xla strict sgt. there are things yg i have to leave it to God cause only he knows best. with my little effort n doa, i hope God will help me n show me the way. dear friends, pray for me also eh?

so, hal smlm blom settle lagi. cume dh nmpk commitment yg the other party xsenang duduk nk selesai kan hal ni cpt. ye la, diorg yg bergaye pakai alarm bagai, kite yg nk angkat kete baru plak sangkut. sabar je la.. bile berjumpe dgn org tu smlm i can see sadness in azam's face. muke die mcm dh putus harapan n xtau nk ckp ape dh. kalo nk tau, azam kalo bole mmg nk pakai kete baru before our wedding. before this die sgt confident n excited nk bwk i naik kete tu. smpai mase test drive pun actually die nk gi rumah i tp i yg xde kt rumah. *sobs*

tp tu la, mungkin ni sume dugaan kan. rasenye azam dh start to accept n working his level best jgak to settle everything. so do i. seronok sgt bile die layan i tgk cite hikayat merong mahawangsa gune youtube smlm. hahaha.. n die buat byk lawak international jgak. cume bile die sebut pasal kete like "kalo xminggu dpn i dh pakai kete baru dh", yg tu i sentap. mcm nk makan jari sendiri je bile die ckp mcm tu. tp xpe, i xblame die. i pun actually keep telling myself the same thing.

skrg ni hari2 i bgn pagi i ade hope. hope nk dgr yg that other party dh beres kan all the outstanding so that the system will start cleaning up azam's name ASAP. apart from that, wedding preps i tetap i akan jalan kan. i know azam akan jadi sgt marah kalo die tau i xde mood nk buat bende i ske buat semate2 sbb mslh2 mcm ni. die keep telling me that this is not my fault for me to tanggung. i know. but i just want to tanggung cz i feel so bad for him.

ok la, kate xmo grieving tp 4 paragraph jgak kan. now, can i get my pre-wed photoshoot mood back? ok, go! 

so the other day i dh discuss dgn my adik2 on my plan. thank god they are willing to help. kje mereka adalah utk mengumpulkan props utk i. i dont need to buy much. trying to utilize things yg kitorg dh ade. pretty sure on the concept already. pik-a-nic of cz. reason, murah, senang dan cepat. mmg confirm sume cake stand mak, table cloth mak n candle2 mak kitorg angkut. sorry mak.. spot pun dh confirm. dkt shah alam area jgak. 

my first adik pun siap dh survey kan tpt mane nk beli this n that. n skrg i just cant wait for our "we" time with adik2 to kumpul2 all the props. *sejuk perut aku bile adik sendiri pun turut excited utk aku. nk pujuk aku la tu cz 2-3hari ni aku kemurungan hal kereta tu*. in fact kalo bawak ramai2 skit entourage xla segan sgt kan kt tpt public. nk posing2 lagi. alahai..

so nnt bile bahan2 i dh siap i share kayh? *hey, tgk.. mood i dh swing la!*

source : [here]

source : google
