Friday, June 21, 2013

membebel je la

selamat hari jumaat!!! lame dh rasenye xmembebel. maaf, xde content yg menarik. life jd mak ni mmg menyeronokkan habis! tp xde la sume bende pon nk dicerita n dikongsi. plg koman, account instagram mmg dipenuhi dgn gambar anak. to those yg rase mcm ek eley asik post gambar anak, just so u know, having dian is the greatest thing i have ever achieve. itu la nyawa saya, bekalan saya utk akhirat. so, yeah.. dian is 8 mths n im still obsess with her.

since hari ni xberapa busy, puas jgak baca blog sane sini, so i decided to post an entry on my own blog. nothing really interesting actually. so, kalo rase mcm anda tidak bersedia untuk membaca entry ringan, feel free to leave my blog.

dian is turning 8mos next couple of weeks. currently die mmg suke sgt nk mendengar telepon. *bkn ckp telepon ye*. everyday i have to call her because die asik menyibuk bile my mom or my maid tgh ckp telepon. die ingat mak die la tu. smpai mak n kak umi terpaksa text or call me semata nak bagi die dgr ape i ckp. so funny walau kadang2 rase mcm "dian, mak tgh kje ni!!!". mak n kak umi always said that bile i on the phone dgn dian muke die mcm faham sgt. she do interact with me. tp ckp "haaa.. haaa.." je la. but most of the time, she will just stumble upon sbb dgr suara mak die tp xnmpk muke.

dian's diet, errrr.. xla se-interesting mane. part ni dian agak malang skit sbb mak die bkn la seorg yg pandai memasak ape tah lg meng-explore resepi2 baru. nk masak bubur pon i malas ini kan yang macam2. as at now, dian masih cume makan sekali sehari. i beli kan die nestum. she loves nestum + fruits. dgn meal yg cume sekali sehari pon dian cume minum 14oz of milk daily saje, ini kan kalau lebih. to be honest, i agak sedih bile dian kurang minum susu i. i made it with love ok dian. i brewed it especially for u! hehehe.. *babak mak xbole terima anak dh besar*. apart from that kadang2 i bagi je dian mkn ape yg i mkn. hehehe.. part ni i xrase kejam pon. i mmg dlm keadaan separa memaksa dia utk mkn or at least rase. i ckp kt die "dian kne kuat. this is life!" hahaha.. kuajo kan. tp alhamdulillah, dian xde mslh pon. in fact, die seronok kut. i bagi die rase aiskrim skit smlm, alhamdulillah no flue or what so ever. chocolate indulgence secret recipe is one of her favorite. i hope with that perut die dh kuat.

dian's poop, hehehe.. dh berubah. unlike before. syukur saje dian suke sgt minum plain water. so, die xde la mcm berak keras ke ape. stool die xsecair mase die baby, cume muke die time melabur tu agak kelakar la. so like every other mommy, kite mesti bagi sokong 150% bile time anak kite nk poop.

dian's development, die dh bole berdiri with support. biase diri kan die dlm playpen n die sgt menyukainya. she's also in the midst of trying to stand on her own. stakat berpaut dan melutut tu dh master dh. cant wait to see her stand on her own feet. i always encourage her to "panjat! panjat! panjat!" agaknye die kate "mak tunggu la dian dh pandai panjat nnt mak akan ckp turun! turun! turun!".

my milk production alhamdulillah masih maintain. cant see myself stop feeding my own daughter from my own breast just yet. insyallah, kalo diizinkan, i want to feed her until she turn two.

asik cerita pasal dian, so this is the latest of dian for your eyes only..

last but not least, dian n yours truly..

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


assalamualaikum sume! selamat tgh minggu..

hari ni rase mcm nk review portable carseat which i bought couple weeks ago at baby outlet warehouse sale.  mine is jenama mydear je. reason beli sbb ingat nk berindependent ke tempat kerja when azam have to leave early to work. before ni kalau azam kje awal, mak dtg umah amik i n dian, hntr dian kt rumah mak, then hantar i ke tpt kje pulak. i feel so bad sbb dh tua bangka pon mak still susah2 hantar kan gi tpt kje walaupun senanye mak yg offer.

dian xde carseat sebelum ni. dulu mase ngandung kepingin beli maxi cosi. tp sudahnye, hampeh! hikmah disebalik kehampehan, maxi cosi mungkin xakan dpt menampung size dian yang.. errr.. paham2 la. n btw, im refering to maxi cosi cabrio fix since rasenye thats the cheapest in maxi cosi's family.

actually, i dh google psl portable carseat ni ade gak la seminggu before beli. mmg nekad dlm minggu tu nk ke damansara utama terjah babyjaya sbb nk beli portable carseat brand vrbabies. infact mase cadang nk ke warehouse sale tu our next plan is to go to babyjaya. tp dh alang2 kat warehouse sale azam suh tanye kut kat situ ade jual jgak. brand vrbabies xde. yang ade mydear dgn anakku je. kalo ikut lawo i suke lagi vrbabies pnye. tp malas la nk susah kan diri, so kitorg beli je brand mydear sbb murah sepo hengget dr anakku. harga potable carseat ni, RM69 xsilap.

the next day, kami ronda2 shah alam n try pakai portable carseat tu. alhamdulillah, dian relax je dok kat situ. xmeragam mintak keluar sikit pon. phewwww.. 

stakat ni, im pretty happy n satisfied with this purchase. bunny dian tu mmg i akan bwk skali sbg peneman dian. the only thing bile pakai ni dian xbole tgk luar. bole i rase kalau letak booster seat bwh die. or tggu je la dian dh besr nnt baru tgk luar. 

psl keselesaan, i rase same je mcm kite duduk kt seat kete. cantu jgak la kut yg dian rase. tp yg comel nye, mase kitorg round shah alam tu, dian bole siap tetido lg kt situ. terlentok kepala die bersandar kt tepi tu. i pon baring kan skit seat kasi dian selesa. kalo mase pgi kje plak, dian siap main tepuk2 tgn sambil duduk tu. pendek kate, dian xde mslh duduk pakai portable carseat ni.

personally i rase byk bole tambah untuk tambah keselesaan mcm carseat belt cover, neck rest cushion. tp utk pengguna short distance mcm i ni, bende2 tu kurang penting sgt. dalam seminggu, i mungkin cuma perlu bwk kereta sendiri plg kerap pun 3kali. the rest of the day, azam hantar kan so i bole pegang dian sndiri. perjalanan dr rumah nk ke rumah mak pon less than 10mins.

overall, i recommend portable carseat ni pada sesape yg perlu pakai utk perjalanan yg pendek. utk perjalanan panjang i blom cube lagi. its easy to install, easy to store and affordable of course. utk org mcm i, portable carseat mcm ni dh memadai dh compare dgn bulky carseat yg berharga ratusan ringgit tu. nak2 pulak kereta yg i drive to work bkn kereta i. perjalanan dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yg menggunakan bende ni pon sgt dekat. bile baby xdok dlm tu, adult can still seat at the seat without taking off the whole thing. so, its easy breezy kan? 

mase i google around pasal portable carseat ni, xbyk review yg i jumpe. terjumpe gak yg org kate pakai ni kurang selamat. but i dont know which part. so, i hope this review will answer those mothers yg pnah terfikir nk pakai portable carseat ni.

till then, daaaaa..