Nak memberitahu yg ade ke pompan yg xsuke baju murah? Ade ke? Ade ke? Xmungkin ade. Even if u would spend on designer clothes pon, u would be jumping-jack kalo the price offered to u is cheaper than it should be. Its like, rezeki jgn ditolak, maut jgn dicari. Why buy one, if u can actually get 2 or more with the same price. Kalo barang (baju/bag/tudung/kasuttttt) berjenama time sale hujung tahun, lagi la mata terbeliak, jiwa bagai nak gila. Bak kata bidalan, "women n cheap clothes are inseparable", fira - 2014.
Fyi, im a woman who've been in many phases in life. Well, mase jaman muda mudi dulu aku jahiliah, free hair. Suke bersuka ria n time tu cara pemakaian harus la up to date. To be frank, im not the type who dress alot. Cukup la sekadar rilek, sempoi n selesa. So back then when i was a teenager, i would prefer to wear tshirts n jeans. To me, less is more. N when u are comfortable, the inner beauty will prevail naturally (cough2)
If only online shopping back then was as havoc as it is today, i would definitely have millions of clothes to wear. Dulu bkn la xde online shopping tp mase dulu aku mcm takut2 nk pecaya dgn blogshop masa era tu. Well u know, dh la student, duit pon xbyk so kalo dibuat nye kne tipu or brg yg dpt xmemuaskan hati, sape yg rugi? Aku jugakkkk..
So as i was scrolling on this one website, i was mesmerized with the clothes they sell n the prices they offered. If only i could turn back the time, i must've been so stylish n chic with those bajus that only cost me RM19 for a cool boyfriend tshirt.
Ok, stop talking nonsense about the pass. Pass is passed. Now hidup harus diterus kan n masa skrg n masa depan pon perlu pakai baju jgak kan. So, sambung scroll carik baju yg lebih sopan n muslimah friendly. Again, tshirts make it to the top of the list as it is very simple n comfortable to wear (especially when u are a mother). Honestly, i envy the model for being perfectly slim n slender. Pakai ape pon lawa. But i've marked few designs which im confident can fit me well n at the same time fulfilling the syariah compliances that a muslim should obey (cough2, ustazah in the house yaw)
See, cantik kan? Harga die lg la jgn ckp. Thats super cheap! Bole beli semua color kalo mcm ni. Ok, got to set a goal, nnt lps bersalin adik dian, aku kne jd hot mom. Pakai baju mcm kat atas ni kompom bole jd hot mom. Provided, body kne maintain. But no worries, breastfeeding is the number one slimming solution, i believe.
Who says a hijabista (eh, tetibe claim diri sendiri hijabista. Kehkeh.. eskusmi pls) dont wear leggings? Tolong skit eh.. i still wear leggings tau. Xpakai leggings rase xselesa. Especially bile pakai jubah or any dress. Xbole la kalo pengudaraan terlalu direct ni. If bkn sbb nk pakai dlm, i will wear leggings time malam or time duduk kt rumah. Even though xla pakai utk keluar tp i still need
Still at the same site, saje la konon nk tgk2 seluar. Sekali nmpk leggings warna warni yg sgt menarik n yg plg penting, cheap!!!! Haih la zalora, thanks for feasting my eyes with such colorful options. Lps ni dh bole pakai matching leggings with dress or jubah. Hehehe..
Last but not least, sementara mata ni masih segar merewang, window shop online, i try to look for cardis as aku ni mmg kurang pakai cardigan. Ntah la knp dulu rase xselesa pakai cardigan. Rasa macam panas. Mayb sbb dulu free hair so kesedaran tu kurang. Kehkehkeh.. skrg ni rase nye mcm perlu beli cardi byk2. Senang nk mix n match. Modest pon modest. Well, skrg kan dh bertudung. Kne la lebih sopan. So wearing cardi will nvr go wrong. Since zalora ni ade mcm2 jenis baju, aku xyah ssh2 carik kt website lain. Just tukar je keyword search, nahhhh.. terpampang pilihan cardi yg lawo2.
Sudah terang lg kan bersuluh. Semua yg dibebel kan ade kt zalora malaysia. Love the fact that they has this policy of cash on delivery, return policy n byk lg policy2 lain yg bg privilege kt kite. Method of payment pon pelbagai. Ikut selesa kite mcmane. Agak2 ade sindrom mcm aku yg takut brg xsmpai, bole opt for c.o.d method. Agak2 mcm ketaq sgt xsabar nk tggu gaji nk beli, bole gune cc or xpyh ssh2, online transfer je. brg yg dijual insyallah, memuaskan hati. well, they must have set their own standard before posting it to their web kan.
to those of you who share the same interest of mine (suke online window shopping lepas tu berangan), bole la try jenguk cheap clothes. mane tau terbeli sehelai dua. hihihi.. selamat menjamu mata!