Thursday, September 26, 2013

Im back! - with dian birthday party ideas

hola holi!!!

akhirnya sampai jugak masa dan seru untuk update blog yg kecil lagi hina ni. its been a while sbb peralihan kehidupan yang sedang berlaku. alhamdulillah, sekarang dh start kje baru. its a lovely place surrounded by lovely people. insyallah lovely paycheck too. kekeke.. tp kalau ade offer2 menarik yg lebih lovely, xmustahil aku berhijrah lagi. dimana ade rezeki, disitu ade aku. =P

nothing much yg interesting utk diupdate. mungkin dian saja lah topik "hangat" yg ade. fyi, she's 10mth 4wks now n alhamdulillah, dh menapak dari hall sampai ke dapur tanpa jatuh walau mengambil masa kurang lebih 3minit sbb die nk imbang2 badan dulu, tepuk2 tgn dulu, tegur2 org dulu. gigi yang ke 7 dan ke 8 pun dh nmpk bayang.

dian's birthday will be on the 5th of november. hari maal hijrah, insyallah. and as a super excited mom, i'll definitely throw her a party. 1month ++ until the party, si mak dh pon menempah kek. kekeke.. hover sgt kan. xpela, anggap je mak memang suke nk isi masa lapang. browsing ideas is one of the thing that i really enjoy doing especially sebelum tdo.

listed few themes but only one have been chosen. nah nk share skit idea theme yg menarik yg aku dh jumpe..

1. owl themed party - sapin salleh doesnt quite like the whole owl idea thing but i think its super cute to the max.

2. minnie mouse - mikka moushka, mickey mouse!!!! budak mane yg xsuke mickey mouse club house kan? sekumpulan haiwan yang bermain sambil belajar dgn bantuan masketool <-- abaikan ejaan cz aku cume tau sebut. dian pon suke tgk smbil perhatikan mak die joget tarian hot dog hot dog hot digadee dog. theme ni sgt interesting walaupun sedikit common. bahan2 pon mudah diperolehi. the only thing is, telinga die warna hitam. ntah knp, i found it so wrong having black color in a girl's birthday party. kemonnnnnnn..

3. star themed party - kalo tema ni ala2 matang la skit. yet very cute and cool.. sesuai utk both gender, boy or girl or kalo combine, theme ni mmg munasabah.

4. circus themed party - circus mmg fun!!!! colorful, cheerful, mmg best la! melonjak2 hati kalau hadiri party bertema circus mcm mmg pgi circus btol2.

menarik kan kan kan? mane la aku xexcited. pdhal kalo pk logic, dian baru setahun kut. mane la die mengerti party2 tema ni. obviously, mak die je yg nk syok sendiri. ho ho ho.. kalo tau dek bapaknye, sure kne marah. tp kalo xkne gune bajet yg melampau xmarah kut. 

ni conversation yg pnah dilakukan bersama husband which made me feel a little erkkkk?@#@$!%

me : abg, birthday dian nnt kite beli kek mcm2 ni eh? (sambil tunjuk gambo kek warna2 pastel)
husband : pucatnya.. cari la yg kiut2 yg katun2.
me : alaaa... dian kecik lagi la. die bkn tau pon katun2 ni. (dan2 underestimate dian)
husband : eley, b nk kek2 pucat2 ni sbb b yg suke kan? bkn sbb dian kn? kn? kn?
me : foine!!!!!
husband : carik kek katun. abg pon suke katun. kalo bole barbie.

ade ke nk kek barbie tu??? kemon husband, kemonnnnn... kek barbie tu kite simpan utk majelis hari jadi dian yg ke 4 ke ke 5 ke la.. hurmmmm.. nmpk xkami laki bini xberapa sehaluan kt sini? but skrg problem solved. which most of the things decided by me without any acknowledment by him. hehehe.. sonang. kite ckp yg basic2 je. like the determined theme n color, the menu n such. part deco2, hal2 berkaitan tema, aku pk n decide n buat sendiri bagi mengelak bebelan yg cume hanya mendatangkan kemarahan.

ok la, hari pon dh jumaat. next week dh october. dh bole masuk gear 4 utk preparation. as at now, kek n dessert buffet done.  ngeh ngeh ngeh.. siap dessert buffet which im gonna kelentong the total price to husband for the sake of keharmonian rumah tangga. balance will from my pocket. kuikuikui (cross finger he wont be reading this). n owh, to those who question, nope.. this time xbrape rajin nk olah buffet table sendiri walaupun sebenarnye boleh n lebih menjimatkan kalo buat sendiri. but i decided not to. makcik dh tuo.. makcik dh xbrapo kuaso dh nk buek sumo ni.

so, till then geng..
