n the time has come.. sudah tiba masanya untuk memeningkan kepala sendiri survey itu ini utk keperluan bayi. yes, anxiety sudah meluap2 utk membeli2. i dont bother much about the baju sbb yela, lahir2 xkan nk terus bwk anak ke shopping mall (skrg ckp senang la blom addicted). in fact, i blom tau gender baby. so, later2 je la beli kut2 i lebih minat yg "biru" tp pstu yg keluar nye yg "pink".
since my pregnancy masih dikira awal, i xbole nak beli macam2 lagi.. dh beberapa baby fair dh i biar kan berlalu sbb masih rase xlayak untuk kesitu. husband pun kurang menyokong kalo i sibuk nk start belek2 dari skrg. there are few things yg i dh identified yg mane penting beli before give birth and after gave birth. insyallah, i'll stick to that.
antara bende yg i rase wajip beli before bersalin n antara yg paling mahal (mengikut kemampuan i) adalah breastpump. breastpump harus yg bagus and yg bagus harus yg mahal. mmg sejak azali lagi mungkin i dilahirkan untuk terpesona dengan anything cheap and to me, anything cheap is nice and anything expensive is blerghhh.. so, bertuah laki i kan dpt wife yg taste murah cam i?
of all the brands, i've shortlisted medela n spectra as options. no doubt medela mmg hebat kecuali kalah pada harga. to me, anything above rm500 n almost touch apetah lagi above rm1k adalah darn expensive. terus terang ingin ku katekan, aku xmampu n aku xingin utk memampukan diri semata2 utk itu.
but to be fair, mari buat perbandingan secara menyeluruh. kita start dgn yg best..
medela freestyle
kunun-kunun nya medela freestyle (fs) adalah antara yg the best of the best of all the breastpumps. antara kelebihan fs adalah terletak pada fungsinya yg boleh membuat double suction disamping membenarkan si ibu untuk bebas berkerja, manaip blog, mereply twit, memotong timun, melipat baju mahupun manggaru2 ketiak jika gatal. tetapi sila elak kan keluar rumah menyidai kain sambil mem-breastpump sbb nnt dia akan jadi sehuduh ini..
ini xsexy LANGSUNG okeyyyy!!!! but yes kalau tgh dlm pantang boring2 tu, ini adalah advantage besar utk ibu2. sambil anak tdo, miss b berkerja, kite pun bole sambung google2 n blogwalking kan?
apart from those criteria, medela fs juga boleh digunakan tanpa electric. which means, it can also be generated using rechargeable batteries. bagus bukan? kut la mase dlm perjalanan jauh nak balik kampung or bercuti tu, bole jgak manfaat kan waktu produce milk for baby dlm kete. tp jgn la pulak smbil memandu. huduh bebeno rupenye. **note: sila pastikan cermin kereta anda atau suami anda atau sesiapa sajelah empunya kereta yg dinaiki itu lengkap bertinted. kalo tidak nnt kat traffic light or traffic jam, terkujat plak org kereta sebelah tgk ada sesuatu yg tergantung di miss b anda. shame2..**
selain daripada tu, advantage die macam 2-phase expression yg almost same dgn mimic real baby so it allows better milk flow selain bole me-massage our breast dgn lembut. ohhh.. mcm best gile part yg tu kan.. lps tu ade lcd screen with digital display yg i xpsti utk display ape selain memory yg bole simpan our favorite pattern of suction (which yg ni pun best).
kalau nak tau, they said that medela fs is the smallest high-performance electric breast pump n its only weight about 0.5kg (500g). jeez.. itu sgt ringan utk sesuatu yg sgt powerful.
menarik bukan? the only turn off about this awesome breastpump for me is the price (tetttttt...). the range is RM1.5k - RM2k. mampu? silakan beli.. apart from the price, i pun xsuke the design of this breastpump. hehehe.. ini xpenting tp cukup utk dijadikan alasan utk mengapa i xperlu beli medela fs ni.
buruk bukan???
(mungkin kah ini cuma alasan atau kenyataan? of cz its a kenyataan for me. suddenly, looks does matter. hehe..)
medela swing
ok, kalo td rupanya hodoh, skrg ni meet another breastpump by medela iaitu swing. comel bukan? this is more i like it.. bulat je.. sampai rase mcm nk gosok2 kt pipi (ini serius!!).
the different between medela swing and medela fs adalah terletak pada credibility nya. swing can only suck one miss b at a time n it does not allow u to do any other things with both of your hands while breast pumping. pendek kate, its not handsfree mcm fs.
but, medela swing jugak mempunyai ciri2 2-phase expression n also bole massage2 our miss b. so, its still a little turn on disitu. just like fs, it can also be generated without electricity and hanya menggunakan battery. yay!! xpayah bimbang mane nk cocok or kite kne duduk terperuk dkt sudut sbb kt situ je ade power supply. hehehe..
selain drpd tu, xde dh.. its like fs cume xhandsfree and cume bole sedut satu n xde lcd screen ke ape.. to those yg mementingkan keselasaan miss b, maybe can buy this sbb like i said the 2-phase suction tu lembut n membantu pengeluaran susu.
plus its practical kalo nk bwk mane2 due to its' small size n berat yg hanya lebih kurang 1kg kalau xsilap. sgt ideal utk dibawa ke tempat kerja. harga, sedikit murah berbanding fs n i've seen it's ranging from rm450-rm800 (depend kalau nk amik breast pump sahaja atau sekali dgn package)
spectra dew 300
skrg, mari kite tgk jenama spectra plak. if im not mistaken, spectra is a brand from korea or japan. n spectra dew 300 hanyalah sebahagian daripada line collection by spectra.
spectra is the brand yg my sister pakai utk pump miss b die mase anak buah i masih kne minum susu sepanjang mase. fyi, my niece is 3y/o now n she drink no other milk except her mom's or vitagen or nutrigen or ape2 saje gen gen dipasaran. kalau xsilap my sister pakai spectra 3 dulu. she rent it from a friend n kesana kemari la die usung spectra 3 yg gedabak tu. yet, die xde masalah dgn penghasilan susu.
antara kehebatan spectra dew 300 adalah terletak pada kebolehan nye utk membuat double suction. jadi, dua2 miss b pun bole berkerja seiring sejalan. dari segi kebolehan nya utk menyedut miss b pula, it has high-power suction and suction powernye juga adjustable. so, kalo agak2 mcm slow sgt, bole la laju kan. kalo laju sgt bole la slow kan. hebattt!!! based on review2 yg i pnah bace pula, katenye spectra dew 300 ini sgt senyap. pnah terbaca yg even medela swing pun ade mengeluarkan sikit2 bunyik. well, tatau la kesahihan nye.
spectra dew 300 juga mempunyai automatic suck-and-release rhythm yang katenye lebih kurang same dgn rhythm suction yg dibuat oleh baby. bagus kan.. most review yg i bace pasal spectra dew 300 adalah yg bagus2 belaka. hehe.. sbb blom jumpe yg teruk2 lagi kut.
in terms of rupa, to me its cute.. i pnah tgk dew 300 ni btol2 n its kinda big. beratnye saje 1.6kg (not bad). but the color to me is more attractive than medela. agak2, die ade mcm buah kelapa parut yg dibahagi dua tapi besar skit. hehehe.. nk kate bentuk nye mcm miss b kite pun ade jgak.
dari segi harga, adalah a lot cheaper dari medela. harga spectra dew 300 skali dgn package adalah lebih kurang same dgn harga medela swing seketul. tp of cz la, die xbole pakai battery n mungkin xselembut swing? (eh, i tatau senanye tp sbb xdi-describe sedemikian so i tatau) price ranging from rm350 to rm700 (depend kalau nk amik breast pump sahaja atau sekali dgn package)
spectra dew 350
dah kalau beza pun cume dekat number 300 and 350 tu je, so msti la spectra dew 350 ni xbyk beza dari spectra dew 300. based on ape yg i kesan, spectra dew 350 mempunyai power suction yg lebih hebat dari spectra dew 300. adakah ini bermakna ia bole suck dgn lebih kuat? allahualam.. blom pnah cobe.
masih same, boleh buat double suction jgak cume die lebih berat dr spectra dew 300. its 2kg n i rase xpayah kut nk berat2 or kuat2 sgt.. price range from rm450 to rm600.
actually i kinda have made my mind on which breastpump to buy. honestly i prefer spectra dew 300 je. i pilih spectra dew 300 sbb die bole buat double suction. mmg la xse-handy medela but ok la, die murah n bole buat double suction kan? kalo medela swing boleh dibawa kesana kemari tp bole sedut satu saje buat ape. nnt kang menjejeh miss b sebelah sementara geng die tgh disedut. every drop is precious kan?
apart from that, tertarik jgak dgn kebolehan nya yg boleh adjust the level of suction. at least xla i mcm "terperangkap" dgn 1type of power suction yg i sendiri xtau i bole bear ke x.
in terms of mobility, rase nye tahan kut kalo stakat tambah beberapa ratus gram. mmg la size die agak besar skit tp xpe, i'll get myself a very fancy bag that i really love so that i'll enjoy carrying my "new bestfriend" where ever i go. n if im on the go n xde electric supply, perhaps i bole beli another manual breast pump je. beli yg biase2 cukup la. even spectra handy manual pun baru rm70-rm90. kalo ade rezeki lebih, mungkin this time i bole try pakai manual breast pump from medela plak.. ok, xpe.. manual breast pump kite cerita lepas pantang pun bole sbb mase pantang i akan pastikan i duduk sebelah plug utk cucuk my spectra dew 300 (eh, dh ade "my"spectra dew plak?) in case i might have problem feeding my little baby.
actually, bole xnk ckp yg pemilihan breast pump ni adalah subjective. i may like spectra dew 300 because of the price tp tantah i xtahan pun memakai nye (mintak2 x). but i really pray hard supaya i dpt fully breast feed my baby menggunakan whatever breastpump that im going to buy. takut gile bile dgr cerita org breast bengkak. so i'll purchase myself a breast pump to make sure that i've no problem with producing milk for my little ones (to avoid my miss b from over flow or unable to flow). about which breast pump is better, medela won. no doubt. but i still like spectra dew 300 sbb i rase why suck one when u can actually suck 2? thats a total turn on for me. harap2 miss b i heavy duty n xmemilih mcm owner nye yg bertaste murah ni.
pendek kate, tepuk dada tanye selara. tepuk poket, tgk brape duit ade. but anyway, kalau fact i diatas mcm ade yg salah, tolong btol kan ye? n kalo ade opinion2 yg lain pun, pls dont hesitate to comment. so far, i've study hard to compare all these options i have. tu pun i sengaja narrow kan pilihan jawapan supaya i tidak rambang mata. tp ini semua rancangan, tuhan saje yg menentukan. kut2 i dpt durian runtuh, guruh dilangit berdentum dan telah membuat figure di account bank i bertukar menjadi jutaan ringgit, bole la i beli fs plak..
till we meet again! happy weekend! **weekend celah mane?**