Friday, December 28, 2012

my own version of pantang

happy saturday!

half day at work, baru smpai opis dh xsabar nk blk. wonder what dian is doing at the moment. the moment i stepped out of the house td, she's still soundly asleep. today, first day i tggl kn die kat rumah mertua. dgn xde warmer nye. i hope they know how to handle dian's ebm. ohhh.. kalo neves sgt nnt blk je la awal. kje pon xbyk ni *pstu ade hati nk siap kan satu entry. siap kan kje terus kan senang. pstu bole stand by blk..*

anyway, lps share pengalaman bersalin skrg ade rase nk share psl pengalaman berpantang plak. 

i pantang 40hari je. well, being a javanesse girl, begitu la. hahaha.. i pilih sape pantang cpt habis. kalo jawa abis dulu, i jawa. kalu melayu habis dulu, i melayu. but pantang melayu ade extra 4hari which to me sungguh lame. so, i ended my confinement n declared its a freedom on the 40th day after giving birth to dian.

alhamdulillah, it has ended safely. my pantang is totally my own version. no such thing as berpilis everyday (but berpilis adalah sgt best kalo rase pening2. recommended ) . bengkung pon kalo rajin je pakai. stokin ape tah lagi. i dont even wear long sleeves ape tah lg sweater. kain batik pon i pakai sekerat jln je. jahitan dh ngam, i terus pakai seluar tdo. tell you, my pantang life adalah sedikit menduga keimanan but syukur alhamdulillah, ia berjaya dikawal. smpai skrg i cume pantang part minum air n mandi air panas. tehehe..

my day one on pantang started at my mak's house. she took care of me very well. makan pon kadang2 bersuap *sbb tgh feed anak*. sampai day 10, i kne transfer rumah my mil. time tu i dh start sembelit n sembelit is the most painful pain i've ever felt. rela lagi bersalin dari sembelit yg sakit nye mau mkn 3-4 hari. dh la mase sembelit tu jahitan blom cure lg. so imagine la. mane nk jage jahitan lg, sembelit lg. goshhhh.. ade satu hari tu i spent almost the whole day in the toilet. anak pon i xusik langsung. gosh.. sembelit mmg la penyakit yg gross tp bersedia la wahai mother-to-be.

since my jahitan took me more than 2weeks to cure, i pon consumed pati ikan haruan dgn harapan dpt menyembuhkan jahitan. i minum sehari sekali n i minum yg polleney pnye. meh sini nk bgtau, rase nye adalah awful. tu pon i panas kan skit dlm warmer anak supaya bile die panas i rase panas n kurang rase payau ubat yg sgt... payau hanyir.. yucks.. tp sbb jahitan i lambat baik, i sgt look forward to drink it sbb i nk baik cpt. n sejurus i finished all the 6 bottles, jahitan i terus baik! kudos pati ikan haruan polleney.. i love u! *tips : nk kasi xmuntah lps minum, minum/mkn bnde masa. i hari tu minum fresh orange/anggur hitam*

ok, rewind ke zaman berurut. i start berurut pada hari ketiga selepas bersalin. n makcik tu urut i for 5days. overall, im very satisfied with her urut n service. she's such a very nice lady n thanks to poyaty sbb kasi contact makcik tu to me. she based in klang n travel daily to shah alam using the komuter train. according to makcik tu, mase pantang anak pertama, dibenarkan mkn semuanya supaya nnt mase anak kedua nnt dh bole tau ape yg bole mkn n ape yg tidak. that means, xsemua org makanan pantang nye same. i remember, satu hari tu i request mak i buat kan potato salad. n pstu, my jahitan mcm sakit gile. so moral of the story, jgn mkn telur. (mmg la xbole mkn patutnye kan. aku plak konpiden gune falsafah makcik urut tu sampai la akhirnye, tanggung la sakit sndiri).

part mkn, the first one week je i btol2 berpantang. lps one week, mcd n kfc pon aku blasah. itu pon sbb mase sembelit tu i was totally flat. nk mkn xde selera. husband tanye nk mkn mcd ke x. n i was like kalo la bole mkn, of cz i nk. dh la sakit, mkn mknan dlm pantang lg, mane la larat oiii.. pstu hubs make an effort finding out why actually xbole mkn mcd. rupe2 nye xde ape2 dari segi kesihatan, cume its oily la. it contain lots of fat. tanggung la kau sendiri kalo gemok. since husband pon kate die redha kalo i gemok, so he bought me mcchicken n there goes my pantang on food, broke by a yummy fast food burger.

btw, i gune set bersalin nona roguy. n ade item dlm tu xberusik langsung. hahahaha.. maaf kan la ye.. membazir sgt nampak nye saye ni. ok, lesson learnt.. anak seterusnye xpayah nk berset pantang sgt lah!

so, what about my baby? she's fine. minum susu seperti biase. awal2 hari tu ade gak kasi die susu formula sbb rupe2 nye susu i xkeluar. itu pon lepas try pam. padan la die ngamok. konpiden je mak nye df padahal susu xde. so beli kan die enfalac a+. lps tu ade satu mlm tu konon rajin la nak try double pumping, galak ni tgk susu byk. pam la sampai kering. budak baru blaja katekan. the next day, anak terus refuse df. nipple dh bertukar wajah ke? so time tu pun kasi dian fm. lps dian dpt tune blk isap my nipple, terus tobat xnk pam. 

about a week lebih before nk habis pantang, i dh start stok up susu. itu pon baru berani gune my manual bp je. alhamdulillah, bole la buat bekalan. tu pon i yakin stok mase pantang tu dh habis dh kne rotate dgn stok skrg. dian is an ebm-olic. 

on dian's 34th day, her majlis akikah pon diadakan. time tu i xdan nk pk doorgift. her cradle pon ala kadar je i buat. ape yg termampu saje la..

alhamdulillah majlis berjalan dgn lancar. pada hari ke 39, dian dicukur kan kepala nye kasi botak..

*my botak chin*

n exactly on last saturday which dian mase tu 47hari, husband n i took dian for outing at empire, subang. mak nye dh teringin benor nk mkn crispy honey chicken chipotle dgn choc molten, so anak nye pon diangkut same. percayalah.. ia tidak mudah! but we had fun. its a nice experience. hubby n i enjoy it very much.. cant wait for our next outing plak. cuti pjg ni.. mungkin akan bawa dian jln lg one of these days..

well, thats all for today. happy holiday all mummies n readers! *berucap dgn sgt suke hati*

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

labor experience : noor dian medina

im back!!!

all the way from my office, baru la dpt online, dpt blogwalking, n dpt update blog sensasi ku ini. syukur boss ku cuti. so i have more time to story mory..

sebelum tu nk luahkan perasaan sementelah 49 hari bergelar mak. overall, im so happy with my life. sikit demi sedikit, im achieving what i want. ya allah, bersyukurnye! my little princess is not so little anymore. im so happy to see her progress. walaupun hari2 belek die, masih xdpt nk terkejar development die. sedar2 je die dh pandai itu ini. she's my everything. begini rupenye jadi mak. padan la mak aku sendiri sanggup sedia kan n buat itu ini utk aku dulu n even smpai skrg. sape xsyg anak oiiii.. *bole nangis kalo fikir pasal anak SENDIRI lame2*

ok, mcm org lain, i nk share gak pengalaman bersalinkan dian. errr.. now i know why ppl share their labor experience in blogs. sbb.. nnt bole lupe!!! errr.. of course la org xlupe sgt kan. tp ade gak la miss sane sini. so, let me keep it here supaya lepas ni cite pengalaman bersalin ku xtunggang terbalik.

4th november 2012
on 4th nov which was sunday, i woke up with slight stain on my panty. actually discharge dh keluar about a week earlier tp cume brownish2 saje. based on the previous check up with dr. mazita, brownish2 tu cume tanda2 awal. but on this particular sunday, its not just any ordinary discharge i normally had, the brownish this time has turned pinkish plak. kalo pink dh hampir ke merah kan? n merah tu darah la kan? refer kat mak, mak suh gi spital. so kitorg bersiap nk ke spital. singgah rumah in law to get our hospital stuff. ade yg ckp muke aku sampai dh merah2.. air selusuh pon dh distand by kan nye.

dlm pkul 10 mcm tu kitorg (kitorg to merujuk kepada myself, husband n sil) smpai demc. straight pgi labor room. keadaan labor room agak tenang. so the nurses did the ctg scan on me.. 

see the contractions? paling kuat pon 30++. bukaan pon xde. so nurse suh blk dulu. i pon blk la..kt umah, i just baring n the pain just getting stronger. mase tu hati cam berbelah bahagi nk gi sepital lg ke x.. konon dh serik utk dihampakan. so husband bwk jln utk tenang kan keadaan. n finally, husband belanja ini..

settle mkn eskem, blk umah blk. still rase sakit. my dad called n advised me to surrender at the hospital. takut kalo nk terberanak tgh mlm, lg susah. so, mlm tu lps maghrib, i was admitted at DEMC. before masuk ward, diorg suh i dok labor room lg utk ctg scan. still xde bukaan n yes the contractions makin bertambah.

aku cuak tgk suami aku cuak. seriously, he's not calming me down. but he tried, i know. maklumla, die first time jgak. n i totally believes that die menggelabah sbb xnak aku sakit. im touched. but pain is still the only way to get the baby out from me. 

1st nite at the hospital, sgt2 sakit. i hate contractions. sbb xtahan n knowing that i need to rest myself, i requested for pain killer. tgk.. aku lupe name pain killer yg aku amik tu. maaf ye.. its the one that makes u feel sleepy n cucuk kt bontot tu. demmm.. i should hv remember. nk google malas. cisssss.. ni la akibat kalo lambat update blog psl experience bersalin.

after the injection, baru la dpt tdo.. i was accompanied by mak n husband. sakit tu mmg masih terase, tapi maybe i was too sleepy to feel it.

5th november 2012
about 4-5am, ade nurse msk bilik bgtau yg pkul7 aku kne masuk LR. mase ni i dh xtau nk gambarkan perasaan. managed to walk around the room n this is the last view i seen with dian still in my womb.

as the pain killer faded away, i dpt rase blk contractions tu. n this time, i hate it even more! kalo the previous nite the contractions tu ade jgak berhenti2 nye, kali ni non-stop.. sakit all the way n its so painful! time tu doctor dtg n check bukaan dh 3cm. about 9.++am, aku tumpas ditgn epidural.. n thanks to epidural la, i once again dpt berehat dgn tenang. 

about 12 something, nurse plak dtg utk check bukaan. kali ni dh 5cm. but i suddenly can feel the pain kne seluk. mase tu blurr kjap. bkn ke i shouldnt feel a thing bile dh amik epidural? so i asked the nurses. dorg kate lebih bagus dpt rase so i can feel the urge to push. but thats not what i've prepared for. i dh set dlm otak baik pnye yg once i amik epidural, i should not feel any pain.

so selepas 5cm, the pain just getting more obvious. i pon start la rase xpuas hati. tp nak buat cane kan, xkan nk cucuk epidural skali lagi. around 1pm nurse check lagi bukaan n guess what, dh 8cm. to me, that was quite fast. patut la rase sakit bebeno.. kan org slalu ckp, rase nk bersalin ni mcm rase nk terberak. honestly, i rase bkn stakat nk berak, nk kencing sume ade. its like, semuanya nk keluar! sempat i marah kan suami sbb xpanggil nurse. i actually nk tanye nurse i bole gi berak ke sbb i mmg dh xtahan sgt. rupe2 nye ade nurse kt blkg aku. patut la husband terkebil2 mase kne marah. hahaha.. sian die. 

tp yg xbest nye, nurse tu bole bantai borak plak mase aku sakit gile tu. time tu xpuas ati gak la sbb mase org tgh sakit, ko pay attention la skit. kalo ko tu cikgu ke, kerani ke, aku paham la. ni nurse, so calm me down la. do something ke ape2. haihhhhh..

bile dh bukak 9cm, ade pulak term atas dh bukak, bwh blom. time tu i just tunggu signal diorg suruh push je sbb dh xtahan sgt dh. mase tu doctor pun xde. cume ade la nurse yg nmpk mcm boss skit (mayb the midwife) dtg n menenangkan i. die puji la kate cpt bukak la, senang bukak la. mase i bgtau die i rase nk berak pon die kate berak je. jgn malu2. n i was like? eh, bole ke? nnt baby kne taik kang.. hehehe.. lepas die kate kepala dh rase, nurse tu terus bg green lite. die kate kalo nk push, push je.. time tu i dh xfikir doctor ade ke x. sampai je contractions, i terus push sekuat hati. 

tgh2 struggle tu, bole plak dgr baby org bilik sebelah pnye suara. haittt... org sebelah dh bersalin aku blom lg. so thats inspired me to keep on pushing. neighbour sebelah tu plak rupenye gune doctor same, so siap je sebelah sane, dr. mazita dtg nk settle kan i plak. so on 1.35pm, i safely gave birth to my daughter.

noor dian medina binti mohd noor azam
mode of delivery : normal with assistant of kiwi vacum

overall, i suke experience bersalin ni. nak2 lagi first time. it really means alot to me. bile kenang kan bersalin n tgk dian skrg, omg.. mcm xpercaya je i berjaya keluar kan dian yg skrg bulat2 tu secara normal. alhamdulillah.. semuanya kerana izin allah. 

skrg, dian dh berjaya menggulingkan badan cume apabila die nk carik susu dia. hahaha.. carik nenen sampai terbalik. tp, die bkn tau die nk berguling pon. she's just driven to roll over sbb she's looking for her favorite nipple. alhamdulillah jgak, so far i still manage to breast feed her. cume harap production susu xberkurang sbb i dh start kje. aminnn..

mari nyanyi : bulat kecil, bulat kecil, bulat la besar..

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

5 days to EDD

Morning everyone.. Happy wednesday!

Im still at home, pregnant. Its supposed to be my final week n dd will b in her full term by next monday. So far theres no sign of giving birth soon. Minor contractions, yes. But i guess she's just practicing.

Perasaan setakat ini, sgt eager utk serah diri ke hospital. Everything is packed up n im totally ready for it. Salah satu sbb adalah krn keadaan akan berubah diwaktu mlm. Like seriously, bdn akan menjadi sgt fragile bile nk tdo. Mcm2 sakit ku rase. Back ache, heartburn, minor contractions, u name it..

I sometimes feel bad sbb put the blame on the baby. Marah kan die sbb xkeluar lg. Syahdu everytime lps asar cz tekenang kalo die dh keluar, msti tgh mndi kan die n dpt bau wangi baby. Soon, insyallah. Nk twist cite kasi best, i assume that dd must loves me very2 much smpai syg nk tggl kn perut mak die. Ohhh.. Itu membuatkan aku lebih xsabar nk peluk die.

Today is the last day of october. Mayb dd xnk jd october baby. Esok i'll hv an appointment with my gynae. Hopefully ade berita gembira. Honestly risau juga kalau2 tumbesaran dd melampau2 dr kemampuan i. Ohhh.. Nauzubillahiminzaliq.. Amat berharap ia tidak menjadi mslh. Pls dd, stop growing in my belly. Come out n strecth out! (pdhal aku yg feed die dgn mkn mcm2).

Nevertheless, i leave it all to Allah. He knows better. As long as semua nya selamat, i dh syukur sgt2.

Well, we shall see tomorrow. Dgr ape kate doctor. Mudah2an berita baik berterusan. Im happy n excited to deliver my baby. Doa kan semua nya selamat ye..

Selamat maju jaya, to me!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

in case u wonder

First of all, i'd like to wish selamat hari raya aidiladha to all muslims around the world. Raya qurban this year is totally2 different to me. Its more meaningful n i just enjoy it so much!

In case u wonder, i am still here, breathing n alive. Dd has yet to pop out frm my belly n insyallah she's still in there safe n sound.

This is us in our 38th week. First time pgi check up without mr. Hubby. So we went to demc with mak. In case u wonder again, i am all normal. Alhamdulillah. Dd is 3.2kg the moment the doctor scanned her few days back. Me, gained few weights but i just couldnt careless anymore. My eating pattern mmg haywire n i eat wtv whenever i feel like eating.

Like every expecting mom, i wish that the day i wake up frm bed is the day i will give birth to my child. Nk msk tdo pun ada harapan which is to feel the pain of labour. Bile terjaga tgh mlm feeling nothing, of cz i'll feel a little dissapointed. Like me, i really hope if aidiladha this year can be celebrated with our new addition. But since Allah knows better so i just leave it to Him n continue hoping..

Btw, i've started my maternity leaves since monday. Overall, most days were filled with activities. It would b great if the baby can just pop out soon so that my leaves will b more worth it in fact i have nothing else to play with anymore. Hahaha.. I just wanna smell the little foot, the little fingers n yes.. I am so eager to see my little daughter ASAP.

Oh well, lets just wait n see. Im writing this through my phone on mlm raya which i can hardly close my eyes to sleep. Baby been moving quiet strong so i end up staying up n decided to write an entry.

Do pray for me to have a safe delivery. Again, selamat hari raya haji everybody!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

the best part about last week



dan ini

it all started with a gloomy saturday. yes, it was yati's princess, nia's akikah day.. sampai kerumah yati about 12pm nk ke 1pm. biar pun hari hujan tp bile jumpe kawan2, hujan badai sume terus dilupakan. seronok sgt tgk geng2 masing2 dh timang anak sendiri. soon it'll be my turn, insyallah. *im counting down the days*

settled at yati's me n hubs went to OU. seriously, amat berharap dpt ke OU sebelum bersalin. i'll miss OU after this. 1st mission nk ke OU, hubby nk tgk wayang. padahal dh tau yg skrg xde cite best but layan kan je la. yg i tau yg best kt OU skrg adalah clearance sale mom's care. =P

first place yg i ajak hubby utk pergi sesampai di OU, toilet. hahaha.. jenuh tahan shi shi sebelum tibe ri rumah yati lagi. n lepas tu, straight azam diseret utk ke bargain corner. dlm hati mmg dh niat kalo bole nak carik nursing pillow n papa shield bag sbb azam sgt suke bag tu. katenye bole feeling2 naik superbike (??). org laki ni mmg pelik2. feeling superbike la sgt pdhal kt dlm tu isi pampers n botol susu. lantak kau la labu..

keterujaan yg xterhingga bile kat bargain corner tu ade bende2 yg ingin dicari. harga pun mengancam. so azam kate xpe, kite gi tgk wayang dulu, nnt kite dtg blk beli. hoyeah!!!

smpai GSC xde cite best n sume pon start lambat. so kami xtgk wayang pon. sudah nye, kami laki bini habis kan berjam2 di butik mom's care sbb nk blaja cara pasang playpen kt situ. jeng jeng jeng.. knp nk blaja cara psg playpen pulak? sbb.. sbb.. sbb..

sbb DD dh ade playpen la!!!! hohoho.. rezeki anak. xpsl2 bnde yg diplan nk beli lepas DD lahir dh dpt skrg. syukur.. terima kasih la ye company. terima kasih byk2.. sudah nye, kami beli nursing pillow n papa shield bag tu kat butik mom's care je. hahaha.. malas dh nk turun pi balik bargain corner tu. kikiki.. alasan : kat butik bole collect points. kt clearance pnye tpt xbole. ruginye cume rm10 sbb papa shield bag tu rm10 lebih murah bile dijual dibawah. pfft... (but papa shield bag di mom's care lebih murah berbanding kedai lain. its only rm89.90 (kt butik) or rm79.90 (kt bargain corner) where tpt lain jual abt 90++ utk size besar) nursing pillow plak bapak nye excited nk carik yg same brand dgn playpen anak die tu. so, dpt la.. mahal skit tp katenye since dh xyah spend kt playpen so, belasah je. well, ko la belasah ye husband. duit ko. =P

blk je rumah, terus gigih try psg playpen yg kami amik di opis. i saje tggl dulu sbb berat. so, hari sabtu la baru bwk blk. xkan la i plak nk angkut turun ke kete playpen tu. honestly, azab weyh! maybe sbb xbiase lagi kan.. sampai bengang2 gak la laki aku tu nk memasang. ghiso je die telebih kepak playpen tu. xkisah la nk pasang org nk lipat balik, dua2 SUSAH! tp lps setiap kali berjaya, kitorg try blk n rase nye dh bole catch up kut cane nk psg n simpan.

tadaaa.. ini la hasil kegigihan kami laki bini mlm tu. sampai teduduk si bapaknye memasang. overall, we're so happy to the max on this playpen. wohoo!!! skrg, playpen dh selamat dilipat semula sbb nk tggu bile DD dh abis pantang baru nk train die tdo dlm ni. so, takut berhabuk kalo dh terus siap2 psg.

see, thats all the reason knp gembira sgt mak DD weekend lepas. this week insyallah i have another reason to be happy. last week at work. happy much?! op cos!!!

Blogging frm android

Just uploaded this app to my phone. Hoping that posting to my blog can be alot easier after this. I'll be staying home pretty much "handicap" soon. No jln2, no mkn2. So i will definitely need something to cheer me up n "going places" by just using my fingers.

Asked husband to get my laptop fixed since its operating more less like and an old fat snail. Meanwhile, i'll be relying to this hp to help me "travel n discover".

So to blogger app, pls be handy to me.



Thursday, October 11, 2012

sedikit sebanyak tentang perkembangan pregnancy ku

pergh.. tu dia, tajuk.. ala2 bole score utk PMR x?


alhamdulillah, kerja saya dah siap! so now nk share pasal progress terbaru album perjalanan pregnancy saya boleh?

last tuesday, i amik cuti tahunan semata2 nk menghadap kan diri di DEMC. seriously, I LOVE CHECK UPs!!! but last tuesday i kne minum air gula. ade kan i bgtau sebab musabab nye kat entry2 yg lalu? kalo malas nk scroll down, meh i recap. check ups gap sudah hanya 2minggu sekali je skrg. n check up sebelum selasa hari tu, i gained 2kg from the previous check up. doc kate itu agak byk bg seorg yg berat naik secara konsisten seperti saya. sad. graph sudah menjadi hodoh. tp suami ckp, xpela.. xrugi pon kalo minum. at least kalo ade bnde yg xbaik kite bole prevent awal2. so, i redha..

arrived at DEMC dlm 9 lebih. as usual terus ke counter n die nk timbang berat. grrrr.. paling excited nk tau berat tp paling xbole terima kalo terlebih berat badan. last record berat i 64kg. betapa lah hampa sbb kalo bole i xnk pun sampai 65kg. so bile dh reached 64kg tu i admit, peluang utk tidak smpai 65kg through out pregnancy adalah mustahil. 

ok, sambung cite timbang. i pon naik la scale tu dgn hati2. jarum sudah melepasi 64kg tp mcm berat nk smpai ke 65kg. dalam hati "ohhh.. masih ade harapan disitu." maka, i pon cuba untuk mengimbangi badan dgn harapan ia sedikit sebanyak dpt membantu mengurangkan tekanan yg memberat kan. n guess what?! tactic berjaya! nurse tu declared 64.5kg. hahaha.. mcm nk melompat je kat atas scale tu rase nye. errr.. i xdikira menipu kan? sbb its still berat i n saya yakin betol mesin penimbang kt DEMC tu accurate. =P

done timbang berat, mase untuk kench.. settle kench ape sume bagai, die suruh turun bwh kat lab utk amik darah dan minum air gula. kuang kuang kuang.. ini bermakna, sepanjang ngandung anak pertama ni, 2kali aku kne minum air gula hokay?!!! blerghhh.. but at least merasa la aku air gula klinik kerajaan dgn air gula DEMC. jika nak dibanding, air gula DEMC lebih acceptable berbanding KK. tp xbermakna i enjoy drinking it. tolong la xperlu minum lagi. saya xde kencing manis! *insyallah*

selesai minum, kami (me n hubby) ke atas semula utk regular check up kami. kali ni dh xde pape sgt. doc cume tanye2 khabar n lepas tu die scan baby. latest update, berat baby dah naik menjadi 2.7kg. syukur. kalo die tetibe nk keluar awal pon berat die dh memadai. insyallah, fizikal baby dh ready to face the world. kepala pon dh xbesar lagi. just nice utk bayi dalam kandungan seusia nya. i bet she's one happy and big baby inside. selesai scan, i tanye doc about my bp n air ketuban semua. syukur alhamdulillah, doc kate i've nothing to worry about. alhamdulillah..

besides the baby, i pon ade jgak refer doc pasal masalah kulit yg i tgh hadapi skrg. fyi, i skrg asik gatal2 je. dh 2klinik i gi check. dua2 doc kate i ni kne gigit serangga. yg pelik nye, xkan la serangga tu follow i wherever i go? kat rumah ade, kat office ade, kat dlm kete ade, kat morib pon ade? so, my gynae kate mungkin ini symptom i during pregnancy. so, she said its normal to some people. phewww.. *skrg jumpe solution baru. instead sapu krim kt tempat gatal i sapu bedak pulak* tp tula, mintak2 cume i yg gatal jgn dgn baby2 pon gatal. i ni dh la mmg sejak azali kulit sensitif gatal2 mcm berkudis. hehehe.. 

settle check up, nurse bagi date utk next check up plak. i thought dh start kne check up seminggu sekali. rupa2nye die kasi gap kali ni 2minggu jgak. errr.. ok la jgak tu kan. jimat skit duit kami. hehehe.. so, next check up will be on the 23rd. ntah dh bersalin ke blom time tu. that date is actually will be our 10months wedding anniversary too. kalo DD pop out hari tu pon syok gak. bole share birthday dgn pakteh. ehhh??

confirmed the date and the nurse bagi kitorg ni..

kat dlm ade sample diapers huggies n formula milk enfalac n anmum. seronok weyh dpt goodies walaupun xpakai. =P

next up, kitorg blk rumah plak. rehat2 sementara tggu pkul 12 sbb kul12 nk kne dtg semula utk amik darah kali kedua. about 12pm, kitorg gi DEMC blk. amik darah kat tgn kiri plak. settled, blk umah tdo2.. about 2pm DEMC call bgtau result. berdebar gak la nk tau result nye. tp org dlm line tu kate bilangan gula dalam badan before minum air gula and after minum air gula cume naik 0.1 je. so to me rasenye ok la tu kan. n org tu pon mmg ckp saya ni normal. alhamdulillah..

according to the doctor's prediction, i mungkin bersalin lagi 3minggu. err.. tu mmg dh dekat nak sampai my EDD la tu pon actually. tp xkisah la bila janji time i dh start cuti nnt. esok will b the end of this week. lps tu, i've only 1more week until cuti 2bulan!! wohooo..

ps. otak kiri excited nk cuti bajet bole rehat2. otak kanan kasi sign yg nnt cuti bukan cuti buta2. i've to look after DD n pantang juga kne jaga. hehehe.. pendek kate, xtau nk gumbire ke ape cuti ni. =P

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

my weekend story - hotel review :: morib gold coast

good morning..

hari ni im at work.. seriously i'll whine every morning lepas mandi bile pk yg i kne pgi kje. n pagi td, i membebel sorg2 sambil didengari oleh husband about how lazy i am to go to work. kesian die. die xbersalah. aku yg sibuk nk beli itu ini. bajet semua tu bole dpt free2 or laki dh cukup kaya sampai ade duit celah2 gigi. kalo aku ni stok kaki mkn n pandai memasak xpe gak. ade gak la contribution dlm keluarga. ni asal laki lapar the best that i can offer is my egg sandwich yg sedap tu (hekk), maggi or mcd. or kalo laki cam tgh cargas2, i'll ask him to buy outside. atas dasar tanggungjawap, aku la blanja die sbb mmg spatutnye aku pon yg prepare food utk die. hehehe.. jgn tiru aksi ini. but insyallah, one fine day, i'll learn how to cook. slalu kasi alasan yg i xbiase masak didapur org. so, give me my own kitchen n let me try n error n learn from my own mistakes.

baik lah baik lah.. puas dah mengulas psl konflik dalaman, skrg rasenye nk share skit cite yg i gi trip bersama keluaraga di morib last week. my aunty booked three studio suite utk kami 3family. err.. tiga ke? tp yg psti family aku yg paling complete skali. family maklong except one of my cuzen n his wife. pstu su n wan. the journey from shah alam to morib took us about an hour. dgn jam nye. but its a nice journey indead. lalu kampung org. check in time is as usual 3pm. our room mmg btol2 facing the water theme park. n keadaan time tu, nauzubillah, ramai nye manusia sedang bersuka ria. dh panas plak tu.. to me the water theme park adalah menyeronok kan kalo aku berumur 9thn. =P

rasenye ramai gak yg tau yg each room (yg studio suite je kut) ade their very own jacuzzi. tp i xmerasa sgt sbb bercuti beramai2 kan. gile mak buyong nk tetibe berendam dlm jacuzzi? lain la kalo berdua2 dgn suami je. hehehehe..

stay there for one nite only. the next day, check out. if u ask me to rate the place, i'll give it 3.5 out of 5. kalo pasal bilik i rase xde masalah. the room is spacious, clean n lengkap dgn kipas, mini bar n toilet juga besar. its kinda romantic too tp bile pk dpn tu ade kanak2 riang sedang berenang2, terus mood romantic turn off. however, lucky the sliding door is kinda sound proof too so kalo tutup, hilang jgak la hingai bingai suara org yg keriangan main kt bwh tu. hotel juga lengkap dgn facilities mcm kedai runcit, cyber cafe but the area mcm xterjaga skit. probably because they also open the water theme park to the public so mcm dh terhilang ke-exclusive-an nye. the lobby is fine, the check in, check out process also was a breeze tp tu la. ramai sgt org, basah2 plus the access to the room pun sgt limited. lifts cume ade di dua tempat so bagi perempuan mengandung ni, jenuh gak la nk carik bilik memule tu. no clear direction or what so ever so yeah, its quite tiring. breakfast... *bunyik cengkerik* they have wide range of choices for breakfast. but seriously, sbb terlalu ramai org, they have to served the food, "kenduri style". hahaha.. imagine masak scramble egg dlm kuali mcm kawah? air pon dlm water dispenser plastic je. 

ohh, tetibe teringat nk komen pasal pantai die. knowing morib, pantai die xla to die for. xyah panggil pantai pon bole gak kalo nak. kalo mase check in tu, nk main2 di gigi2 air rase nye kne bwk kete nk smpai ke ombak tu. hahaha.. tu maknanye air die sgt jauhhh!!!! tp bile dh pagi, its getting better. but still, ombak die tidak memanggil langsung! check out time pon seperti biase pkul 12pm. balik lalu pekan banting n we saw this..

since banting ni dikira my mak's hometown (even though rasenye kampung mak aku jauh sgt dari pekan banting but still di panggil di area banting), kedai emas tai yick ni biase gak la kut menjadi kedai pilihan nenek ku serta makcik2 ku utk membeli brg kemas. my cuzens n i used to make fun of its name. cube sebut laju2. hihihi.. tp dh lame kedai ni. good to know that it's still exist. HIDOP KEDAI EMAS TAI YICK!!!

so there goes my weekend.. 

finally, berjaya menghabis kan se-entry. percaya la, berkoyan2 entry i dlm draft. maybe sbb today boss masuk lambat so i bole focus skit utk mengarang. hehehe.. about to share my check up story last tuesday. insyallah, soon bile ade kelapangan.

thanks for reading n TTYL!

Friday, October 5, 2012

ade ke org bace entry kalo post hari sabtu?

errr.. tp aku xkisah la org nak bace ke x. yg pasti, i am dead boring skrg ni. mati kutu weyh gi kje hari sabtu padahal xde kje. hikhik.. kalo i dok bgtau org semua yg i xde kje langsung hari ni, kompom hidong i panjang. sbb senanye ade je kje tp cam malas gile nak buat. well, sape rajin nak buat kje opis hari sabtu kan? (padahal aku je yg malas)

its 6th october 2012, baby.. by the end of this week, i'll be completing my 35th week of pregnancy. congratz to myself. next tuesday ade check up. insyallah kne minum air gula. sgt la malas rase nye. seriously, if there's anyway that i can escape, i mmg xnk minum. but it all depends on my weight gain hari tu. cerita pasal weight gain, i xpelik dah dari mane dtg berat2 yg tetibe dtg tanpa diundang. lately i've been eating like crazy. imagine yesterday for dinner i mkn sepinggan kuey teow kungfu about 6pm n pstu dlm kul 8 lebih i dh lapar blk n cook myself a home-made potato fries which is my favorite. ttg komen suami ku, jgn ditanye la.. die tu kejap mcm suh je i mkn ape je i nk mkn, kjap takut2 kan i pasal weight gain. kompijus makk..

anyway, today i'll be on a family trip with my family n cuzens to morib goldcoast!!!!

errr.. i've never been here. tp kalo dah holiday beramai2 insyallah seronok la kut. look forward to spend time with family n mkn, mkn n mkn lagi.. hihi.. i'll insyalah review about this hotel nnt ye..

urmmm.. ape lagi nk tulis eh.. *bunyik cengkerik*

haaaa... i've finally bought DD's toiletries last week. alhamdulillah semua dah semakin complete. i ade pampers sample nb so kalo la xsempat nk beli bole pakai tu dulu. but insyallah next week bertambah la koleksi diapers. my pad pun dh beli.. wohoo.. dh bole bersalin dh.. ehh?

ok la.. mood kje dh mari.. see u later n enjoy your weekend!!! 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

today, i is sad..

monday blues strikes!

arghhh.. xsuke la check up in monday. dh la liat nk masuk opis. pstu dpt plak berita yg kurang senang mase pgi check up td. so, yeah.. i is sad..

cam pelik plak hari ni. biasenye pagi2 isnin babycenter akan bagi email remind me about my weekly progress. tp tggu punye tggu, xde plak. doc pun ckp im still in my 33 week. kalo ikut percaturan i, today i supposed to enter my 34th week. weird eh..

but anyway, pagi2 td dh excited nk jumpe doctor. i really look forward to see my daughter's progress. praying hard that she's doing ok. n alhamdullilah, she is ok. of course setiap kali check up akan dimulakan dgn menimbang berat badan. regularly i'll just gain 0.5-1kg. but hari ni i gained 2kgs in 3weeks (according to my counting) / 2weeks (according to the doctor's counting). yg mane satu btol pon aku xtau la. but of course kalo ikut counting doctor, peningkatan itu adalah tidak sihat. pk logik pon bole tau. 2weeks = 2kgs? 

ok, dh la berat naik. suami plak ringan plak mulut die sebut pasal injection kancing gigi. so mendapat la i sebijik..

sib baik i jenis xtakut jarum walaupun jarum die agak kasar la jgak. effect pon i mcm rase xrase sgt je lagi. doc kate might as well cucuk hari ni cause in 2weeks time (mase next check up) nk kne buat ujian MGTT. gosh... menyesal xjage mkn. i yakin i xde kencing manis ke ape. but i just gained weight sbb terlebih mkn. i perasan tu. i mmg mkn byk. arghhhh... menyesal. 

walaupun ditenangkan oleh suami dgn mengatakan bahawa ape yg terjadi or bakal terjadi adalah yg terbaik for me n the baby, i still rase down hari ni sbb my record dh rosak! my graph dh xcantik. iskkkk.. ini la yg i selalu risau kan. kat hujung2 cani la mcm2 bole jd. takut oiii.. mintak2 la next check up berat xnaik. kalo naik pon biar la 0.5 je. 

dh la, bnde dh jadi.. nk buat camno. but masih bersyukur DD di posisi yg betul. air ketuban pon masih byk. berat die pon doctor kate cantik cume kepala die je sedikit besar. hekkkk.. DD is 2.3kg hari ni. according to the doctor, insyallah kalau dlm mase sebulan maybe berat boleh capai 3.3kg. well, kite tgk la cane nnt. im gonna start my diet regime for sure. hope DD can just adsorb whatever nutrition yg i dh ade. plus the obimin plus, i hope that will be enough.

errr.. DD, mak bukan xsyg kamu org xnk kasi kamu mkn byk tau. tp mak nk make sure that i'll get to deliver u perfectly. i'll take a very good care of u, insyallah. DD jgn mintak makanan yg byk fat lagi ye psni..

Thursday, September 20, 2012

update update!!!!

selamat petang semua!!!!

di hari khamis yg indah ini, thank god i managed to complete most of my job on time.. ohhh, tgh berkobar2 nk buat kje sementara masih boleh berkhidmat utk syarikat. dgn jayanya i dh informed my boss that i'll be taking my maternity leaves slightly earlier than my EDD (which will be on the 22nd November. insyallah). he seems to agree and sudah mula mempersiap sedia kan perisai office kami sepanjang ketiadaan i nnt.

anyway, xtau nk bagi tajuk ape utk entry ni. rase nye mcm byk beno bnde yg nk di hupdate dan dikongsi. kite mule satu persatu ye..

saturday, 15th Sept 2012
its my cuzen's bride reception at seremban. i went to work then sneaked out heading to seremban. gambar nye di hp hubby. lps tu, singgah jenguk baby hannah yg dh besarrrrrrr.. bile dh besar, baru la brani skit nk dukung. ohhh... comel btol hannah. cant wait to play with my own baby DD..

since its the last weekend of raya, semestinya open house menderu2 ye kawan2. saya yakin jemputan kalian juga mencurah2. jadi itu adalah sebab musabab kenapa keadaan lalu lintas sungguh la menyakit kan jiwa raga serta perut yg sedia kenyang. i was so excited to be at home. i've purchased something on friday. lupe plak on saturday xde org kat rumah. ghiso kut2 kalo kurier tu tgk xde org die bwk blk plak parcel aku. but lucky me, the parcel tu ade je kat rumah! lupe nk tanye adik i yg kebetulan blk rumah sekejap. parcel tu mmg die congok kan kat depan pintu or mmg mase kurier tu sampai my adik was at home. tp xkisah la bagaimana caranya sekali pun, tp sgt la teruja bila melihat isi parcel adalah ini...!!!

ok, skrg dh ade 2bp. pembelian secara haram (tanpa izin suami) utk bp manual tommee tippee ini akhirnya diredhai dgn syarat kalo xgune, die pam mulut aku. adehhhh.. but i think i'll use it. yela, si gondol tu kan berat n hanya bole berfungsi bile ade kuasa elektrik. so what if hari tu black out? ini la masenye si TT dtg meringankan beban.. =P manual bp ni i beli di my little boss. murah je. tu psl beli. nasib xsampai seratus pon dan isi kotak jugak bermacam2. kalo x, musti cik abg murka. hehehe.. kate org, malu bertanya sesat jln. so i've asked 1 mommies' group in FB. mujur ade sorg tu pnah pakai n die kate die gune bp ni ok je. so berlandaskan satu review dan harga yg murah, i beli. hope it'll work well on me too. insyallah..

monday, 17th Sept 2012
hantar baju2 DD kerumah mak. mak kate kak umi boleh basuh kan baju2 tu. lps tu, ke rumah wan utk lepak2 disana. memandangkan all this while i pakai phone company, rasenye skrg is high time for me to get a new phone of my own. nnt bile dh cuti pjg, xkan la phone company tu i nk usung blk rumah. biar lah phone company setia berkhidmat utk company nye. hubby, my cuzen n myself seterusnya pergi ke digital mall, pj n grab myself a samsung s2. well, s2 lah saje. s3 xmampu. mule2 nk sgt pakai iphone sbb iphone ade byk choice of casing (being me, aku xkisah function lain phone tu janji bole call, sms, whatsapp, masuk fb keluar fb, masuk twitter keluar twitter, instag, camera bagus, main game, n of course, many choice of cute casings). n samsung s2 can give me all that. sib baik la ade jugak casing2 cantik s2 dipasaran.. bile google di internet, rambang nye mate! dh tanam dlm hati, mase pantang nnt harus tukar casing seminggu sekali (byk duit aku!!!). so as at the moment yg xsampai seminggu pon pakai phone ni (which nombornye pun aku baru beli n even xactive pon lagi *hampeh hotlink*) i pakai casing polka pink ni dulu..

tuesday, 28th Sept 2012
the next day, hubby n i tdo rumah my parents. semestinya, i excited nk tgk hasil basuhan baju2 my baby. alhamdulillah, kak umi dh cuci kan semua. baju2 DD semua dah pon dilipat n disimpan rapi dlm almari beliau. without any further a do, i pon pack je la skali DD's hospital bag smbil dibantu emak. ohhh... mak saya sgt helpful tau! she loan me her bag (since i xde any special bag utk hospital as azam suh i pakai je bag yg mane ade T_T ) n kasi i kain2 batik die yg xpnah pakai tu..


dlm bag DD i isi napkin, blanket, her clothes, mittens n booties, hats, towel, her barut n later on, tggl nk taruk diapers n some toiletries. xdilupe, i'll bring along my manual bp just in case. in my bag plak, i dh isi socks, panties, disposable panties, baju butang dpn n nnt nk isi kain batik, tudung, toiletries, selimut, pashmina (sbb i xde sweater n maleh bebeno rasenye nk beli) n pads. 

n today, dlm misi nk pujuk suami ajak die gi nagoya carik kain. dh mintak tolong maklong utk buat kan sarung/cover utk DD's mattress (nampak tilam hijau kat gambar atas tu? itu la tilam nye. xcomel sgt bukan?) insyallah kalo ade rezeki, i akan buat something extra special for DD. next in my list : toiletries DD, diaper DD n my own disposable pad.

this monday, i'll have my check up routine yg rase nye dh masuk stage once in 3weeks. gulp.. will enter my 24th week next week. lps tu the routine will be shorter n i'll be seing my gynae more often then. lps tu, xyah tgk gynae dah. tgk baby plak.. phewww... cant wait for that.

baik lah, rasenye sampai sini saje coretan dari saya.. terima kasih kerana membaca n wasallamu..

Friday, September 14, 2012

my own version of baby checklist

happy weekend everyone!..

as usual, kalo ade entry dihari sabtu itu maknanye i sedang rancak berkerja stgh hari. hahaha.. perkerja cemerlang sgt kan ade kje tp update blog? well, aku xpedulik!

yesterday was friday n me had a lunch date with linda. we're on a mission n we hope we'll get accepted. sementelah lunch sume, kami ke OBW shah alam since linda is looking for something. jeng jeng jeng.. sambil teman linda, aku minum air skit. dapatla beli satu dua barang utk complete kan checklist yg berwajip. demikian adalah senarai checklist ku setakat ini :

*i printed the checklist somewhere. its in jpeg form so i kne la type sesatu utk tulis kt sini*

Baby Gear
1 Baju Lengan Pendek - 3 pairs (insyallah more to come)
2 Baju Lengan Panjang - 5 pairs
3 Rompers - 4 pairs (insyallah more to come)
4 Sleepsuits - 4 pairs (insyallah more to come)
5 Mittens & Booties - 10 pairs
6 Baby Bip - 3 pcs 
7 Washcloth - 8pcs
8 Baby Binder - 5pcs
9 Baby Hat - 4pcs
10 Blanket/Swaddle Blanket - 7pcs

Baby Diapering 
1 Napkin - 1pack (10pcs)
2 Diapers - PENDING 
3 Diaper Wipes - 2bottles & 3 packs 
4 Changing Mat - 1
5 Diaper Bag - PENDING
6 Baby Cloth Detergent - 1bottle

1 Bedak Bayi - PENDING
2 Losyen Bayi - PENDING
3 Baby Oil - PENDING
4 Tisu - PENDING
5 Sikat - 1
6 Cotton Bud - 1bottle & 2packs
7 Nail Clipper - 1
8 Nasal Aspirator - 1
Methylated Spirit – alcohol 70% (Cuci pusat sebelum luruh) - PENDING 
10 Gripe Water / Colic Water (untuk kembung perut bayi) - PENDING
11 Termometer - 1
12 Vicks - PENDING
13 Minyak Telon/Yu Yee - 1bottle 
14 Syringe for Medicine - PENDING 
15 Cotton Balls - 1pack
16 Nappy Cream - 1tube

1 Bedding set - 1set
2 Play Pen / Katil Bayi - PENDING
3 Kelambu - 1
4 Laundry Basket - 1
7 Bakul Baby (Simpan Baby Gear) - 1 
8 Bakul Baby (Simpan Baby Care) - 1

1 Botol saiz  S - 4bottles
2 Puting Botol Susu  - 2 with bottles + 2extra
3 Bottle Sterilizer - PENDING
4 Bottle Brush - 1
5 Penyepit Botol - PENDING
6 Nipple Cream - PENDING
8 Nursing Pad Washable - 2pairs (insyallah more to come)
9 Nursing Pad Disposal - PENDING
10 Breast Pump (Electric) - 1 Spectra Dew 300
11 Breast Pump (Manual) - 1 Tommee Tippee (OTW)
12 Nursing Pillow - PENDING
13 Nursing Bra - 2pairs (insyallah more to come)
14 Termos - PENDING
15 Cooler Bag - 1
16 Breast milk storage - 20bottles & 13plastics
17 Drying Rack - 1

1 Baby Warmer for Bottle - PENDING
Baby Carrier - PENDING
5 Stroller / Jogger - PENDING
6 Car seat - PENDING
7 Nursing Cover - PENDING

1 Towel - 2pairs
2 Bathtub - 1
3 Shampoo - PENDING
4 Sabun Mandi - PENDING
5 Span - PENDING
6 Gayung - PENDING
7 Bath Support - 1

1 Penyangkut Baju Berklip - 1
2 Permainan Bermuzik - PENDING
3 Bumbo Seat - PENDING
4 Baby Gym - PENDING
5 Small Hangers - 1dozen
6 Cloth Pegs - 1dozen


1 Jamu/Set Lepas Bersalin - NR (to be collected at Yati's)
2 Socks - 3pairs
3 Sweater - PENDING
4 Tungku - PENDING
5 Selimut - done
6 Slippers - PENDING
7 Kain Batik - 2pairs (insyallah more to come. courtesy of mak n MIL)
8 Bengkung - 1
9 Maternity Pad - PENDING

haaaa.. gitu la kisah nye. overall rasenye semua bende basic dah ade kecuali diapers, toiletries and my maternity pad. yg itu xperlukan pencarian yg mendalam. gi tesco je semua dpt. bende2 lain yg pending tu actually ade some of it yg xnecessary especially while expecting my newborn. perhaps, later2 bile ade keperluan baru beli.

im half way pack my hospital bag. im excited n nervous in the same time. started to feel some symptom of org2 yg dh nk bersalin. hari tu kaki dh bengkak sekali (time bengkak tu i xbyk berjalan pon n time byk berjalan xplak die bengkak. funny)

1st batch of the laundry kak umi (my mom's maid) dh buat hari tu. but the 1st batch were those yg akan dipakai kemudian cause the sizes are mostly for 6-12months baby. so i've folded n hung it properly in DD's wardrobe smlm. sambil tu, DD's newborn stuff pun i dh pack utk dibawa ke rumah my mom. will do the laundry there insyallah if its not tomorrow than maybe on monday. i think im gonna do it myself sbb i just love playing with her little clothes n teringin nk rase sendiri pengalaman basuh baju anak sendiri.

i have 7 more weeks to my due date. that equals to 49 days. thats nearly about a month to go. but if the baby keluar sooner then the waiting time will be lesser. yikes.. im excited to welcome DD but im nervous for the pain. i dont know how am i gonna do it later. kuat ke aku. haiyaiyai..

anyway, thats it for today. mari continue dgn weekend kite with a smile. to those yg dh cuti, untung la dpt weekend lebih sehari. myself, lepas kne kerja stgh hari ni, hubby n i will drive to seremban for cuzen's wedding, plan to visit lisa n then balik rumah. esok gi rumah my mom, do the laundry (maybe) n nk ajak azam settle kan something di bank. on monday, nk collect set pantang from yati at klang, to meet linda to collect my pants and make payment, ajak husband gi nagoya utk carik kain. special project in the making? insyallah.. semoga yg dirancang dipermudahkan.

enjoy your weekend everyone n selamat hari malaysia!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

list menu berpantang

hari ni smpai dua entry sbb xde kje.. hahaha.. padan muke. sementara idea tgh byk mencurah ni, i tulis je ape yg terlintas. anyway, bukan la idea pon. i've been very concern about my food during pantang nnt since i do have problem with foods. i xmkn sayur. masak ape pun mmg xmkn. oleh sbb xmkn sayur, jadi i xknal sayur. bile disuruh beli sawi atau bayam mmg adalah masalah besar bagi ku. so, ampun kannnn..

i juga bukan seorg yg extreme dlm memakan. i seorg yg boring. i can eat satu2 jenis makanan itu setiap hari dlm mase seminggu atau lebih. lepas tu muak. bile dh muak baru carik makanan lain. tekak ape kah ini i pun tatau. i love ayam!!!! ayam is like my all time boyfriend. if anything happen to ayam, i'll die. and another favorite, potato!!! some family members call me potato head. ade jgak yg risau akan potato intake yg i amik cause konon nye potato adalah makanan yg bole menyumbang kearah cancer. yea rite...?! mat salleh tu mkn potato hari2 mcm mkn nasi elok je. *so, aku ni dikire mat salleh la kan?* so ayam + potato = food from heaven for me.

ok, back to topic. makanan mase pantang adalah sgt limited, bukan? habis la.. xkan la aku nk mkn sup sayur? xkan la aku nk mkn masak singgang? ohhh.. diperlihatkan warnanya saje aku probably bole lari instantly walaupun masih dlm keadaan pantang. btw, i juga seorg yg xsuke dipaksa mkn. i'll do anything not to eat tau. be it, i'll scream, run or to the extend of menumbuk atau melempang org tu juga xmustahil (tp kejadian tu xpnah terjadi). bergadoh dgn suami sbb kne paksa mkn dulu adalah perkara biasa. so, lupe kan je la hasrat nk "ajar" i mkn bnde yg baru.

found this on google. n when i read it, rase mcm mase dpn ku gelap dan hancur. im very keen to pantang at my own mak's house because she understand me. mudah2 an menu dibawah bukan la menu yg dihidangkan nnt walaupun die membuat muka yg paling manis lagi suci..

then i found this in a blog. yeszaaaa... ini baru la mampu mengukir senyuman diwajah ku. sape kate pantang xbole mkn ayam. yela2, xmkn byk2. mkn skit je. kalo begini la cara hidangnye, msti bole mkn hari2 smbil kepala terbayang kenny rogers..

untuk dapatkan resepi, sila klik sini

lagi satu makanan yg i look forward utk pantang nnt is my mom's steam fish.. ohhhh.. dulu mase kakak i dlm pantang, i cukup gemar mengecak ikan masak stim yg mak i buat. jadi, ia bole dijadikan salah satu menu utama! yummsyyy...

*ini bkn steam fish mak saya*

ohh2.. n do u know that kentang juga diboleh kan utk dimakan mase berpantang???fuhhh... lega nye bile dpt tau. so ade can la nk order kat mak potato salad hari2!! err.. xbole mkn mayonis kan? nvm, letak je olive oil. im fine. janji potato jgn lupe taruk (cemana potato salad xletak potato?)

kalo part snacking rasenye xde masalah kut. i suke mkn roti. i lebih prefer roti drpd nasi. pstu stakat biskut, air milo, horlicks, susu rasenye ok saje. so, insyallah semoga makan semasa berpantang nnt xde mslh. agak2 boring, i kne google lagi carik resepi2 lain. katenye pasta, macaroni, spaghetti pun bole mkn. tp dressing die xkan la bole yg bolognaise sume tu kan? serupa xyah pantang je. xpela, redha je. semoga selera berkembang mekar dihari pantang nnt. ameennn..

my current addiction: lebih suke fresh milk dari low fat. hahaha.. sebab semestinya, lemak itu lazatttttt...

"oh, hi selulit! apa khabar?"

kalau tanya khabar selulit i rasanya bertambah baik. errr.. faham xdouble meaning i? to cut the long story short, nampak gaya perut i ada ciri2 mcm nak dpt selulit. *danggg*. its not a good news. gile ke ape nk consider it as a good news? i start perasan this morning. honestly, rasenye die mcm blom crack lg tp skit2 line tu dh nampak samar2. T_T

jujur, i mmg xpnah apply ape2 or xpenah pon nk amik any precaution action to avoid the cellulite. nak kate konfiden xdpt selulit tu xla. tp selagi blom nampak, i buat bodoh je. rase nye baru smlm i baru terfikir yg i have such a beautiful belly. bulat je. xde selulit and linea nigra pun comel je nampak nye.. tp tu la. angkat bakul sendiri lagi. or maybe sbb mase belek2 smlm tu waktu mlm so xnmpk sgt. 

uff, buruk la kalo dh ade selulit nnt. org yg i turn to utk meng-ekspres kan perasaan hiba tak lain dan xbukan adalah suami sendiri. ohhh, die perlu dipersiap sedia kan supaya nnt xterkejut dgn keadaan perut isterinya yg nnt bakal menjadi menggerunkan. sbb itu la i kadang2 bersyukur jgak bile perut xbesar sgt. to me, lagi besar, lagi susah nk susut. tp bile kenang kan berat baby, i rase i dont mind if she stretch it a lil bit. eh, tatau la. nk baby sihat, comel dan gebu. tp nk jgak perut yang kempis, anjal dan tegang. iskkk.. why is it so hard for us to have both?!

so, selepas dah sedar tentang kehadiran "S" (bukan serena van der woodsen) i terus terfikir something to apply to reduce it. time ni la baru teringat product burt's bee yg slalu dikaitkan dgn selulit time mengandung/after mengandung tu. it not just famous on the blog malah juga di-recommend oleh beberapa website ibu2 yg pemes luar negara (nk tau website ape, google sendiri sbb aku dh bace lame)

malangnya ia sudah out of stock di website. nk gi kedai carik tu mmg la i ni rajin sgt org nye. nk ajak suami semata2 nk beli bnde alah ni, mmg harapan tggl harapan. he wont allow me for sure. msti disuruh nye i nnt utk berpantang je ketat2. kalo beli online, bole beli curik2. xgitu? hehehehe.. tp diorg tau mencurik itu berdosa, so brg ni pon xavailabe. demmmmm lagi skali. knowing my husband, die akan suruh i praktik kan ape yg org2 tua suruh praktik kan. kalo org tua2 kate pantang, maka pantang la. kalo org tua2 kate sapu halia, halia la. sobs..

ohhh... mengomel panjang2 ni lupe plak nk inform yg my pregnancy skrg dah 32weeks. errr... mmg dh layak sgt la kut kan utk dianugerah kan selulit2 manja? tp, kalo nk start applying all these cream2, butter2 ni sempat ke eh? ke dh terlambat?

apart from the "S" problem, i ade satu lagi problem iaitu sakit belakang tatkala sampai ke office. hahahaha.. itu mengada but itu adalah yg benar2 belaka tiada yg lain melainkan yg benar. rasenye sbb my posture la. bile kat office, ade kje ke, xde kje ke, mengadap pc adalah wajip. selama 9 1/2 jam kat office, 90% masa adalah mengadap pc. the problem is, skrg dh xbole duduk rapat2 dgn meja sbb perut dh kedepan. i risau nnt perut i tersepit (masalah sama dihadapi kalau nk basuh tgn/pinggan/muka di sink) org petit la kate kan. 

lepas tu skrg, i mmg dh xbole nk bend/rukuk sgt. kalo i have to get something on the floor, i kne bend kn lutut utk rendah kan pusat graviti. hehehehe.. mungkin sbb perut dh cukup besar utk menyendal so thats why. so mujur semayang time rukuk xlame sgt n kite kne support dgn tgn. kalo x, mmg susah la teman. 

haaa... boleh buat mcm ni?