Tuesday, October 30, 2012

5 days to EDD

Morning everyone.. Happy wednesday!

Im still at home, pregnant. Its supposed to be my final week n dd will b in her full term by next monday. So far theres no sign of giving birth soon. Minor contractions, yes. But i guess she's just practicing.

Perasaan setakat ini, sgt eager utk serah diri ke hospital. Everything is packed up n im totally ready for it. Salah satu sbb adalah krn keadaan akan berubah diwaktu mlm. Like seriously, bdn akan menjadi sgt fragile bile nk tdo. Mcm2 sakit ku rase. Back ache, heartburn, minor contractions, u name it..

I sometimes feel bad sbb put the blame on the baby. Marah kan die sbb xkeluar lg. Syahdu everytime lps asar cz tekenang kalo die dh keluar, msti tgh mndi kan die n dpt bau wangi baby. Soon, insyallah. Nk twist cite kasi best, i assume that dd must loves me very2 much smpai syg nk tggl kn perut mak die. Ohhh.. Itu membuatkan aku lebih xsabar nk peluk die.

Today is the last day of october. Mayb dd xnk jd october baby. Esok i'll hv an appointment with my gynae. Hopefully ade berita gembira. Honestly risau juga kalau2 tumbesaran dd melampau2 dr kemampuan i. Ohhh.. Nauzubillahiminzaliq.. Amat berharap ia tidak menjadi mslh. Pls dd, stop growing in my belly. Come out n strecth out! (pdhal aku yg feed die dgn mkn mcm2).

Nevertheless, i leave it all to Allah. He knows better. As long as semua nya selamat, i dh syukur sgt2.

Well, we shall see tomorrow. Dgr ape kate doctor. Mudah2an berita baik berterusan. Im happy n excited to deliver my baby. Doa kan semua nya selamat ye..

Selamat maju jaya, to me!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

in case u wonder

First of all, i'd like to wish selamat hari raya aidiladha to all muslims around the world. Raya qurban this year is totally2 different to me. Its more meaningful n i just enjoy it so much!

In case u wonder, i am still here, breathing n alive. Dd has yet to pop out frm my belly n insyallah she's still in there safe n sound.

This is us in our 38th week. First time pgi check up without mr. Hubby. So we went to demc with mak. In case u wonder again, i am all normal. Alhamdulillah. Dd is 3.2kg the moment the doctor scanned her few days back. Me, gained few weights but i just couldnt careless anymore. My eating pattern mmg haywire n i eat wtv whenever i feel like eating.

Like every expecting mom, i wish that the day i wake up frm bed is the day i will give birth to my child. Nk msk tdo pun ada harapan which is to feel the pain of labour. Bile terjaga tgh mlm feeling nothing, of cz i'll feel a little dissapointed. Like me, i really hope if aidiladha this year can be celebrated with our new addition. But since Allah knows better so i just leave it to Him n continue hoping..

Btw, i've started my maternity leaves since monday. Overall, most days were filled with activities. It would b great if the baby can just pop out soon so that my leaves will b more worth it in fact i have nothing else to play with anymore. Hahaha.. I just wanna smell the little foot, the little fingers n yes.. I am so eager to see my little daughter ASAP.

Oh well, lets just wait n see. Im writing this through my phone on mlm raya which i can hardly close my eyes to sleep. Baby been moving quiet strong so i end up staying up n decided to write an entry.

Do pray for me to have a safe delivery. Again, selamat hari raya haji everybody!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

the best part about last week



dan ini

it all started with a gloomy saturday. yes, it was yati's princess, nia's akikah day.. sampai kerumah yati about 12pm nk ke 1pm. biar pun hari hujan tp bile jumpe kawan2, hujan badai sume terus dilupakan. seronok sgt tgk geng2 masing2 dh timang anak sendiri. soon it'll be my turn, insyallah. *im counting down the days*

settled at yati's me n hubs went to OU. seriously, amat berharap dpt ke OU sebelum bersalin. i'll miss OU after this. 1st mission nk ke OU, hubby nk tgk wayang. padahal dh tau yg skrg xde cite best but layan kan je la. yg i tau yg best kt OU skrg adalah clearance sale mom's care. =P

first place yg i ajak hubby utk pergi sesampai di OU, toilet. hahaha.. jenuh tahan shi shi sebelum tibe ri rumah yati lagi. n lepas tu, straight azam diseret utk ke bargain corner. dlm hati mmg dh niat kalo bole nak carik nursing pillow n papa shield bag sbb azam sgt suke bag tu. katenye bole feeling2 naik superbike (??). org laki ni mmg pelik2. feeling superbike la sgt pdhal kt dlm tu isi pampers n botol susu. lantak kau la labu..

keterujaan yg xterhingga bile kat bargain corner tu ade bende2 yg ingin dicari. harga pun mengancam. so azam kate xpe, kite gi tgk wayang dulu, nnt kite dtg blk beli. hoyeah!!!

smpai GSC xde cite best n sume pon start lambat. so kami xtgk wayang pon. sudah nye, kami laki bini habis kan berjam2 di butik mom's care sbb nk blaja cara pasang playpen kt situ. jeng jeng jeng.. knp nk blaja cara psg playpen pulak? sbb.. sbb.. sbb..

sbb DD dh ade playpen la!!!! hohoho.. rezeki anak. xpsl2 bnde yg diplan nk beli lepas DD lahir dh dpt skrg. syukur.. terima kasih la ye company. terima kasih byk2.. sudah nye, kami beli nursing pillow n papa shield bag tu kat butik mom's care je. hahaha.. malas dh nk turun pi balik bargain corner tu. kikiki.. alasan : kat butik bole collect points. kt clearance pnye tpt xbole. ruginye cume rm10 sbb papa shield bag tu rm10 lebih murah bile dijual dibawah. pfft... (but papa shield bag di mom's care lebih murah berbanding kedai lain. its only rm89.90 (kt butik) or rm79.90 (kt bargain corner) where tpt lain jual abt 90++ utk size besar) nursing pillow plak bapak nye excited nk carik yg same brand dgn playpen anak die tu. so, dpt la.. mahal skit tp katenye since dh xyah spend kt playpen so, belasah je. well, ko la belasah ye husband. duit ko. =P

blk je rumah, terus gigih try psg playpen yg kami amik di opis. i saje tggl dulu sbb berat. so, hari sabtu la baru bwk blk. xkan la i plak nk angkut turun ke kete playpen tu. honestly, azab weyh! maybe sbb xbiase lagi kan.. sampai bengang2 gak la laki aku tu nk memasang. ghiso je die telebih kepak playpen tu. xkisah la nk pasang org nk lipat balik, dua2 SUSAH! tp lps setiap kali berjaya, kitorg try blk n rase nye dh bole catch up kut cane nk psg n simpan.

tadaaa.. ini la hasil kegigihan kami laki bini mlm tu. sampai teduduk si bapaknye memasang. overall, we're so happy to the max on this playpen. wohoo!!! skrg, playpen dh selamat dilipat semula sbb nk tggu bile DD dh abis pantang baru nk train die tdo dlm ni. so, takut berhabuk kalo dh terus siap2 psg.

see, thats all the reason knp gembira sgt mak DD weekend lepas. this week insyallah i have another reason to be happy. last week at work. happy much?! op cos!!!

Blogging frm android

Just uploaded this app to my phone. Hoping that posting to my blog can be alot easier after this. I'll be staying home pretty much "handicap" soon. No jln2, no mkn2. So i will definitely need something to cheer me up n "going places" by just using my fingers.

Asked husband to get my laptop fixed since its operating more less like and an old fat snail. Meanwhile, i'll be relying to this hp to help me "travel n discover".

So to blogger app, pls be handy to me.



Thursday, October 11, 2012

sedikit sebanyak tentang perkembangan pregnancy ku

pergh.. tu dia, tajuk.. ala2 bole score utk PMR x?


alhamdulillah, kerja saya dah siap! so now nk share pasal progress terbaru album perjalanan pregnancy saya boleh?

last tuesday, i amik cuti tahunan semata2 nk menghadap kan diri di DEMC. seriously, I LOVE CHECK UPs!!! but last tuesday i kne minum air gula. ade kan i bgtau sebab musabab nye kat entry2 yg lalu? kalo malas nk scroll down, meh i recap. check ups gap sudah hanya 2minggu sekali je skrg. n check up sebelum selasa hari tu, i gained 2kg from the previous check up. doc kate itu agak byk bg seorg yg berat naik secara konsisten seperti saya. sad. graph sudah menjadi hodoh. tp suami ckp, xpela.. xrugi pon kalo minum. at least kalo ade bnde yg xbaik kite bole prevent awal2. so, i redha..

arrived at DEMC dlm 9 lebih. as usual terus ke counter n die nk timbang berat. grrrr.. paling excited nk tau berat tp paling xbole terima kalo terlebih berat badan. last record berat i 64kg. betapa lah hampa sbb kalo bole i xnk pun sampai 65kg. so bile dh reached 64kg tu i admit, peluang utk tidak smpai 65kg through out pregnancy adalah mustahil. 

ok, sambung cite timbang. i pon naik la scale tu dgn hati2. jarum sudah melepasi 64kg tp mcm berat nk smpai ke 65kg. dalam hati "ohhh.. masih ade harapan disitu." maka, i pon cuba untuk mengimbangi badan dgn harapan ia sedikit sebanyak dpt membantu mengurangkan tekanan yg memberat kan. n guess what?! tactic berjaya! nurse tu declared 64.5kg. hahaha.. mcm nk melompat je kat atas scale tu rase nye. errr.. i xdikira menipu kan? sbb its still berat i n saya yakin betol mesin penimbang kt DEMC tu accurate. =P

done timbang berat, mase untuk kench.. settle kench ape sume bagai, die suruh turun bwh kat lab utk amik darah dan minum air gula. kuang kuang kuang.. ini bermakna, sepanjang ngandung anak pertama ni, 2kali aku kne minum air gula hokay?!!! blerghhh.. but at least merasa la aku air gula klinik kerajaan dgn air gula DEMC. jika nak dibanding, air gula DEMC lebih acceptable berbanding KK. tp xbermakna i enjoy drinking it. tolong la xperlu minum lagi. saya xde kencing manis! *insyallah*

selesai minum, kami (me n hubby) ke atas semula utk regular check up kami. kali ni dh xde pape sgt. doc cume tanye2 khabar n lepas tu die scan baby. latest update, berat baby dah naik menjadi 2.7kg. syukur. kalo die tetibe nk keluar awal pon berat die dh memadai. insyallah, fizikal baby dh ready to face the world. kepala pon dh xbesar lagi. just nice utk bayi dalam kandungan seusia nya. i bet she's one happy and big baby inside. selesai scan, i tanye doc about my bp n air ketuban semua. syukur alhamdulillah, doc kate i've nothing to worry about. alhamdulillah..

besides the baby, i pon ade jgak refer doc pasal masalah kulit yg i tgh hadapi skrg. fyi, i skrg asik gatal2 je. dh 2klinik i gi check. dua2 doc kate i ni kne gigit serangga. yg pelik nye, xkan la serangga tu follow i wherever i go? kat rumah ade, kat office ade, kat dlm kete ade, kat morib pon ade? so, my gynae kate mungkin ini symptom i during pregnancy. so, she said its normal to some people. phewww.. *skrg jumpe solution baru. instead sapu krim kt tempat gatal i sapu bedak pulak* tp tula, mintak2 cume i yg gatal jgn dgn baby2 pon gatal. i ni dh la mmg sejak azali kulit sensitif gatal2 mcm berkudis. hehehe.. 

settle check up, nurse bagi date utk next check up plak. i thought dh start kne check up seminggu sekali. rupa2nye die kasi gap kali ni 2minggu jgak. errr.. ok la jgak tu kan. jimat skit duit kami. hehehe.. so, next check up will be on the 23rd. ntah dh bersalin ke blom time tu. that date is actually will be our 10months wedding anniversary too. kalo DD pop out hari tu pon syok gak. bole share birthday dgn pakteh. ehhh??

confirmed the date and the nurse bagi kitorg ni..

kat dlm ade sample diapers huggies n formula milk enfalac n anmum. seronok weyh dpt goodies walaupun xpakai. =P

next up, kitorg blk rumah plak. rehat2 sementara tggu pkul 12 sbb kul12 nk kne dtg semula utk amik darah kali kedua. about 12pm, kitorg gi DEMC blk. amik darah kat tgn kiri plak. settled, blk umah tdo2.. about 2pm DEMC call bgtau result. berdebar gak la nk tau result nye. tp org dlm line tu kate bilangan gula dalam badan before minum air gula and after minum air gula cume naik 0.1 je. so to me rasenye ok la tu kan. n org tu pon mmg ckp saya ni normal. alhamdulillah..

according to the doctor's prediction, i mungkin bersalin lagi 3minggu. err.. tu mmg dh dekat nak sampai my EDD la tu pon actually. tp xkisah la bila janji time i dh start cuti nnt. esok will b the end of this week. lps tu, i've only 1more week until cuti 2bulan!! wohooo..

ps. otak kiri excited nk cuti bajet bole rehat2. otak kanan kasi sign yg nnt cuti bukan cuti buta2. i've to look after DD n pantang juga kne jaga. hehehe.. pendek kate, xtau nk gumbire ke ape cuti ni. =P

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

my weekend story - hotel review :: morib gold coast

good morning..

hari ni im at work.. seriously i'll whine every morning lepas mandi bile pk yg i kne pgi kje. n pagi td, i membebel sorg2 sambil didengari oleh husband about how lazy i am to go to work. kesian die. die xbersalah. aku yg sibuk nk beli itu ini. bajet semua tu bole dpt free2 or laki dh cukup kaya sampai ade duit celah2 gigi. kalo aku ni stok kaki mkn n pandai memasak xpe gak. ade gak la contribution dlm keluarga. ni asal laki lapar the best that i can offer is my egg sandwich yg sedap tu (hekk), maggi or mcd. or kalo laki cam tgh cargas2, i'll ask him to buy outside. atas dasar tanggungjawap, aku la blanja die sbb mmg spatutnye aku pon yg prepare food utk die. hehehe.. jgn tiru aksi ini. but insyallah, one fine day, i'll learn how to cook. slalu kasi alasan yg i xbiase masak didapur org. so, give me my own kitchen n let me try n error n learn from my own mistakes.

baik lah baik lah.. puas dah mengulas psl konflik dalaman, skrg rasenye nk share skit cite yg i gi trip bersama keluaraga di morib last week. my aunty booked three studio suite utk kami 3family. err.. tiga ke? tp yg psti family aku yg paling complete skali. family maklong except one of my cuzen n his wife. pstu su n wan. the journey from shah alam to morib took us about an hour. dgn jam nye. but its a nice journey indead. lalu kampung org. check in time is as usual 3pm. our room mmg btol2 facing the water theme park. n keadaan time tu, nauzubillah, ramai nye manusia sedang bersuka ria. dh panas plak tu.. to me the water theme park adalah menyeronok kan kalo aku berumur 9thn. =P

rasenye ramai gak yg tau yg each room (yg studio suite je kut) ade their very own jacuzzi. tp i xmerasa sgt sbb bercuti beramai2 kan. gile mak buyong nk tetibe berendam dlm jacuzzi? lain la kalo berdua2 dgn suami je. hehehehe..

stay there for one nite only. the next day, check out. if u ask me to rate the place, i'll give it 3.5 out of 5. kalo pasal bilik i rase xde masalah. the room is spacious, clean n lengkap dgn kipas, mini bar n toilet juga besar. its kinda romantic too tp bile pk dpn tu ade kanak2 riang sedang berenang2, terus mood romantic turn off. however, lucky the sliding door is kinda sound proof too so kalo tutup, hilang jgak la hingai bingai suara org yg keriangan main kt bwh tu. hotel juga lengkap dgn facilities mcm kedai runcit, cyber cafe but the area mcm xterjaga skit. probably because they also open the water theme park to the public so mcm dh terhilang ke-exclusive-an nye. the lobby is fine, the check in, check out process also was a breeze tp tu la. ramai sgt org, basah2 plus the access to the room pun sgt limited. lifts cume ade di dua tempat so bagi perempuan mengandung ni, jenuh gak la nk carik bilik memule tu. no clear direction or what so ever so yeah, its quite tiring. breakfast... *bunyik cengkerik* they have wide range of choices for breakfast. but seriously, sbb terlalu ramai org, they have to served the food, "kenduri style". hahaha.. imagine masak scramble egg dlm kuali mcm kawah? air pon dlm water dispenser plastic je. 

ohh, tetibe teringat nk komen pasal pantai die. knowing morib, pantai die xla to die for. xyah panggil pantai pon bole gak kalo nak. kalo mase check in tu, nk main2 di gigi2 air rase nye kne bwk kete nk smpai ke ombak tu. hahaha.. tu maknanye air die sgt jauhhh!!!! tp bile dh pagi, its getting better. but still, ombak die tidak memanggil langsung! check out time pon seperti biase pkul 12pm. balik lalu pekan banting n we saw this..

since banting ni dikira my mak's hometown (even though rasenye kampung mak aku jauh sgt dari pekan banting but still di panggil di area banting), kedai emas tai yick ni biase gak la kut menjadi kedai pilihan nenek ku serta makcik2 ku utk membeli brg kemas. my cuzens n i used to make fun of its name. cube sebut laju2. hihihi.. tp dh lame kedai ni. good to know that it's still exist. HIDOP KEDAI EMAS TAI YICK!!!

so there goes my weekend.. 

finally, berjaya menghabis kan se-entry. percaya la, berkoyan2 entry i dlm draft. maybe sbb today boss masuk lambat so i bole focus skit utk mengarang. hehehe.. about to share my check up story last tuesday. insyallah, soon bile ade kelapangan.

thanks for reading n TTYL!

Friday, October 5, 2012

ade ke org bace entry kalo post hari sabtu?

errr.. tp aku xkisah la org nak bace ke x. yg pasti, i am dead boring skrg ni. mati kutu weyh gi kje hari sabtu padahal xde kje. hikhik.. kalo i dok bgtau org semua yg i xde kje langsung hari ni, kompom hidong i panjang. sbb senanye ade je kje tp cam malas gile nak buat. well, sape rajin nak buat kje opis hari sabtu kan? (padahal aku je yg malas)

its 6th october 2012, baby.. by the end of this week, i'll be completing my 35th week of pregnancy. congratz to myself. next tuesday ade check up. insyallah kne minum air gula. sgt la malas rase nye. seriously, if there's anyway that i can escape, i mmg xnk minum. but it all depends on my weight gain hari tu. cerita pasal weight gain, i xpelik dah dari mane dtg berat2 yg tetibe dtg tanpa diundang. lately i've been eating like crazy. imagine yesterday for dinner i mkn sepinggan kuey teow kungfu about 6pm n pstu dlm kul 8 lebih i dh lapar blk n cook myself a home-made potato fries which is my favorite. ttg komen suami ku, jgn ditanye la.. die tu kejap mcm suh je i mkn ape je i nk mkn, kjap takut2 kan i pasal weight gain. kompijus makk..

anyway, today i'll be on a family trip with my family n cuzens to morib goldcoast!!!!

errr.. i've never been here. tp kalo dah holiday beramai2 insyallah seronok la kut. look forward to spend time with family n mkn, mkn n mkn lagi.. hihi.. i'll insyalah review about this hotel nnt ye..

urmmm.. ape lagi nk tulis eh.. *bunyik cengkerik*

haaaa... i've finally bought DD's toiletries last week. alhamdulillah semua dah semakin complete. i ade pampers sample nb so kalo la xsempat nk beli bole pakai tu dulu. but insyallah next week bertambah la koleksi diapers. my pad pun dh beli.. wohoo.. dh bole bersalin dh.. ehh?

ok la.. mood kje dh mari.. see u later n enjoy your weekend!!!