Friday, December 28, 2012

my own version of pantang

happy saturday!

half day at work, baru smpai opis dh xsabar nk blk. wonder what dian is doing at the moment. the moment i stepped out of the house td, she's still soundly asleep. today, first day i tggl kn die kat rumah mertua. dgn xde warmer nye. i hope they know how to handle dian's ebm. ohhh.. kalo neves sgt nnt blk je la awal. kje pon xbyk ni *pstu ade hati nk siap kan satu entry. siap kan kje terus kan senang. pstu bole stand by blk..*

anyway, lps share pengalaman bersalin skrg ade rase nk share psl pengalaman berpantang plak. 

i pantang 40hari je. well, being a javanesse girl, begitu la. hahaha.. i pilih sape pantang cpt habis. kalo jawa abis dulu, i jawa. kalu melayu habis dulu, i melayu. but pantang melayu ade extra 4hari which to me sungguh lame. so, i ended my confinement n declared its a freedom on the 40th day after giving birth to dian.

alhamdulillah, it has ended safely. my pantang is totally my own version. no such thing as berpilis everyday (but berpilis adalah sgt best kalo rase pening2. recommended ) . bengkung pon kalo rajin je pakai. stokin ape tah lagi. i dont even wear long sleeves ape tah lg sweater. kain batik pon i pakai sekerat jln je. jahitan dh ngam, i terus pakai seluar tdo. tell you, my pantang life adalah sedikit menduga keimanan but syukur alhamdulillah, ia berjaya dikawal. smpai skrg i cume pantang part minum air n mandi air panas. tehehe..

my day one on pantang started at my mak's house. she took care of me very well. makan pon kadang2 bersuap *sbb tgh feed anak*. sampai day 10, i kne transfer rumah my mil. time tu i dh start sembelit n sembelit is the most painful pain i've ever felt. rela lagi bersalin dari sembelit yg sakit nye mau mkn 3-4 hari. dh la mase sembelit tu jahitan blom cure lg. so imagine la. mane nk jage jahitan lg, sembelit lg. goshhhh.. ade satu hari tu i spent almost the whole day in the toilet. anak pon i xusik langsung. gosh.. sembelit mmg la penyakit yg gross tp bersedia la wahai mother-to-be.

since my jahitan took me more than 2weeks to cure, i pon consumed pati ikan haruan dgn harapan dpt menyembuhkan jahitan. i minum sehari sekali n i minum yg polleney pnye. meh sini nk bgtau, rase nye adalah awful. tu pon i panas kan skit dlm warmer anak supaya bile die panas i rase panas n kurang rase payau ubat yg sgt... payau hanyir.. yucks.. tp sbb jahitan i lambat baik, i sgt look forward to drink it sbb i nk baik cpt. n sejurus i finished all the 6 bottles, jahitan i terus baik! kudos pati ikan haruan polleney.. i love u! *tips : nk kasi xmuntah lps minum, minum/mkn bnde masa. i hari tu minum fresh orange/anggur hitam*

ok, rewind ke zaman berurut. i start berurut pada hari ketiga selepas bersalin. n makcik tu urut i for 5days. overall, im very satisfied with her urut n service. she's such a very nice lady n thanks to poyaty sbb kasi contact makcik tu to me. she based in klang n travel daily to shah alam using the komuter train. according to makcik tu, mase pantang anak pertama, dibenarkan mkn semuanya supaya nnt mase anak kedua nnt dh bole tau ape yg bole mkn n ape yg tidak. that means, xsemua org makanan pantang nye same. i remember, satu hari tu i request mak i buat kan potato salad. n pstu, my jahitan mcm sakit gile. so moral of the story, jgn mkn telur. (mmg la xbole mkn patutnye kan. aku plak konpiden gune falsafah makcik urut tu sampai la akhirnye, tanggung la sakit sndiri).

part mkn, the first one week je i btol2 berpantang. lps one week, mcd n kfc pon aku blasah. itu pon sbb mase sembelit tu i was totally flat. nk mkn xde selera. husband tanye nk mkn mcd ke x. n i was like kalo la bole mkn, of cz i nk. dh la sakit, mkn mknan dlm pantang lg, mane la larat oiii.. pstu hubs make an effort finding out why actually xbole mkn mcd. rupe2 nye xde ape2 dari segi kesihatan, cume its oily la. it contain lots of fat. tanggung la kau sendiri kalo gemok. since husband pon kate die redha kalo i gemok, so he bought me mcchicken n there goes my pantang on food, broke by a yummy fast food burger.

btw, i gune set bersalin nona roguy. n ade item dlm tu xberusik langsung. hahahaha.. maaf kan la ye.. membazir sgt nampak nye saye ni. ok, lesson learnt.. anak seterusnye xpayah nk berset pantang sgt lah!

so, what about my baby? she's fine. minum susu seperti biase. awal2 hari tu ade gak kasi die susu formula sbb rupe2 nye susu i xkeluar. itu pon lepas try pam. padan la die ngamok. konpiden je mak nye df padahal susu xde. so beli kan die enfalac a+. lps tu ade satu mlm tu konon rajin la nak try double pumping, galak ni tgk susu byk. pam la sampai kering. budak baru blaja katekan. the next day, anak terus refuse df. nipple dh bertukar wajah ke? so time tu pun kasi dian fm. lps dian dpt tune blk isap my nipple, terus tobat xnk pam. 

about a week lebih before nk habis pantang, i dh start stok up susu. itu pon baru berani gune my manual bp je. alhamdulillah, bole la buat bekalan. tu pon i yakin stok mase pantang tu dh habis dh kne rotate dgn stok skrg. dian is an ebm-olic. 

on dian's 34th day, her majlis akikah pon diadakan. time tu i xdan nk pk doorgift. her cradle pon ala kadar je i buat. ape yg termampu saje la..

alhamdulillah majlis berjalan dgn lancar. pada hari ke 39, dian dicukur kan kepala nye kasi botak..

*my botak chin*

n exactly on last saturday which dian mase tu 47hari, husband n i took dian for outing at empire, subang. mak nye dh teringin benor nk mkn crispy honey chicken chipotle dgn choc molten, so anak nye pon diangkut same. percayalah.. ia tidak mudah! but we had fun. its a nice experience. hubby n i enjoy it very much.. cant wait for our next outing plak. cuti pjg ni.. mungkin akan bawa dian jln lg one of these days..

well, thats all for today. happy holiday all mummies n readers! *berucap dgn sgt suke hati*

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

labor experience : noor dian medina

im back!!!

all the way from my office, baru la dpt online, dpt blogwalking, n dpt update blog sensasi ku ini. syukur boss ku cuti. so i have more time to story mory..

sebelum tu nk luahkan perasaan sementelah 49 hari bergelar mak. overall, im so happy with my life. sikit demi sedikit, im achieving what i want. ya allah, bersyukurnye! my little princess is not so little anymore. im so happy to see her progress. walaupun hari2 belek die, masih xdpt nk terkejar development die. sedar2 je die dh pandai itu ini. she's my everything. begini rupenye jadi mak. padan la mak aku sendiri sanggup sedia kan n buat itu ini utk aku dulu n even smpai skrg. sape xsyg anak oiiii.. *bole nangis kalo fikir pasal anak SENDIRI lame2*

ok, mcm org lain, i nk share gak pengalaman bersalinkan dian. errr.. now i know why ppl share their labor experience in blogs. sbb.. nnt bole lupe!!! errr.. of course la org xlupe sgt kan. tp ade gak la miss sane sini. so, let me keep it here supaya lepas ni cite pengalaman bersalin ku xtunggang terbalik.

4th november 2012
on 4th nov which was sunday, i woke up with slight stain on my panty. actually discharge dh keluar about a week earlier tp cume brownish2 saje. based on the previous check up with dr. mazita, brownish2 tu cume tanda2 awal. but on this particular sunday, its not just any ordinary discharge i normally had, the brownish this time has turned pinkish plak. kalo pink dh hampir ke merah kan? n merah tu darah la kan? refer kat mak, mak suh gi spital. so kitorg bersiap nk ke spital. singgah rumah in law to get our hospital stuff. ade yg ckp muke aku sampai dh merah2.. air selusuh pon dh distand by kan nye.

dlm pkul 10 mcm tu kitorg (kitorg to merujuk kepada myself, husband n sil) smpai demc. straight pgi labor room. keadaan labor room agak tenang. so the nurses did the ctg scan on me.. 

see the contractions? paling kuat pon 30++. bukaan pon xde. so nurse suh blk dulu. i pon blk la..kt umah, i just baring n the pain just getting stronger. mase tu hati cam berbelah bahagi nk gi sepital lg ke x.. konon dh serik utk dihampakan. so husband bwk jln utk tenang kan keadaan. n finally, husband belanja ini..

settle mkn eskem, blk umah blk. still rase sakit. my dad called n advised me to surrender at the hospital. takut kalo nk terberanak tgh mlm, lg susah. so, mlm tu lps maghrib, i was admitted at DEMC. before masuk ward, diorg suh i dok labor room lg utk ctg scan. still xde bukaan n yes the contractions makin bertambah.

aku cuak tgk suami aku cuak. seriously, he's not calming me down. but he tried, i know. maklumla, die first time jgak. n i totally believes that die menggelabah sbb xnak aku sakit. im touched. but pain is still the only way to get the baby out from me. 

1st nite at the hospital, sgt2 sakit. i hate contractions. sbb xtahan n knowing that i need to rest myself, i requested for pain killer. tgk.. aku lupe name pain killer yg aku amik tu. maaf ye.. its the one that makes u feel sleepy n cucuk kt bontot tu. demmm.. i should hv remember. nk google malas. cisssss.. ni la akibat kalo lambat update blog psl experience bersalin.

after the injection, baru la dpt tdo.. i was accompanied by mak n husband. sakit tu mmg masih terase, tapi maybe i was too sleepy to feel it.

5th november 2012
about 4-5am, ade nurse msk bilik bgtau yg pkul7 aku kne masuk LR. mase ni i dh xtau nk gambarkan perasaan. managed to walk around the room n this is the last view i seen with dian still in my womb.

as the pain killer faded away, i dpt rase blk contractions tu. n this time, i hate it even more! kalo the previous nite the contractions tu ade jgak berhenti2 nye, kali ni non-stop.. sakit all the way n its so painful! time tu doctor dtg n check bukaan dh 3cm. about 9.++am, aku tumpas ditgn epidural.. n thanks to epidural la, i once again dpt berehat dgn tenang. 

about 12 something, nurse plak dtg utk check bukaan. kali ni dh 5cm. but i suddenly can feel the pain kne seluk. mase tu blurr kjap. bkn ke i shouldnt feel a thing bile dh amik epidural? so i asked the nurses. dorg kate lebih bagus dpt rase so i can feel the urge to push. but thats not what i've prepared for. i dh set dlm otak baik pnye yg once i amik epidural, i should not feel any pain.

so selepas 5cm, the pain just getting more obvious. i pon start la rase xpuas hati. tp nak buat cane kan, xkan nk cucuk epidural skali lagi. around 1pm nurse check lagi bukaan n guess what, dh 8cm. to me, that was quite fast. patut la rase sakit bebeno.. kan org slalu ckp, rase nk bersalin ni mcm rase nk terberak. honestly, i rase bkn stakat nk berak, nk kencing sume ade. its like, semuanya nk keluar! sempat i marah kan suami sbb xpanggil nurse. i actually nk tanye nurse i bole gi berak ke sbb i mmg dh xtahan sgt. rupe2 nye ade nurse kt blkg aku. patut la husband terkebil2 mase kne marah. hahaha.. sian die. 

tp yg xbest nye, nurse tu bole bantai borak plak mase aku sakit gile tu. time tu xpuas ati gak la sbb mase org tgh sakit, ko pay attention la skit. kalo ko tu cikgu ke, kerani ke, aku paham la. ni nurse, so calm me down la. do something ke ape2. haihhhhh..

bile dh bukak 9cm, ade pulak term atas dh bukak, bwh blom. time tu i just tunggu signal diorg suruh push je sbb dh xtahan sgt dh. mase tu doctor pun xde. cume ade la nurse yg nmpk mcm boss skit (mayb the midwife) dtg n menenangkan i. die puji la kate cpt bukak la, senang bukak la. mase i bgtau die i rase nk berak pon die kate berak je. jgn malu2. n i was like? eh, bole ke? nnt baby kne taik kang.. hehehe.. lepas die kate kepala dh rase, nurse tu terus bg green lite. die kate kalo nk push, push je.. time tu i dh xfikir doctor ade ke x. sampai je contractions, i terus push sekuat hati. 

tgh2 struggle tu, bole plak dgr baby org bilik sebelah pnye suara. haittt... org sebelah dh bersalin aku blom lg. so thats inspired me to keep on pushing. neighbour sebelah tu plak rupenye gune doctor same, so siap je sebelah sane, dr. mazita dtg nk settle kan i plak. so on 1.35pm, i safely gave birth to my daughter.

noor dian medina binti mohd noor azam
mode of delivery : normal with assistant of kiwi vacum

overall, i suke experience bersalin ni. nak2 lagi first time. it really means alot to me. bile kenang kan bersalin n tgk dian skrg, omg.. mcm xpercaya je i berjaya keluar kan dian yg skrg bulat2 tu secara normal. alhamdulillah.. semuanya kerana izin allah. 

skrg, dian dh berjaya menggulingkan badan cume apabila die nk carik susu dia. hahaha.. carik nenen sampai terbalik. tp, die bkn tau die nk berguling pon. she's just driven to roll over sbb she's looking for her favorite nipple. alhamdulillah jgak, so far i still manage to breast feed her. cume harap production susu xberkurang sbb i dh start kje. aminnn..

mari nyanyi : bulat kecil, bulat kecil, bulat la besar..