good morning gorgeous.. *sipping air*
its saturday again! this is my 4th weekend until my very big day.. imagine i hop n hop the weekend, sgt xlama lagi.. so far preparations mmg under control.. thank god i've a lovely family yg sudi menolong even though i kne kerja di office tiap2 hari.. overall, bilik perantin dh 90% ready.. cume tinggal langsir (yg katenye pun dh siap) n touch up skit2 n tambah2 pasu, frames here n there..
so, itu la progress terbaru.. speaking of dissatisfaction, actually i nk share my wedding card experience. seriously, lepas ni serik dh.. rela lagi print jemputan kat kertas a4 n photostate bg kt org.. biar la ape kate mereka janji aku xyah nk deal dgn org yg pelik2 ni..
rase nye semua pun tahu sape vendor kad kahwin i.. kalo xtau pun rasenye senang je kut nk find out.. overall, im happy with my card (thank god) but im not happy with his card (but he dont mind. lucky the vendor) neither with their service. we paid over thousands for the card.. yes satu ribu lebih for a hardcover card which we think is cheap.. mase mule2 ke kedai tu im actually nk buat kad lain yg lebih murah but since we kinda have a lil extra budget n nk kan kepuas hati-an so we chose the different card which actually bigger. kne tambah duit skit je lagi so we guess, y not..
my first impression towards the vendor.. tip top.. they are all very lovely n helpful.. was a bit shock when there was a processing fees charged to us (sbb i mane pnah buat kad kahwin oii) but try to act cool since i rase mayb ini semua normal.. just fyi, the vendor is in kajang n im staying in shah alam. total of times i have to go back n forth from shah alam to kajang = 6
adakah anda rase 6 kali berulang alik from shah alam to kajang utk sesuatu yg xsiap2 itu menyeronokkan? the answer, i leave it to u.. in case u guys nk tau ape jadah nye buat kad kahwin je kne ulang alik sampai 6 kali, ia adalah seperti berikut :
1. order kad - harus dtg for me to see it to believe it.. azam yg decide nk tukar kad.. n since the owner (i guess) bgtau yg for the price, we can get two different colors, so we thought that would be even better n more personalized. so we agreed, 500 in blue which mmg kitorg nk exactly yg mcm sample, xyah tukar2 n pink which i've to choose the color using the color pallete yg mcm pilih cat tu.
2. hantar ribbon - gigih i cari ribbon utk match kan dgn kad.. according to the PIC, for my card yg warna pink tu, just choose any pink color sbb my color code yg i request tu light je.. i called them few times to confirm.. at that time i cume fikir yg i better give them the ribbon cepat sbb lagi cepat i hantar lebih cepat la die siap (patut nye). owh, ade xyg tanye knp vendor tu xcarik je ribbon sendiri? match kan n habis cite? well, according to the PIC, diorg xnk supply ribbon sbb die nk bantu client cut cost.. mane tau client anak tauke ribbon ke bole dpt dgn harga murah.. (die xckp cantu but thats her point la).
3. collect kad - dari sebelum puasa smpai ke habis raya, kad i baru nk siap.. i called few times to follow up but its very sad to hear that the reason for my card xsiap2 adalah sbb diorg nak dulu kan client november.. iskk.. mcm nk nangis kan bile kite dibelakang-kan.. its not that im being inconsiderate but isnt it should be on first come first serve basis? i have my own timeline irregardless la berape lame lagi pun wedding i.. i dtg buat kad awal bukan sbb saje2.. hurm.. done with all the curhat.. now, what happened mase i collect card. sampai sane, i jumpe the owner again. i rase i pegi sane dgn azam n my aunty n my grans mase tu on the mid of october.. excited hokey nk amik kad jemputan sendiri.. tp, alangkah terkejut nye bile bukak envelope besar n tgk kad dlm tu.. bukan mcm yg i nak!!! mine langsung xsweet mcm yg i nak, the color pun totally memanas kan mata, n yg paling klaka bile dlm bundle of 100 tu ade 20 yg warna die cerah, 40 warna die yg garang, that sort of things. whats worse, azam punye yg sepatutnye jadi mcm sample pun xjadi mcm sample! hahaha.. kate nye saje tambah sedikit tone pada background.. sape pulak suruh die tambah tone? sikit pun xtanye kitorg nk tambah tone ke xnak. iskk.. n then, ade ke disalahkan nye pulak ribbon yg i beli tu.. seriously, color kad time tu dgn ribbon sgt2 odd. n she try to put the blame on me? sabar je lah.. i call kut staff die byk2 kali to confirm on the ribbon. dh la color lari, color lari dgn ribbon pun alih2 aku yg kne.. time tu i just let my aunty to do the talking.. my aunty pun bole tahan kalo part2 mengomplen ni.. so, the decision was.. i want the card to be reprint! try to be nice n to makes me feel puas hati, diorg suruh i dtg lg utk tgk sendiri the permilihan color..
4. pilih color - sape xnak yg terbaik nokk.. i rase i dh tolerate byk sgt.. dh la ribbon hantar sendiri. ni color pun nk kne tgk n bagi approval dulu before printing.. pikir ini semua utk wedding sendiri je i pgi jgak.. as mentioned earlier, i chose the color based on the color pallete yg mcm kt kdai cat tu.. since pnah experience beli cat so i ingat same la care die blend color tu utk dpt kan color according to the chosen code. lagipun mmg dh distress kan disitu yg warna di pallete itu adalah mengikut klasifikasi antarabangsa ye. mase i dgr first2 tu, "wahhh.. canggih ni. high class." tapi rupe2 nye, the bangladeshi yg buat card tu yg bancuh color.. campur tu skit, campur ni skit, gaul2.. iskk.. patut la warna lari2.. i tunggu je die blend warna tu smpai jumpe color yg i nk.. mase tu i dh budget, kalo gini la gaya, mmg smpai bebile la xdpt warna mcm code yg i pilih tu. rase cam nk tolong bancuh pun ye. -_-" i bagi diorg smpai end of october utk siap kan kad.. mak azam pun dh request nk kad to be ready by raya haji sbb nk edar kan ke johor.. mase tu kitorg pgi dgn mak n kakak azam.. tah ape owner tu cite dgn mak azam time i dgn azam kt kilang die, last2 mak azam kate azam punye kad ok cume nk tukar inlay letak nama azam sorang.. hurm.. gasak la.. malas jgak nk ngadap org bancuh color tu lame2.. (padahal i tau, the owner purposely jumpe mak azam n convince her that the card is ok supaya die xyah kuar kan cost utk buat kad lagi just tukar inlay which will cost them less)
5. collect kad #2 - one day before raya haji baru la kitorg dpt collect kad. azam dpt all 500 of his cards. i punye cume siap 200 je.. staff bangladeshi die pun time tu buat muke penat bagai konon xtidur utk siap kan kad. tu yg siap 200 je. time tu i mmg dh speechless sgt.. diorg ingat seronok pgi kajang byk2 kali.. asal pegi sakit hati, asal pegi sakit hati.. duit tol, duit minyak, sape nk cover? mase tu mmg i dh pendam dh, im sooo gonna write this in my blog so that org lain bole amik iktibar dari my experience.. i texted the owner ask if she can send the balance of 300 cards to shah alam. im asking in a very appropriate manner i guess. i called the PIC jgak to ask if they can send but nahhh... no reply.. aku kalo call, mmg la kau xkan suke dgr ape yg aku akan cakap..
6. collect card #3 - i collected my card for the very last time. seriously, i mmg xbole nk ckp dh time tu.. im sooo upset with the service. time tu, bangladeshi tu jgak yg atur kan semua.. ikut kan, i xmo bayar the processing fees tu sbb like hello, aku pun punye fees sape nak tanggung? tp malas la nk quarrel dgn bangla tu.. die xsalah.. buat muke penat jgak but too bad, im not feeling anythng. xkesian pun..
so now, i dh xyah nk gi kajang lagi.. tau bat oii taubat!! *mujur satay kajang tu kat shah alam pun dh ade skrg*.
n to be honest jgak, i dijanjikan special gift mase first2 dtg ke kajang.. smpai skrg i simpan bukti. mase hantar ribbon tu ade la i sebut2 tp the PIC kate die xtau menahu.. kne tanye owner laa.. tp lepas dh jadi mcm semua ni, malas la aku nk tanye byk.. diorg pun buat diam je kan.. nah, tgk ni..
klik utk tumbesaran
selain itu, i pun bengkek jgak bile org tu ckp yg kad kitorg ni kategori budget so tu yg envelope pun dpt yg size lebih besar la, quality bla bla bla.. sesuke hati je kan.. mane die tau yg i sebenar nye budget sgt part duit? im avoiding pembaziran. but why cant u just give your best shot xkisah la berapa pun harga kad tu.. adakah die cube men-discriminate? but lantak die la.. die rase by talking much will make her look nice but it just dont make any sense to me..
kalo tgk di fb, ade jugak client yg berpuas hati begitu juga yg xberpuas hati.. so i guess, this is all rezeki.. im sharing my experience so that some of u yg blom buat kad kahwin will be prepared.. my main advise to my followers (yg surprisingly dh cecah 100. baru cecah 100. thank u! thank u!) and readers yg blom tempah kad : pls tempah ur kad awal2.. imagine kalau i xde time, i mungkin akan edar kan wedding kad yg garang walaupun sebenarnye wedding i is suppose to be sweet.